
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 48: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover.

It was late in the night already, everyone was having dinner including Favour who arrived hours back.

"Auntie", Nina called gently and I faced her, giving her the gentle question look 'what?'.

"Why is your left hand shaking", she asked.

How did this girl notice it, I hid it well.

"Nothing", I said but my over caring mother didn't let it go.

"What's wrong with your hand", Mom asked worriedly.

"Mom, it's nothing", I lied.

"Are you sure", she asked worriedly and I nodded as a reply.

"But it's still shaking", Nina insisted.

"Nina, it's bad manners talk while eating", I smiled and she kept quiet.

What on earth was I thinking before I touched the burning crystal.

I could feel my left hand going out of control so I stood up and left the dining room.

"Lucina", I heard dad called.

"I'm fine dad, I've lost my appetite", I said and ran upstairs.

"I don't think she's feeling okay", Mr Anj said.

"I'll check on her", Favour said and excused herself.


" Lucina are you oka.... Whoa", she trailed off and took few steps back when Timaya growled at her.

"Timaya", I called and she came to meet me on the bed. "She's my friend", I patted her head. "Favour, you don't need to be scared, she's just fumbling, she can't even bite or can you?", I asked Timaya who lied on the bed defeatedly. her teeth aren't matured enough to cause harm while bitting.

"Well, she's cute", Favour smiled and sat on the couch with her kitten protectively held tight by her, she's still maintaining a strict distance from Timaya.

"Timaya", I called when I saw her eyeing the kitten Favour's holding.

" Forget about them, what's up with your left hand, it seems out of control, I also noticed it during lecture", Favour said worriedly.

Yeah, about the lectures, I didn't gain anything, all my focus was on this left hand of mine that wants freedom.

"I think I touched something I shouldn't have", I replied with a frown.

"What did you touch, was it when you went to the lab, did you touch a chemical you shouldn't have?", she asked.

"No!, during the last days of our project, the last time we talked over the phone while I was away", I said.

"What did you touch?", she asked.

"A crystal or a rock....any one of the two, I just know it's hard", I said.

"Is that why you want to see grandpa?", she asked and I nodded. "He must have knowledge about it, he knows mysterious things about rocks and crystals and he posses some that I doubt are even in this world, now tell me everything from the start", She said.

I narrated the whole story to her from the start, where and how I met Jaze and she had her comment after each event I say, about Jaze first description she called him a cursed.

"That's the description grandpa gave me about the cursed in his story",she smiled.

"That's just a story, Mary calls him a demon", I said.

"He sounds like one though", she said still smiling.

I also told her about my encounter with the beast and she told me I was telling her a story.

"Sounds more like a story", she said with a sharp smile.

"Believe it or not, I almost died that day" , I frowned.

I told her about how I got Timaya, but I didn't tell her the whole truth, at least I mentioned nothing about the ice house, Jaze entrusts the secret with me.

"He gave you a tiger, wow!...what more should I expect from a guy that lives in the forest".

Also, about the game night that beast ruined our fun night, I actually thought it would be fun.

"Wisdom loves you, on my God, I didn't even notice it but that damn idiot ruined everything", She frowned and then a creepy smile followed.

"Don't!..ask me", I cut her off before she could even open her mouth to say anything further.

"I won't, now about the crystal or rock...whatever?", she asked.

"After the call ended, I was about going back into the house when I saw this stupid red glowy stuff, I walked closer to it and it looked like it was engulfed in fire, curiousity pushed me into touching it, it didn't burn me though, but I was able to see something...scary, Dane looked just like Jaze the first time I saw him, the red hair and eyes and.... scary to say too", I said but Mary's face was so discouraging.

"What's scary in that now?, I just find it hard to believe your stories, first the beast that changes form, then the Dane being a demon, you need to sleep Lucina", Favour frowned.

"It's not a story, bet it with me, I'm not lying", I defended myself from her false accusations.

"And the burning crystal or rock?", she asked still giving me that accusatory look.

"It disappeared", I replied calmly almost like I whispered my reply.

"To where?", she asked.

"Over here", I waved my left hand.

"You must be joking right?, is that why your left hand is out of control?", she asked, this time around she isn't pretending to care.

"Obviously yes!", I replied.

"If you aren't lying then maybe the rock can help you identify demons in the human world", she said in deep thought.

"Stop scaring me, it's late already", I frowned.

"Let's see if grandpa can help", she said.

"My hand burns like hell", I said.

"Sorry, now let's switch to something else", I asked.

"What?, before that I need to feed Timaya, she's hungry", I stood up and walked towards the shelve, immediately she saw that she came down from the bed and walked up to me. "I'm coming", I told the little tiger at my feet.

"You told me your nieces are rude, they look so cute and nice", she smiled brightly.

"They aren't nice, don't judge a book by its cover, you haven't seen the other side of them yet most especially Mona", I said and placed Timaya's milk on the floor.

"All Mona are rude", she said.

"Yeah, is she hungry", I asked.

"Nope, I gave her some milk before coming here, she feeling sleepy now", Favour replied.

"Let's go and get something to eat, I'm hungry", I said and lead the way out of the room.

On our way to the kitchen we met Nina and Mona, probably going to their room which was opposite mine.

"Thank goodness we met you, auntie", Mona smiled.

"What do you want?", I asked sweetly.

"Mom's not here, can you tell us a bed time story?", Nina asked sweetly.

"I don't know how to tell stories", I admitted.

"Try, we can't sleep with out bedtime stories", Mona frowned.

"I'll tell you a story", Favour said and their attention was on her.

"Really?, ...but, who are you?", Mona asked.

"She's my best friend", I said.

"Oh, I see", Mona said.


"Are you heading somewhere?", Nina asked in her usual sweet voice and we nodded a yes.

"We'll be waiting", She said and they entered their room.

"Do you have a story?", I asked and she nodded a yes.

"You can actually tell them your project stories about the beast", Favour teased.

"They'll have nightmares from that", I said and we went to the kitchen to get something to eat.


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