
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 55: You Have Soo Much To Explain.

"She's alright now, she fell into a false labour a while ago, it was a false alarm", the old physician said.

Though she's still unconscious and also looks pale, I felt a bit relive.

"What caused the false labour?, did she eat anything she shouldn't have?", I asked carefully.

"I didn't detect anything in her body", she replied.

Her reply made me feel relive a little.

"She's a strong girl, she doesn't look like someone who would give up easily", the physician smiled.

I know that, she isn't planning on dying yet unless she avenges our parent's death.

"How's the baby?", I asked worriedly and she smiled as a reply.

Without saying anything else, her smile as already reassured me that her child is safe.

Do you care to know the gender of the baby?", she smiled.

"No, as long as the mother and child are both fine, I'm fine with that as well", I replied.

"Are you royals?", she asked curiously. "I checked her blood earlier and I sensed a mixture of royal blood in her blood, that's why I thought of asking"

She must be a new physician, she doesn't know what happened years ago else she wouldn't be asking such question.

"Seeing her blood type, she can't have a miscarriage, I'm not suppose to tell you this but it is believed that once a royals with mixed blood mate with pure blood royals, the lady can never have a miscarriage which means she's pregnant for a pure blood prince cause she's not a pure blood. Both mother and child are save, only pure Royals have the possibly of having miscarriages and high chances of dying during labour", she explained and I just nodded.

I haven't heard of it before, it must be a secret amongst the physicians of this kingdom like she said.

"I'll prepare a medicinal drink for her to reduce the pain of the contractions and deliver it to you", she said and I nodded as usual.

The young physician just shrugged before she stood up and gave a slight bow.

"I'll take my leave now", she said.

"Make sure no one finds about the fact that she's pregnant for a royal", she just nodded as a reply before she left.

Leaving you all alone now isn't going to be safe, I just hope you wake up soon.


"Argh!", she growled faustratedly stamping her feet angrily.

This is the sixth time she's returning to this same spot.

"How dare he leave me all alone here to find my way home all by myself, I don't even know the way back home from here, he didn't even tell me he was leaving, it's getting dark already"

Those annoying friends of mine would have gone crazy by now, they've been throwing unendingly tantrums about the project....

Thinking about the project makes me sad. How am I going to tell them I MISTAKINGLY ruined our project. My enemies are about winning, Infact they've won.

If I confess now, everybody would be so disappointed in me, and my enemies would laugh at me, I can't even bear thinking about it.

"Ouch!", I rubbed my forehead.

"Not this place again, this is going to be the seventh time hitting my head on this stupid branch, I'm starting to have a headache, it not fair", I turned back and headed towards another direction.

Let me use this chance to start practicing my confession.

Why am I making it sound like I did it intentionally.

"I'm sorry, I ruined the project but it wasn't my fault, my hand started to control itself'"

Rubbish!, if Favour finds it hard to believe me when I said that a beast was chasing me then I'm sure they won't believe me when I tell them my hand was out of control.

"Or maybe 'I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me, I'm sorry, I ruined our project, the crystals got replaced with a fake by me', and if they ask where the crystals are, what would I say 'Its in my body', even I wouldn't believe it, it sounds like a lie coming from a professional liar"

Now that they are all in a bad mood, I know fully well things won't go well. "Why?".

Why did I have to leave Favour's side that day."It's late already"

"Trying to find your way?", I heard a lady's voice before, it sounds familiar though.

I turned to check, maybe it's a fairy that has appeared to help me out. I pray it's one so that she'll ask me to make wishes and one of my wish is to go back to that day that is messing with my emotions.

Unfortunately it was Menza/Liza, Jaze's sister.

"Hi", I greeted her with a smile.

"Lucina?", she called my name with a questioning look on her face. "You are Jaze's friend right?", she asked.

"Yes", I replied. she must have forgotten my face now, it's been over five months since I saw her, if I remember correctly we met at the lake and that was the last time I saw her.

"Are you lost?", she asked and I nodded. "Where's Jaze, I thought he was with you that was why I came ", she explained.

"Yeah, more like your brother abandoned me here to find my way home", I said bluntly. I almost forgot about that.

"I guess he's busy with father", she said

Father?, but he said he's an orphan. "Too bad I can't help you with this, I have to go back now", she said with a sad smile and I nodded in understanding.

"Ah, now I'm alone again", it's late already but...


"Jaze, you have a lot to explain to me", I turned back and headed back to the Rock house, since it's opened I can stay there till he comes back, I'm sure he won't let me spend the night in this creepy forest.


"We've bearly spent a week here and she's out there making love, it's late already, where's she?", Mary asked angrily though the question was directed to nobody.

"I'm fully sure someone messed with our project and my highest suspect is Mona, Lucina is in our group, that must be the reason why", Joy said.

"I think it's Princess, she's trying to get back at Lucina or she doesn't want to see our group pass whole her group fails", Juliet said calmly but it's clearly written all over her face that she's angry but she's tired of venting it out, that's what she had been doing hours back.

"You are only worried about the project, what of Lucina?", Mary asked worriedly, checking the time. "It's past six already and her number isn't going", she said worriedly.

"She'll be back, give her an hour"


I'm feeling sleepy already, I think I'm going to fall asleep here, not like I have any other choice.

I'm sure people don't live here, if they do they'll have die of anxiety. the creepy sounds around here are freaking me out, if I don't sleep now, I'll have an heart attack.

If I manage to get back to my apartment today then I'll tell everyone the truth, I know I'll be way to sleepy by the time I return and I speak roughly when I'm feeling sleepy.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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