
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 18:Prove it.

"So that makes you sad, how about you find out that someone is caring my child all this whole time and I didn't utter a word about it, how will you feel?, he asked."sad?, angry?"

"I won't feel sad or angry, we are just friends its not compulsory you tell me everything", she said.

"What if I'm your husband?", he asked.

"Okay, that's a tough one", she chuckled.

"I'll be angry, sad, hurt and most of all I'll feel betrayed, I might even leave", she said.

"Will you still trust me as much as you used to do if we were to get back together?", he asked.

"Arrr...I don't know, maybe no", she replied.

"So, I'll have to gain your trust back, right?", he asked.

"Yes, you'll have to win me over", she said.

"she'll also have to gain my trust back", he said.

"But Jaze, this is different", she said trying to defend her.

"Defending someone who doesn't deserve to be defended", he smirked.

"She needs all your love now not half of it, don't be greedy", she yelled.

"Don't strain your voice over something that's not worth it", he said.

"She was In love, but she fell for the wrong man, that's not her fault, assuming she knew he had been lying to her she wouldn't have gone to this extent", she said calmly.

"Loving someone or being blinded by love doesn't mean she should sacrifice her virginity before marriage", he replied calmly.

"Let's close the topic here, I don't want us to fight over this", she said sounding defeated and stood up from the chair.

"Are you hungry?", he asked.

"Not anymore, your harsh words have filled me up", she replied.

"Sorry about that", he said.

"Apology not accepted, prove to me you are worthy to be forgiven", she said.

"I won't bother trying course I know where you are going", he said. "Do you want something to drink", he asked.

"No thanks", she said and sat down back.

"Okay then, let's go to the garden", he said.

"Your present life looks like our old time, kings, princess, I only read this in stories", she smiled. "Your entire life is a book".

"Give it a title", he said as they headed towards the garden.

"The unforgiving brother' or 'Blinded by love' or 'All in the mysterious forest'", she said.

"I'll choose the third one", he said.

"And I'll choose the first one, 'The unforgiving brother'", she said.

"I've never tasted your food before", he said.

"Meaning?", she asked knowing fully well what he is trying to say.

"Why not let's go to the green house to get some vegetables", he said and they changed direction.

"Do you come here everyday?", she asked.

"No, I only come by once in a week or two", he replied.

"I bet the vegetables would have wither off", she said and sent him a hard glare.

"What's up with the look?", he asked.

"Did you by any chance promise your parent you'll take care of this place?", she asked.

"No, I didn't", he replied.

"Hey", she called again his attention. "Do you wish to taste my food?" she asked.

"Yes, I do", he replied.

"On one condition, promise me you'll bring your sister here the next time you come here", she said.

"Fine then, I'm sure I would have forgiven her by then, I don't hold grudges for too long?, he said.

"Meaning?", she asked.

"I'm not planning on coming here again", coming here opens my deep wounds", he said.

"Yes....Jaze", she called slowly.


"Do you know you are also betraying your sister by keeping this building from her reach", she said.

"Not again", he said.

"Fine then, I won't say anything on this matter again since my words don't matter to you", she said .

"Now you sound exactly like my mother blackmailing my father", he said.

"This is my mom's most favorite poem, ' I won't say anything on this matter again baby girl, since my words don't matter to you', BABY GIRL' most annoying word ever for an adult like me", she said.

"Do I have any attribute like your father?", he said

"Not at all, he has a forgiving heart but you don't, and as long as you lack that you will never have any attribute like my father", she said.


"Well... do you have a wife?" she asked

"No", he replied.

"A fiancee?", she asked.

"No", he replied.

"A lover", she asked.

"No", he replied.

"That sounds lonely", she said.

"How about you?", he asked.

"Non, just as lonely as ever", she said.

"What about the tall slender guy in your group?", he asked.

"Wisdom?", she asked to get confirmation.

"Yes", he replied.

"What about him?", she asked.

"I sense he has feelings for you, strong feelings, that guys heart is going to explode soon if he doesn't pour his heart out'", Jaze said.

"We are notting more but friends", she said.

"Stop deceiving yourself", he said.

"I'm serious", she replied. "We are just friends".

"If you say so", he said.

"This house looks bigger than the entire forest, I'm tired of walking", she said.

"Don't be, we are almost there", he said.

"I hope so... anyways, tell me more about you", she stopped and looked at him.

"What more do you want to know?", he asked.

"Well then tell me more about your father and mother's love story", she said.

"Why?", he asked.

"Forget about it then", she frowned."Are we almost there?", she asked.

"Kind of, are you thirsty?", he asked.

"If you were to be a stranger I'll have thought there's something in the water, this is your second time asking me", she smiled.

"Here we are", he finally said and opened a door.

"Wow", she exclaimed.

"You love it?", he asked.

"Yes, but ... times up, I need to go back now, we still have a lot to do", she gave a sad smile.

"Okay then", he said.

"Lead the way back", she smiled.

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