
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 3:Bossy when she.....

Menza! something's wrong",Jaze said ,sensing she's in danger,he left his work and ran to her room but she wasn't there, "there's only one place she could be and that's princess Liza's room", I thought and ran towards her room only to meet my sister becoming weak as princess Liza sucks out her energy. I ran toward my sister to catch her as she was about to fall.

"Oh my,you are here,we were....w..we...were just.."she stammered, we were just testing our elemental powers to know how strong it is", Liza said.

"And I'm sure you know that non royalties powers seize when they are in the presence of royalties,worse still,Menza has a weak elemental power so how will she be able to defend herself and you of all people should know that its dangerous", I said angrily.

"But you are also royalty why does your powers also seize", Liza asked acting like she really doesn't understand.

"Feel free to ask your father, after all you are his precious daughter he will give you an accurate answer", Jaze said calmly.

"Jaze, I need to tell ...you... something, she...she is ... "

"Hush now, you're weak,come with me, we can talk later, right now you need to rest ", Jaze said and left Liza's room.

"So caring and dashing he is, just let me imagine how life would be so easy if we are together, but that foolish girl wants to prove to be an obstruction In my way, I must get rid of her as soon as possible before she tells him I'm using black magic and causes other problems for me", Liza said


"Guys, I think we've shopped enough for now, I'm feeling completely zonked and I needs to rest", Mary said.

"You are so lazy Mary,we've just gotten here and here you are acting this way, well I'm not surprised since you've always been this way, it's not like its something new,lazy babe", Joy mocked.

"I'll stay here, I'll wait for you guys, just make sure you are fast with whatever you are doing, I'm not used to walking around", Mary said

Mary is a type of girl that doesn't like stressing herself, she has always been this way even since childhood, so lazy, not wanting to do anything meaningful, she doesn't even go shopping frequently except sometimes that sometimes has sometimes In it, she's an extremely strange girl but cute and mischievous, always up to no good.

Juliet is this kind of girl that always have mood swings, she's nice but somehow aggressive , she is very talented and also pays attention to social media a lot, always online doing something unreasonable.

Joy the most understanding,calm and an easy going lady, doesn't take sides and does her possible best to stay far away from trouble, she talks a lot most especially when its about this fiance of hers.

And here is me,an extremely beautiful lady, courageous, and smart , I don't need people comments before I know who I am, I pay attention to no one but myself, apart from my family I only Care about three more people, me, myself and I.

"Fine then sit here we will get going now", Juliet said and we continued shopping without her.


"How about this dress ma'am", young lady showed us.

'no', I replied

"how about this ma'am", she asked again.

"no", I replied

"this", she asked again

'ugly', I replied

And this went on and on and on for about 15minutes and I can't take this anymore.

"check this out ma'am", she said and this one actually got on my nerves.

"oh my gosh, this, that, check this out, I'm tired of it already , don't you have taste at all, I don't want all this wishy washy dresses, I want bright colored dresses, not all this ugly stuffs you are showing me, only God knows where you got your fashion sense from", I yelled out of frustration.

"well, this are all what I want, I'll drop my address so you can deliver it to me", Joy said.

"same goes here", Juliet said.

'like seriously you are both ready, guess I'll have to order it online in order not to waste time", I said.

"Then let's get our ass moving, that lazy babe is still sitting in the shoe collection, let's go and get her", Juliet said.

"...I'm off guys, I still need to go somewhere very important , see you tomorrow, 8:00 on dot, any rule breaker will be left behind or punished , you know our rules so remind that lazy bone over there", Joy said and left.

"she only gets bossy when she"..., Juliet said and trailed off

"goes to see her...

"cut it, they are already engaged, she sent you an invitation but you didn't attend her engagement ceremony, so I don't blame you if you don't have any memories of it", Mary sneered.

'There you go again Mary, you could have at least let me sing it finish first' , Lucina said and left.


''I'm home," I said just to create awareness ,who knows if they are recording my movements, turning to my left I saw my mom looking worried

"Mom what's wrong", I asked.

"I'm missing you already, that's all', she replied.

'anything else", I asked

'no , nothing else", she replied.

'Don't miss me , its not like I'm going on a suicide mission" , I said.

'I know," she replied.

"it was your dream for me to become a researcher like you not my dreams, you and dad never gave me any chance to make my life decisions , you just send a large amount of money into my account and i don't see the use of it, don't leave this house, don't swim,don't eat this kind of food this are the kind of foods you should eat, you treat me more like a prisoner, sometimes you make me feel like I'm not your child, you might see it like you are giving me comfort and making me live a life of luxury but I hate it,just take a look at this mansion surrounded by this large land, I can walk around it blindfolded so if you think you'll stop me from leaving with this face of yours then don't bother stressing yourself cause it won't work", I said with a sad tone and left .

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