
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 4:Smarter than they thought.

Today is going to be the best day of my life, no doubt about that.

I wore my pink baggy top and a white crazy jean with a pink sneakers and white face cap, I'm all dressed in pink.

My lips seems a little bit dry, but don't worry I have your food here.

I applied a little lip gloss to my lips, brushed my hair, my eyelashes and eyebrows, then wore my face cap back.

"How do l look sis"...."oh thank you,I know I look so beautiful".

8:30 on dot, "I'm ready all I have to do is eat and get going before my parent change their mind and break the pieces they broke into more pieces", I said to my self and smiled brightly at my twin sister.

Don't be shocked, I'm the only child of my parent, my twin sister is my mirror, she looks like me, so we are Identical twins, she brightens my mood when I'm sad of being the only child and whenever I'm bored.

" I can see you are very eager to go on this trip, you've never woken up this early before, not to talk of you getting ready at this time", My mom said.

"yeah mom, I'm hungry where's my food", I asked seeing that the dining table is empty.

"you didn't tell me you'll be waking up this early, I would have prepared breakfast for you", My mom said sarcastically.

"Mom, but I told you that today is the D- day", I said calmly.

"And you think I'll not prepare something delicious for my sweet daughter when she is about to make my dream come true", she said.

"Thanks so much mom", I said."I thought this was one plan of yours to delay me from going", I said.

"Forget about that and eat up quick so you won't be late", she said.


" I'm done eating", I said, and carried my luggage and took my purse. "Mom, dad, bye, I have to leave now" ,I said and they both gave me a peck on my forehead as a good luck sign.

"thanks", I said.

"Honey, take this mini bible along with you, make sure you take it with you anywhere you go, I don't know if the group you'll be placed in would be good,

but In case if you end up being chosen to do your research in the Mysterious Forest,make sure this Bible is always with you, after all its a mini Bible", my mom said.

I know they are worried about me but I'm sick and tired of their overprotective nature, maybe they don't know but most of the time it seems like they are emotionally torturing me.

"Sure mom, love you guys, bye", I said waving my hands and sending kisses through the air.

" See you guys after three months", I said after my driver started the car.

"What!!!, you said two weeks, hey stop the car", my parent yelled from behind.

" Keep driving if you don't want to loose your job", I threatened.


"Hey guys, I thought you'll be late, guess I was wrong", I said.

"very, very, wrong",Mary said.

"Even if I wanted to, my conscience wouldn't let me, cause I was so excited for today that I was unable to sleep all night", Joy said

"Uhm, uhm", I cleared my troat , "is that the reason or you were chatting with your fiance all night", I teased.

"Lucy, stop it, Infact, you are two minutes late and it seems you two are forgetting that", she said facing Juliet and Mary who were completely engrossed with their phones.

"Or you mean every one is excited, why not let's start moving, we have to get there before other students arrive there, thank God you know Miss Anjana well...only God knows what punishment we'll receive if we get there late, I said.

"Yep, let's get going", Juliet said.

"Wait,I need to make a phone call,I promised to call him when we're about to take off", Joy said shyly and gave a wide blush.

" I'm jealous", I said."I'm meant to be jealous anyways, I'm twenty already,just few more months and I'm out of the university,well it's impossible to have one with my problematic parent around me".

"I can't help but think", Mary said.

"About what", Juliet asked.

"What if we don't end up being in the same group",Mary said.

"Don't bother yourself thinking about that", I said.

"Only God knows when she'll be done with that phone call of hers", Juliet said.

"I heard some students saying those places are very dangerous and scary", Mary said.

"I'm done let's go", Joy said and entered the car.

"I'll drive", Juliet said and Joy handed the key over to her.


"Brother", Menza called , regaining consciousness after more than eight hours.

"Menza,thank goodness you've woken up, I've been worried sick about you", Jaze said.

" Jaze, I need to tell you something and this is very important, so please listen,don't cut me off, Liza"....cuts in

"There you again, what again, what about Liza, instead of you to rest you are mentioning Liza's name",Jaze scolded.

"look here, she isn't the person she is posing to be, deep down inside her, she's planing something extremely evil", Menza said and gently sat on the mat.

"That's normal", he said having no idea of what she's talking about.

"It would have been normal if it is between the Avalins or the humans, but its between us, I mean the two of us", Menza said.

" maybe you misunderstood her, maybe what she said isn't what you are seeing things as, you know you exaggerate things a lot, what would she gain from separating us", Jaze said.

"She'll gain many things, Infact she doesn't even think twice before causing people around her harm, so it won't be a big deal if she separate us, or maybe she wants the rock mom gave us", Menza said.

"Nobody knows about that", Jaze said