
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 54: An absorber.

"Wow, this place looks beautiful, your father really loves your mother a lot", I smiled brightly.

After walking for what seemed like forever due to my sudden impatience we arrived at a building 'Rock house'.

The outer pert looks odd and unattractive but the inner part of the building is really blinding.

"You seem to have calm down now", he smiled.

"Kind of, but not completely", I replied.

"It wasn't your fault though", he replied.

"I know but the fact is I'm responsible for our group's downfall", I replied. "Because of me, everybody had to comeback here to start everything all over again, I feel bad", I frowned.

"Then tell them everything that happened", he suggested.

"How?, I'm I just going to walk up to them and say 'Hey, I ruined your project but it was an accident, my hand was out of control and bla bla bla', they won't believe me and if they do, they'll hate me"

"In this life their are so many problems, the moment you are welcomed to the world the moment your problem begins all you have to do is solve them one after the other even though they are unending", he said.

"You mean we should get rid of this problems first", I said waving my left hand and he nodded.

"I'll be right back", he said and entered a room.

My hand is getting hot, this only happens when it's about to control itself again.

"Okay, let's talk this out leftie, you want your freedom right?, but I didn't send you into my body, you did it willingly and now you are making my life difficult, do me a favor, till we leave this place, please, don't absorb any rock or crystal anymore, the more you absorb the more you go out of control", I said angrily holding it tight but this annoying hand of mine doesn't have any listening sense and it wants it's freedom.

My left hand freed itself from my grip and stretched towards the shelf opposite my seat.

"Okay this is bad"

It was like my hand was a magnet, all the rocks started shaking and one by one they got attracted towards my left hand.

Seems like we are about having a new super hero uh.


One, two three

This is getting way too much already, I closed my eyes tight seeing that I can't do anything to stop it

four five six seven eight nine them eleven twel....

my thought got interrupted when I felt someone's warm palm press on mine.


I immidiately opened my eyes. Who on earth is Kia.

"Jaze", I called. "Is there someone else in here?", I asked but he just stood there dumbfounded.

"What?", I complained.

I didn't understand what was going on until he shifted a little bit and I saw that the shelf was already empty.

But I only counted twelve, how come the shelf is already empty, there were over hundred rocks over there, even though I didn't count them, I knew they were.

This time around my my hand didn't feel heavy, instead I felt normal.

"I-I'm sorry", I shuttered. "I didn't mean to .... why am I destroying everything...

"It's okay", he said calmly.


★~[Jaze's Pov]~★

When I came out of the room with the wrist band, I could see the bright glow coming from Lucina's direction.

Her hand's out of control again. I managed to reach for her hand despite the blinding light coming from her.

I thought everything would go back to normal, not until It felt like something one draining my elemental power and strength.

[Flash back]

"I will never hold you again, even if you are about falling down a cliff", Jaze said rudely and she rolled her eyes as a reply.

"Just admit it, I'm way more powerful than you, you are scared of me because I can drain yours and add it to mine, I'm an absorber", She said proudly.


"You won't understand, you are way too dump to understand, your intelligence quotient is too low Jaze, how would you be able to take over your father's rule",she smirked.

"Just answer my question", he demanded angrily.

"We are all at the stage of discovering our special abilities and elemental powers and I just found out I'm an absorber, I can suck all your powers if you aren't careful", she grinned widely.

"You little brat", he growled and she pouted.

"I'm not that little biggie, I'm just two years younger than you", she hissed and left

[End of flash back]

"Kia", I said when I finally came back to my senses.

The burning crystal isn't capable of absorbing all the rock at once. Kia is the only Princess with that ability and she's long gone now.

"Jaze", she called. "Is there someone else in here?"

I stood there observing her for a while, If Kia is dead then how did She get Kia's power.

"What?", she complained.

I shifted a little bit so she could see what really happened.

She had a surprise look on her face, she had blinked so many times trying to get her senses back.

"I-I'm sorry", she shuttered. "I didn't mean to .... why am I destroying everything...

"It's okay", I said calmly.


★~[Menza's pov]~★

I couldn't sleep properly as it felt like I was going into labour.

I've felt my baby kick several times before but this time around feels different.

I thought I could bear it but not any longer, now I'm having back pains and frequent contractions.

It isn't nine months yet, I still have about two weeks to go, I don't want to give birth to a premature baby.

Even if I'm going into labour who can I call, I couldn't help but cry, I can't bear it, it's unbearable.

"Jaze", I called, hoping he would be able to hear me.


I brought out the band and wore it on her wrist.

"What's it for", she asked.

"For now, you'll be able to control your left hand, it won't go out of control anymore but if you take it off, you won't be able to control your left hand anymore, it would go back to how it used to be or maybe even worse", I explained.

"It doesn't look like a band, it looks like a golden bracelet, if I don't take it off, greedy people would happily cut my hand off to get it", I said.

"Would you prefer it to be in a necklace form?", I asked and she nodded.

I brought out the necklace from my pocket and wore it on her neck.

"Thanks", she smiled.

"Do me a favour, face that shelf over there with your left hand stretched forward", I said and she did as I said but nothing happened.

I was just imagining things, Kia is dead now, all what happened minutes ago was because of the dissolver in her.

"Let's go now, it's getting late", she said.


I heard my name.



I could feel so much pain and agony in her voice.

is she in danger?.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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