
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 53: Heavy Heart.

"Take this drug and inject it into the fruit you are to deliver to the Quin Zuin's quarters.

You know the target, I don't want any mistakes to be done, everything must be perfect else, you'll repay it with your life"

The maid nodded and carefully carried the basket away.

"Tik, Tok, Tik, Tok", she clicked her tongue.

Just few more hours to go and everything would be in my favour.


Goodness knows where Jaze is now, it's getting late already and I'm hungry.

I pray you are the one at the door.

She walked towards the door to open it, unfortunately it was the usual maids that usually bring fruits to them every end of the week as per Fatilazi's useless order.

Not like he cares if we starve to death.

"My Princess", the maid bowed slightly.

"Anna, I've told you several times I'm no longer your princess", I said and allowed her in.

"My Princess, I'll never stop calling you that, you are the only lady I'll ever see as the true princess in this generation", Anna smiled.

Her words touched my heart.

Anna is human but that's a secret, she was mama's personal maid but now that she's gone...

it's about time I let the pain go with time, but it's not easy.

"My Princess, you look hungry", Anna said and went to the kitchen with the basket with two maids trailing behind her with other baskets that' contains vegetables and all.

"Is it that obvious?", I asked.

"Yes, let me make someone for you to eat", Anna said.

"Okay then", I smiled and left the kitchen.

I'm feeling sleepy but seems like the hunger I'm feeling right now doesn't want me to sleep.

Lately, I've been eating much and sleeping much as well, I can hardly say what I do in a day.

Sometimes when I loose my my appetite Jaze himself would feed me. I'm Eight months and two weeks pregnant, I can't help but worry about so many things.

Firstly, my poor child would be born into this world without a father.

Secondly, I don't know if my child is a male or female. If it's a she, then it would be better, Ward won't claim my child but if it's a he...I don't know what I'm going to do then.

Thirdly, a father is meant to name his child, it's bad luck for the mother to do so, I don't want my child to suffer.

But if Ward's wife is pregnant then I don't expect him to claim my child if it ends up being a male.

"My Princess", Anna called. 'Can I come in?".

"Yes", I replied and she came in.

"My Princess, it's been long since I've seen you but....

"I know right", I replied.

It's now obvious that I'm pregnant, with this pot belly of mine.

"Your mother would not be happy if she were to be alive", Anna said.

"I know Anna, and it makes me sad that I disappointed my parents", I said.

"May I know who the father is?", Anna asked.

I don't know if I should tell her or not but it's save to tell her, she keeps secret well, just like she did with mama but I also need to ensure she doesn't tell anyone.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone", I said seriously and she nodded.

"I promise", she replied.

"Actually...", I compressed my lips to a thin line.

Why am I feeling reluctant.

"If you don't want to tell me, I'm okay with it", Anna said but I shook my head instead.

A part of me wants to tell you but another part doesn't. I have to.

"Ward is the father of my child", I frowned, my eyes suddenly welled up with tears.

She was about screaming but I covered her mouth and shook my head.

"Please",I said.

"Did he rape you?", she asked.

I don't blame her, she witnessed everything that happened to our parent back then, she doesn't expect me to have any kind of relationship with Ward.

"No", I replied finally letting my tears flow quietly.

"Menza, what were you thinking", she said sounding worried this time.

Now my heart feels heavy, Anna only calls me by my name when an heavy scolding is about to come from her.

"I'm sorry", I cried.

"It's okay, I won't scold you this time since you've realized your mistake, don't cry anymore, okay?", she said.

"I'll get your food now, I'm sure the maids are done preparing it", she smiled gently before leaving the room.

Anna isn't wearing the necklace papa gifted her anymore, she can also understand me now and she can also speak our language now. Now I see why she isn't wearing the necklace anymore.

After a few minutes the maids brought in the food they prepared but Anna advice me to take the fruits first.

"You can still prepare my best food the way I like it, now you make me feel like crying again, I can't help but remember those fun times", I smiled holding back my tears.

"It's about time you let go off your pain and let it pass away with time", she smiled and started feeding me like a child.

Now I can't help but cry.

"Princess, you are making me feel bad now", Anna said. "Should I leave?", she asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry, I won't cry again", I wiped my tears. "I can feed myself, stop spoiling me", I complained.

"What of Jaze?", she asked with that worried look on her face again.

"Your rude boy isn't here", I smiled.

"I'll see you later then, I need to leave before the king finds out about me being here, I don't want to get killed", she smiled and hugged me tightly.

"I hope to see you soon", I smiled and disengaged the hug.

She planted a soft kiss on my forehead before she left.

Now I'm alone, I guess it's time to sleep, I can't control it any longer.

I packed the plates to the kitchen, did the dishes and went to sleep.


"My Princess it was susessful", the maid said and a bag containg gold coin was thrown to her.


That confused the young maid, is she to leave the room that they were in or the palace.

"Don't let me change my mind by getting you killed"

Okay, she now understand, she had to leave the palace. without thinking twice she turn and exited the door.
