
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 48:Old man.

"Say why ever you want", Liza said looking less concerned.

"Die!", he said and she began bleeding from her nostrils.

"Zain!", Ward yelled at him but he didn't flinch.

Jaze stood there at first watching the show but it was getting out of hand and if care is not taking, with the way Liza is bleeding heavily, she can die anytime soon.

Menza couldn't do anything, the last thing she planned on doing was saving Liza for all her evil deeds and getting herself involved with Zain whom she had been avoiding from the start to avoid getting into the psycho black book list.

"Zain, Stop this, you are hurting her", I said calmly. Of course, he won't listen, he wants a physical combat, that's what is going to set his head straight.

I can't stop him but I can save her life. Zain and I where both born during the special hour, so we have almost the same abilities.

I clasped my hands together then a blue smoke removed from the tip of my fingers, no one was watching me cause they were focused on Liza and Zain. I focused the blue smoke to my right right middle finger and thumb then snapped it, it made a ball and I aimed it at Zain.

That should do something, it would nullify his abilities for about thirty minutes.

"Jaze", Zain growled angrily immidiately he felt blank all over his body and Liza stopped bleedings.

"What?",I asked coldly.

" You shouldn't have interfered, you should have just let her die", Zain said angrily.

"You want to kill me uh", Liza spat angrily about to use her powers on him when they got nullified.

"Don't you dare touch my brother with that stinky impure power of yours that's already backed up with black magics", Piyani said nullifying her powers, though it was difficult since it wasn't pure anymore.

All of them can nullify the others power, based on whose smart and fast though.

"Piyani don't get yourself involved", Rough said.

"Why?, should I watch her harm my baby brother", She pouted.

"I already told you not to call me that", Zain said angrily.

"Even if I don't, you are still my younger brother, stop acting like you are older", Piyani faced him, faking her anger but ended up ruining everything with her laughter which made everyone's expression change.

"Hey, don't look confused, this is a brother and sister matter so switch back to your serious mode", she said. "Back to you", she started facing Zain whose look as calmed down a little.

"I'm your older sister, get that, you are not even a second near my age, there's a huge gap between us, get it?",Piyani said calmly.

"But I look older", Zain argued.

"Don't argue foolishly, if I were to go to the gym with you always, I would look very much older", She folded her arms across her chest.

"To bad you don't", he smirked.

"I told you several times not to give me that look, I'll hit you next time you give me that look, looks cool though", she shrugged. "But I don't like it".

"It's not your fault", Zain said and smirked again, this time around, he did it intentionally. That really got on her nerves and she aimed her fist at him fortunately for him Rough dragged her away before it could really hit him.

"Thank your stars I'm in a good mood today, I would have bruised your smooth face badly, your friends would fail to recognize you", she said angrily.

Goodness knows how they manage to live under the same roof.

The atmosphere that was mixed up with different exposed abilities suddenly went still, meaning a royalty in an higher rank is here. they all turned back to see who the cockroach is that dared interrupt their long gone moment.

As expected it was Fatilazi, oh, my bad, The great evil king of Domini Kingdom is here.

Non of them bowed as respect to their King, not like he expected them to, infact if they did, he'll need to tighten his security of he's around them.

He ignored the rest and walked towards the main people he went there to meet, Zain and Piyani.

"You spent three good days here without even thinking of paying your uncle a visit", he said coldly.

"Do you cherish our presence that much or you are just looking for opportunities to get us murdered in a jiffy?", Piyani asked rudely but he ignored her words, his main focus was on Zain.

"You left without my permission", he said.

" Do you think the world needs your permission to do everything, Fatilazi?", he asked.

King Fatilazi didn't move even when Zain called him by his first name which is considered disrespectful. His knights pulled out their swords but he raised his hands to stop them.

"I'm not here to have a meaningless long speech with you, I'm here for one reason, where's the rock your father gave you?", he asked menacingly. "The rock serves as one of the royal crest and a royal device for teleportation, now that he's dead and you've decided to cut off your tiles with the Royal family then it's better to hand the rock over to me", Fatilazi said and stretched his hand forward.

It was risky though, he wasn't suppose to have a close interaction with someone who is now considered a threat to the Royal family.

"Greedy Old man", Piyani hissed. "Do you think we'll give you the rock, you act to dumb for a king", she said rudely and rolled her eyes at him.

Fatilazi still did nothing but ignored her words. He knows her to be someone that doesn't have mouth control just like her father who doesn't know when his mouth should open or close.

"I won't repeat myself", King Fatilazi said menacingly.

"If thats the reason you came here then I say that you've just stressed your legs out greatly, you of all people should know that I won't give you the rock", Zain said calmly.

"You have less than 30seconds to hand the rock over to me young man, else I'll have no other choice than to take it the rough way.

"That's what I want, your unnecessarily gentleness is killing my vibe, just switch to your mode already", Zain smirked.

"You've really got nerves boy", Fatilazi said coldly.

"I'll pardon you today because you are my dead wife's nephew but keep one thing in mind, I don't have a forgiving spirit....

"I don't need your life history, keep them to yourselves, I don't want to have earaches", Zain said rudely and placed the Romento Rock on a glass, them it made a deep pink hole.

"Can I go?", Piyani asked Rough and he nodded with a smile.

"Not like I can stop you", He said and released her hands.

Thank goodness you are finally leaving Zain. Now I can perform as much spell as I want to.

"Menza, hold tight and don't let Fatilazi find out about your child, else he'll kill you both", Piyani whispered into her ear then disengaged the hug and went to Jaze.

"Take care of your sister, okay?", she said and Jaze gave her an uninterested nod.

She walked towards Zain who seemed impatient already and held his hand.

" Were you planning on spending forever bidding goodbye?", Zain asked calmly.

"Just get your ass in there and stop questioning me", She eyed him.

"I'll still feed those big eyes of yours to you someday soon".


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This book still has a very long way to go. Boost me up, we still have so many secrets to reveal and so many twisted past we need to untangle