
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 20:Thinker Bell.

"Well, what I'm trying to say is that no one here is willing to die now and also the school doesn't have any information about this Aleo sort of a thing, all they know is that it is an extremely poisonous sea, so,..why not just look for a rare stuff and fix it in like it is a part of it, that's all, we are done with this project", he said.

"How irresponsible", Amaya disagreed.

"What a great idea, I'm in", princess smiled.

"Of course we know you are in, this is just a total waste of time", Jane said angrily.

"Awesome idea Drake, I'm in", Goodness said discarding Jane's words.

"I think I'm in", Rita smiled.

"We don't need thinkers here, Thinker bell", Princess said.

"Enough of this nonsense guys, this is all rubbish, are guys crazy, as in...my God, this is actually an awesome plan, who wants to die anyway" Amaya smiled.

"Do it your way, as for me, I'm not in", Jane said angrily and walked out of the room.

"We know that already plain Jane, we don't need you, alright", Princess said rudely.

"So what's the plan all about?, what's the rare stuff?", Maya asked.


"What can I do, Jaze you are making me go insane and that little wretched witch, I'll teach her a life time lesson and I'm sure she'll never forget about it.

Menza...Yes, that's it, there are now two Menza in Jaze story but Lucian still sees them as one, she as only been introduced to the fake Menza which is me, WATCH ME PLAY MY GAME Jaze, things are going to change from now on, I'll make sure I strike you two apart, sometimes you make me wonder what you see in that crocodile".


"Gosh, I'm so hungry," She said talking indirectly to Jaze.

"If you want some just tell me", he said and smiled mischievously.

"No I don't want those, I feel like taking something unripe", she said.

"Like?", he asked.

"Like mango, unripe mango", she replied.

"Why not Papaya?, its your best fruit after all", he said and looked up at her for the first time since he entered the room, which was about an hour ago.

"My mind skipped that, but I think I'll prefer it to mango", she said excitedly.

"Too bad for you, women don't consume papaya when they are pregnant, I expected you to know that already", he said.

"Its not like I'm attending pregnancy classes", she replied sharply.

"You ought to have done so", he said.

"its not to late to enroll me for one, that will be best for both of us", she replied.

"Best for you only", he corrected and am awkward silence followed.

Peacefully, he continued eating the sliced apples, biting and chewing it slowly just to provoke her hunger.

What have I done to deserve this?, I miss you Jaze, I don't like this sudden change of attitude you have towards me.

"Jaze", she called sweetly but he didn't reply her."I know you are listening", she said and paused. "I miss you", she said and her eyes suddenly well up with tears.

"But I'm right here", he replied without even glancing at her.

"I know, I'm sorry", she said and the tears came running down like water fall.

"Don't bring it up again, I'm not In the mood", he said.

"Please hear me out", she cried.

" Not in the mood girl", he said and attempted to stand up when she stood up and stopped him from leaving.

"Wait Jaze, please, I'm sorry", she cried.

"You said you were hungry, right?, I'll go and get you something to eat", he said and released her hand from his arm.

"Gosh, why are you acting so difficult now, I'm getting stressed out already", she said wiping her tears away. "I'm sure if mama and papa where to be alive, they would have forgiven me".

"If they were to be alive, you wouldn't have gone this far", he said and left the room which made more tears roll down her pretty face.


"I guess we don't have any other things to do", Mary said.

"Except writing the report and some other stuffs", Juliet replied.

"Well that's your job, Miss Leader", Joy teased her.

"I'm not your leader, Wisdom is", she replied.

"Well, you are his assistant", Lucina said.

"Assistant my foot", she hissed."Its more like a stupid job on my side".

"Stupid Jooob", Mary elongated.

"Princess is always online, I doubt she is doing anything over there".

"There are somethings you don't need to doubt but surely know, of cause, does she look like anyone who is interested in this project, most of us are just here because of the word 'Extra year'", Juliet said.

"Extra year that some people will end up getting at the end of the project", Joy said and laughed loudly.

"People like?", Mary asked.

"Princess", Lucina chuckled."I just hate that snobbish creature".

"Like you knew what was in my mind", Joy said.


Jaze walked into the room quietly with a basket full of unripe but matured and safe fruits. He sat on the mat and brought out a knife, tray and a bowl full of water.

After peeling of the peels of the fruits he sliced it and arranged it on the tray.

While doing all this, she just sat, staring at him but it was clear that she was lost in her thought.

"Hey", he called calmly gaining her attention back. " Everything is set", he said and stood up about to leave the room.

"Jaze....Listen to me, I know there is notting to explain, there is no justification for my action and I know that but I'm sorry, I never knew it would all turn out to be like this", she said.

"I'm hundred percent sure that even if you were aware of the consequences you'd have probably Ignored it cause you are way too gullible...Ward is our cousin, the son of the same man who murdered our parent, the son of the man who didn't care about all the love his brother showered on him before he betrayed him, the son of the man who doesn't want to work but gain benefits, don't you get it, you should have known there is no difference between the father and the son". Jaze said angrily.

"I'm sorry", she apologized as tears began to roll down her smooth cheeks.

"Its okay, I'm not angry with you anymore", he said calmly.

"I know you are...okay, what can I do to make it up to you, I'm tired of all this, I'm dying from the inside just to get you back, I want to gain your trust and love back, please", she cried more bitterly this time.

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