
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 56: I'll Do The Explanation.

"Jaze", I heard Menza's weak voice.

I immidiately left what I was doing and went to her side. thank goodness she's awake now.

"Is my baby okay?", she asked worriedly and I nodded. I could see the relive on her face right now.

Even though everywhere is dark I can still see in the dark and there's also a faint glow of the moon reflecting into the room since the windows are open.

"You look worried", she said adjusting herself to a sitting position.

"I'm okay now, are you feeling alright now?", I asked and she nodded.

"I'm hungry", she said with a weak voice.

"I knew you would be once you wake up so I've prepared something's for you to eat", she smiled brightly at that.

"Thanks", she said closing her eyes slowly.

"You are still feeling sleepy?", I asked.

"Yes, but I'm hungry", she frowned.

"The only jobs you don't fail to perform these days are to eat and sleep", I smiled before I stood up.

"Not like it's my fault" I shook my head at that reply.

Guess that's how pregnant women are, "You've been giving me a hard time lately with your choice of food and what you find comfort in".

"Hurry, I'm dying of hunger", she yelled.

I left earlier without uttering a word to her, now I feel guilty for leaving her all alone.

After Menza was done with her food and was now resting, He left and went back to the forest.


[Lucina and Jaze's Pov]

"Goodnight", he smiled.

Now that I'm slightly awake I could see him properly.

"You!", I hissed angrily, almost like I wanted to devour him.

I don't have enough strength right now, I'm hungry and sleepy at the same time, I'll deal with you tomorrow.

"Sorry", he apologized.

I ignored him and went my way.

Wait... that's my group's apartment over there, I can see it right from here, it's not that far anymo..how did I get here so fast?.

I turned back to check if he was still there and of course he was.

Sometimes you make me wonder why you can't cross that line Jaze.


The next day, she didn't bother wasting time, she had someone she needed to confront and vent all of her anger and faustration on.

Last night didn't end well for her, she wasn't even able to sleep properly.

Firstly, her friends gave her a earful for coming back that late.

Secondly, her drowsiness had almost disappeared due to their und

ending scolding, so she didn't have a lot of courage to confess since she wasn't feeling sleepy again but she had to.

"Guys, I ruined our project, it's not Princess nor Mona, I did and it was an accident", I said feeling horrible. Confessing my sins didn't need much story.

"And we're the rocks?", Juliet asked, she was extremely angry.

That was the question that I wanted to ignore so I lied saying I didn't know.

What more should I have said, I've sold it or it's in my body?.

And here I am, right here in front of the most annoying creature that almost made me had a heart attack from those creatures that were humming me a sweet lullaby.

"I'm sorry", he apologized.

So he knows what he did wrong.

"Care to explain your action?", I asked angrily and he nodded calmly.

"I was with my sister, you know she's pregnant and she fell into a false labour"

"Pregnant my foot Jaze, how many sisters do you have?", I asked

"One", he replied.

"Then explain to me how they suddenly became two, I was with one and you were with one, this sister you are talking about came to meet me right here yesterday", I said angrily.

"I can explain, Menza and Liza a...

"Safe your stress Jaze, I think I have a better explanation of what is going on", Liza interrupted.

Everywhere was silent for a while.

"Jaze who are they?", I asked now calming down a little. I don't sense peace at all, I sense violence.

"The Royals", he replied angrily.

The two Princes of Domini Kingdom where right on top of their white horses with harmed knights trailing behind them. Luckily Fatilazi's isn't with them.

"Menza?", I called confusingly.

"For your information I'm not Menza, I'm Liza, the Princess of Domini Kingdom", She said with so much pride in her voice.

This lady wants to confuse me uh, why's she suddenly making Menza and Liza sound like two different people.

" Let me explain further, you look so confused. I'll use a simple explanation so you can get it straight in your head. We are not humans like you", she smiled.

Not humans?

"Liza"Jaze called menacingly.

"Get him", Ward ordered the knights, they looked hesitant for a while. " Move, he won't harm you", he assured them and they moved.

'Still confused?", Liza asked with a brief laugh. "We have wings, horns....that should give you a hint, you don't look dump Lucina"


I remember mom said something about demons dwe...wait. Demons!

I fell to the ground when realization finally struck me.

Demons, they are demons.

"Lucina", Jaze called and crotch to her level. "I'm sorry"

"You are a demon?", I asked as tears trickled down my face, I didn't realize have been holding it all this while.

He wasn't able to answer my question before some people came to drag him away.

Though I know the answer I still don't want to accept it.

"I knew you aren't dump Lucina, we are indeed demons, people like you say we are cursed but we are not, only weaklings who envy is says that", she smirked.

"Your silent cry won't do you any good", she said walking towards her, then she crotched to her level.

"Jaze is mine Lucina, you've gotten on the wrong track and I won't let you go alive, I've read enough novels and they all tell me the same thing, people like you don't die easily, you are the villain in my love story but unfortunately for you, you will be the first to die early.

Humans have their ways around our men's heart uhn?, Just like Azra came and destroyed our perfect family, you also want to make way for yourself and I won't let you, humans are really perfect in making everyone head over heel in love with them just like Azra did you my father and uncle but sadly, again, I won't let you"

All her words didn't register well but at least I grabbed some. Some like, I'm going to be confirmed dead in the next few minutes.

Not like I care, I guess dying is the best option to free my heart. I spent a lot of my time with a demon.

I'm a fool!, a big one not to notice anything, I had so many clues but I ignored it like the fool I am.

His hair and eyes, whenever they glow, the way he raised water from the ground to form a ice house, the burning crystal and it's solution....I was a big fool.

"By the time your people find you, you'll be dead by then and all they'll have to gather are your ashes", She smiled cunningly."Bye!"

It was then I snapped out of my thought. I was really going to die...in the hands of a demon Princess.

"Lucina", I heard Jaze's voice yelling my name and suddenly there was an outburst of something I don't know, or maybe I should just say their demon moves.

The so called Demon Princess darkbrown eyes suddenly turned red and cold, even her reddish brown hair started glowing red just like the first time I saw Jaze. in short she looks angry.

Before I knew it, she used all her full force to push me then a smile of content followed.

Jaze released his wings and flew down as fast as possible, though his power seized when he wasn't that far from Liza but he released it immediately after their was a nice gap between them.

He flew down as fast as he could to catch her and luckily for him, he was able to catch her before she fell.

Now that they were both in a comfortable place far from their enemies, he landed there carefully.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Oreoluwa_Oyebanjocreators' thoughts