
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 19:Our Leader is a Loser.

.... "Here we are", he finally said and opened a door.

"Wow!", she exclaimed.

"You love it?", he asked.

"Yes, but ... times up, I need to go back now, we still have a lot to do", she gave him a sad smile.

"Okay then", he said.

"Lead the way back", she smiled.


"The fact that I trust you kind of sound mysterious, I hope you aren't working a spell on me", she chuckled and he frowned.

"So, when should I be expecting to see you next?", he asked.

"I don't know, I can't help but imagine that this is going to be the last time we'll be seeing each other", she frowned.

"Even if this is going to be the last time we'll be seeing each other, then let me speak my mind", he said.

"Go on", she bit her lower lip to control her laughter, then covered it up with. smile.

"Lucina, the first time I met you, I never thought we'll end up being this close but the truth is you've helped me in so many ways you might not have realize....I've never made friends, but you are the first, without you I know I'll still be angry with my sister for what she did, also, no one has ever sympathized with me the way you did when you heard about the story behind the death of my parent that's why I want to tell you my true identity,...The thing is", he closed his eyes tight.

"Forget about it, no matter who you are , I still trust you, as a matter of fact, I'll soon leave so I don't want to know who or what you are so I won't have a bad memory of you, because the way you are behaving, it doesn't look like you want to say something good", she said.

"And I'll I've to bear the pain in my heart for the rest of my life about who I really am", he said.

"I guess so", she said.

"Life has installed many things for people, their identity doesn't really matter its about who they really are", He said.

"Why are you saying this?", She asked.

"In case if you find out one day, I hope you get over it soon and I hope things will still be the same thing between us", he said.

"Now you are scaring me", she said.

"We are not really different from each other and I'm glad I've found you", he said.

"I don't understand", she stopped and stared at him for a long time before she asked."Are you dying?" she asked worriedly as her brow furrowed in confusion.

"No I'm not", he chuckled and they continued walking towards the border of the forest.


"Thank God you are back Lucy, this stones are so beautiful, oh my", Mary said excitedly holding one of them.

"They are like ice, too cold, like way too cold, I can't hold them for a long time", She added dropping it back in the box.

"Its really beautiful, I doubt we'll give Miss Anjana all of this", Lucina said.

"Before you said it, we are not going to give those greedy and heartless people that do not even love our lives all of this beautiful crystal, if you are feeling me please signify", Joy said and they all signify except from dane."Boring", she hissed at him.

"They are only getting two crystals here", Juliet said.

"How many are in there?", Lucina asked pointing at the box.

"Twelve", she replied.

"TWELVE!...guys..wait we are seven, if we share it, it will still remain three", she said, I hope there won't be disagreement.

"We'll take that", Dave said.

"Who?..What?", Joy asked.

But this isn't a question, the battle has begun.

"WHO?, We, WHAT?, the three crystals left", Dave and Wisdom said in unison.

"You guys are kidding me, aren't you?",Lucina said.

"STOP!, we've been together in peace since we started this project, now is not the time to fight at least not over this", Juliet said. "We'll add this to the crystals we'll give Miss Anjana".

"End of discussion",Wisdom finalized.

"We risked our lives, the men ought...

"Go tell your story to the fishes", Dane cut off.


"Three month is almost over and you are still thinking twice, we haven't done anything Miss princess", Maya complained.

"Excuse me Maya, if you don't care about your physical out look, I do, Aleo sea... Who cares, I'd better fail than get my facial look ruined", She snapped back.

"We are not interested in failing, Miss looser, Rita smirked.

"Our mistake, we didn't realize this earlier, our Leader is a loser, Miss Anjana trusted the wrong person", Maya said.

"Prove to me that you are worthy to be a researcher', I remember those words clearly", Rita said trowing her a mocking smile.

"And there is our smartest assistant, doing notting more but sitting and smiling while operating his worthless phone, like we don't have phones as well, can you imagine!", Amaya sneered

"Can I ask you guys a question?", Drake asked. Getting no reply he continued. "Are you all willing to die because of a silly project?", he asked calmly.

"Of course not", Goodness supported him. Of course yes he would, it his a must, since he acts more like Drake's puppet.

"Uhn... What are you trying to say here, I don't I understand", Jane asked frustratedly.

Ever since they got here, its been problem upon problem, arguments here and there, trowing tantrums and complaining everyday about the project they haven't even attempt.

What can they say, "out project is the worse project ever?", "Our project is the most deadliest project amongst the three groups?".

"Actually, the thing is that we've all wasted our time accepting this project, we were all given two options, a brief lecture for two months and an exam afterward or this fucking project", he said. "Well, what I'm trying to say is that no one here is willing to die now and also the school doesn't have any information about this Aleo sort of a thing, all they know is that it is an extremely poisonous sea, so..why not just look for a rare stuff and fix it in like it is a part of it, that's all, we are done with this project", he said.