
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 50: Story Time.

After having a proper dinner they both went to the girls room, the door was unlocked since they were expecting them.

They already changed to their pajamas so no need to worry about getting them ready for bed.

Favour sat beside Mona while Lucina sat beside Nina on each side of the bed.

Their bed room looked rosy and childish, what more should we expect.

"Are you ready?", Favour asked and they nodded.

"Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom ruled by a King, King Jagar and Queen Amelia, they loved each other soooooo much and everyone fancies their relationship even me, King Jagar showers his wife with so much love and luxury, out of their love they gave birth two children but one strange thing that people despite their relationship, Queen Amelia and King Jagar are not from the same world. King Jagar is considered a beast from Amelia's world while Queen Amelia is just a weak and powerless human to king Jagar's people but they didn't care about the silly critics, unfortunately for them King Jagar died when he went to war to save his kingdom from being colonized and enslaved by another kingdom and Queen Amelia also died when she couldn't cope without him, she decided to go to heaven too continue their love story. The end", Favour said.

Nina was already asleep while Mona was still dozing, we tucked them under the blanket and we're about leaving when Mona held Favour's hand.

" What about their children?",Mona asked.

"Story for another day", Favour replied with a smile.

"Thanks for putting my sister to sleep", Mona managed to say before sleep completely overwhelmed her.

"Awn, she's sweet", Favour said and I nodded.

I have to admit it, she's sweet if she wants to be but her rudeness overpowers her.

"Let's go", I said.

In getting to their room Timaya was already asleep.

"You said something about school anniversary when you where talking to Mona earlier in the morning", I said and she nodded excitedly.

"Mrs Rita Norene made my day today when she said her daughter would be deprived from all school activity, oh, I'll have a peaceful day that day", She smiled brightly.

"When is it coming up?", I asked.

"Next week Monday", she replied sharply.

"You really seem excited", I smiled.

"Are you coming?, please please please, attend this year's anniversary, this is our last though", she insisted.

"I don't like parties", I shook my head in disagreement.

"I know fully well that you don't, it's way too obvious", she frowned.

"If you know then why are you stressing me", I stared at her.

"Just giving it a try of I can manage to persuade you to come", she shrugged.

"I'm not interested, I hate noisy, crowded places where all eyes would be on me, you of all people should know that I'm scared of facing the public even if all of them are my friends".

"In short you are suffering from social anxiety disorder", Favour teased and I shot her a hard glare.

"Point of correction I'm not suffering from any stupid disorder, I just hate people staring at me like I'm gold", I said angrily.

"Ah.....Gold, people like gold", she teased.

"And I'm not gold", I replied.

"All heads of Crystal Groups are having a meeting tomorrow", Favour said.

"I know", I frowned and sat on the couch lazily.

"What's up with the sudden lazy attitude, aren't you excited to watch how tomorrow argument would go?", she asked.

"That's it, the unending argument, to be sincere with you, our last meeting almost made me go deaf", I frowned and all she could do was laugh.

"Seriously?, anyways I won't blame you, if you had lousy siblings around you, you wouldn't be complaining", she laughed.

True fact. Most siblings are highly lousy.

"Meeting arguments are unavoidable most especially when you have people like Tomato there", I smiled.

Sophia, A white skinned annoying creature with dyed red hair and brown eyes and the most annoying troublemaker in this entire continent, she finds great joy in violence and she make sure she adds more oil to the fire, Infact she's the oil. She turns little cases to great ones, to be precise, she turns a molehill to a mountain.

Wonder why we call her tomato. Once she's excited or up to no good again her face turns super red. Red as a tomato.

"Actually, she called the meeting", Favour said.

"That's the most annoying part of the whole case", I said frustratedly.

"Do you even know what the case is all about?", she asked.

"That's what we want to find out tomorrow", I said.

Groups?, yeah, we have 17groups in our department, each group has five captain and minimum of 35 student under it. As long as I know, Sophia is the leader of the ninth group, the Night Beauty group, mostly girls.

Bla!, Night beauty, their beauty surely shines in the night because most people finds it hard to see the so called beauty in the day only few ladies are pretty amongst them. Night beauty indeed.

"I'm sure it's something stupid, she's actually feeling sick the way we are all having peace this few days, that's why", Favour said.

"Mrs Giselle called me earlier today", I said in a low-key voice.

"What did you do this time", she frowned.

"Why do you always assume I did something wrong anytime I say she called me?", I asked.

"You are not in her good list, that I know, she'll never call you for someone good", she replied.

"I understand, after all she's princess's mother", I adjusted my self on the seat.

"What did she say this time?", Favour asked eagerly.

"She told me she wants to see both of us tomorrow exactly 8:17:02am, not a second early, not a second late", I laughed.

"That lady is way to hard on us, which one is 8:17:02 again, she is probably getting her revenge on us", she said.

"What revenge?", I asked.

"She believes we are the one that ruined her daughter's relationship with the Norene Family, most especially you", she said.

"All thanks to Janette, everyone thinks I'm response for their godforsaken breakup, like I care", I hissed.

"I got involved with her while you were away", Favour said playing with her cat's fur.

"I'm sure you treated her the way she deserved", I said proudly and she nodded with a smile.

"In short her reason for meeting me that day was about Richard and Zain being sworn enemies all because of you, they were once friends", Favour said.

"I didn't even meet these annoying people today, Janette, Zain, Sophia, Vivien, Tracy....They are just too many".

"You have soooooo many enemies", she said. "That's a good thing".

Good thing you say?, when your enemies are much more than your friends you'll always have a difficult time, they'll always be out there planning your downfall.

"I don't feel like going anywhere tomorrow", I said lazily.

"Seems like the mention of the meeting we are having tomorrow sucked out your energy", She said.

"I want to see your grandfather tomorrow after school", I said.

"Too bad, he's out of the country for now, he'll be returning a day after tomorrow", she said. "But your hand seems fine now..... though it's red already", she said worriedly.

"My greatest fear is if I end up slapping Mrs Giselle tomorrow or someone at the meeting.