
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 5:its a warning.

She doesn't even love Raze anymore, she is a great pretender, an hypocrite, she only changes this cunning behavior of hers when she is around you or her father", she said angrily, "she is in Infact In love ....cuts in.

"Enough now, I know you hate her a lot course you believe since her father is responsible for our parents death she also had a role she played in it, we were all little then when this all happened and I've told you this a thousand time", He said angrily,

"that's not what I'm trying to say over here, you are taking this in another dimension", Menza said, "This person you are defending over here Is using...

"Sorry to barge into your room like this, but I was so worried about Menza that I couldn't get my mind off the fact that i actually hurt my friend, so I came here to visit her since it was I who placed her In the condition she is right now", princess Liza said.

"Princess Liza", I showed her a sign of respect," You can stay here with her, I'll take my leave now, I'll have to go back to work now that she is awake I've been waiting for her to wake up, and I also know you never had any intention of hurting her so don't feel guilty about her condition", Jaze said.

Princess!, how annoying, Menza thought.

"No, don't go, stay here with me, you've seen me and I'm fine perfectly fine, so you can take your leave now", Menza said and held his hand so tight to the extent that he was unable to release it.

How does this girl manages to use her power in the presence of royalty, he thought.

looking at his hand, she noticed Menza didn't want jaze to leave the room.

"Seems like she doesn't wants you to go anywhere, maybe I should just take my leave then", Liza said.

' No,wait, you came to see her so I think it would be wrong if you leave without you doing that, I'll leave now", he said and forcefully released his hand from her grip and left the room.

"Menza, my dear friend, are you still angry with me? Fine I know I wronged you but you were the one that provoked me to that extent, it was not intentional", Liza said, after waiting for a while without receiving a reply she continued."I said I'm sorry", she said out loud that the walls echoed it back.

"Get away from me, you this betrayal", Menza said angrily.

"Betrayal is all in our blood, so don't lecture me on that, behaving like you haven't done any wrong deed in the past

before', Liza said angrily.

"That's all the past, we are talking about the present", Menza said.

"The past will always affect the future Menza and also bear one thing in mind, the day you tell your brother what I did, is the day I will expose your secret, so watch your steps, that's my main reason for coming here",she said.

"Are you threatening me, Menza asked.

no, it's a warning, and I don't care if you see it as threat", Liza said and and left the the room.

My secret !!!, if jaze should know about this he won't forgive me, it may ruin our relationship, how can I tell him, or maybe Ward should try and tell him, but ..... what have I gotten myself into now, I know he will never forgive me if he should know about this, Menza why, I've gone too far this time, mother, where are you, I need your help, Menza thought.


"After this long and chatty journey, we've finally arrived at our destination, I need to rest", I said

"We still have to wait for others to arrive, and also we don't even know which room she is going to put us in",Juliet said.

"I doubt this is the place, I think this is were she chose to split us into our group", Mary said.


"Get your bags down and assemble at the field immediately, Mrs Anjana said.

Mrs Anjana is a very strict tutor, less concerned with anyone's problem or condition, this time around she as been chosen as the tutor to guide us during this research,why us, going to dangerous places to find things that we doubt even exist would be more difficult with her a around us.


"Our main reason for gathering over here is to split you guys into groups", I've got my list here, you guys will be splitted into groups since only twenty one out of One hundred and eighteen students choose to go for the research instead of getting an extra year, seven each per group, we have group A, group B and group C, here goes my precious list", she said dusting the paper.

"Group A, Felicia, Zain, Cubicle, Anna, Geria and Peace,Zain will be your leader and Felicia will assist him".

"Group B, Wisdom, Juliet, Joy, Mary, Lucina, David and Dane.Wisdom will be your leader while Juliet assist him'.

"Group C,Princess, Amaya, Goodness, Drake, Jane,Rita and Maya,Princess will be your leader while Drake will assist her".

"As per where you'll be visiting, Group A will be visiting the Cold Eastern Mountain, your outfits would be giving to you later and all other materials you'll need.Group B would be visiting the Great Mysterious Forest and Group C would be visiting the Also sea" ,she said.

Wow, I didn't even here her son's name, so she prefers letting her son get an extra year than for him going on this suicide mission , what a tutor, I thought.

"So we are done for now, any questions?", she asked.

"Yes ",we all chorused in unison.

"Only your leaders are permitted to ask questions and complain, please I don't want stupid questions or complaints",She said.

Gosh,this woman is a maverick,I Just hate you, how would I be able to express my thoughts now, I don't want to go to a place were demons are said to dwell in,I grumbled.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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