
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 47: You Forgave Me Too Late.

★•••Domini Kingdom•••★

We walked down to the Royal garden, it's been long since I've been here.

"My supposedly twin brother came to see me off uh", Zain smirked.

Zain and Jaze where given birth to on the same day, date and almost the same time but Zain is 47seconds older.

"I'm not your twin brother", I replied coldly.

"Jaze, cool down", Menza said calmly. "

Please be friendly with him", She whispered before she left and went to meet Piyani.

" I hope you came here with a pure mind brother", he smiled.

"I'm not your brother Zain", I said.

"You seem to be living comfortably with the man that murdered your parent", he said with a serious voice.

" That's non of your business", I deadpanned while Zain just shrugged.

"Your sister looks cheerful, heaven knows how she's coping with you", He said.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you Zain, don't think I have any good intention about you in my mind, I came here only because my sister told me to", I said with a blank face.

"See who we have here", Ward said from behind. "What are my little brothers talking about".

"Seems like you're all eager to see me leave", Zain said.

"Why?", Ward asked.

"You didn't welcome me when I came but now that you heard I'm leaving you came here excitedly", Zain said.

"Ward, where's Rough", Piyani asked.

"He's not coming",Ward replied before facing his business.

"He's still angry with me", Piyani said with a sad voice.

"You still have time to see him before you leave", Menza said.

"He doesn't want to see me", Piyani frowned

" He's just proving stubborn", Menza said.

"I don't know when next I'll come here again, maybe this is the last time, I'll go bid him a goodbye", she said and hug her tight before she left.

The guys stood there for a while staring at each other coldly.

"Zain, it's been long since I had a sword battle with you", Ward said.

"It's been years since I held a sword, I don't think I can anymore", Zain said.

"Oh Zain, you are already leaving, I'm really going to miss you, we had a great time together, I'll cherish those simple and heart full moments", Liza said sarcastically while Zain sent her gentle smile that sent shivers down her spine.

"We can still communicate after I'm gone", Zain said. "The fact that I'm leaving doesn't mean I won't stand against your cunning plans Liza", he said.

"Menza", Liza called ignoring Zain's words. Not like he can harm me in public anyways.

He already got what he wanted, though almost half of my precious spell book is gone.

"What do you want from me?", Menza asked coldly.

"Are you angry with me, I don't remember we getting into an argument", Liza said.

"No, why should I, I was just asking you a question", Menza said calmly but the expression on her face says another.

"Do, how is our baby doing, is he or she kicking or they kicking, maybe they are twins, twins are common this days, sid thing they end up dying before seven days", Liza said gaining the guys attention.

" Why don't you mind your business, are you that jobless", Menza snapped.

"Just thought of asking how my nephew or niece is doing, if I didn't have the ability to feel life, I would have said your child is dead already or maybe you are just lucky not to have a protruded belly, it's really rare", Liza said observing Menza carefully. "Jaze is really taking good care of you, I expected that but I didn't expect it to be this soon", Liza said.

"I know you are behind all this", Menza said and Liza shrugged as a reply

"Maybe, let's says I'm the one behind it, what are you going to do", Liza said but Menza gave her no reply. "Actually, I expected a miscarriage or an abortion, the father refused the child now your child is a bastard, I'm happy to be the one to call it that first", she laughed.

"You can call my child a bastard, I'm proud my child is a bastard, it's better for my child to be a bastard than you have a father as heartless as Ward. The fact that I don't have enough ability to make your mouth rot in disgrace doesn't mean I'm weak", Menza replied calmly.

"Just pray your child doesn't take after you, pray that your child is as strong and able as his father", Liza said.

"My child doesn't have a father so my child will take after me", Menza said and Liza rolled her eyes.

"Where's Piyani?", Liza asked but got no reply. "Are you guys going through the barrier or the Pink Rock?", She asked.

" You of all people should know that we'll burn down to ashes of we should pass the barrier that has been caused years back", Zain said coldly.

"Oh, that skipped my mind", Liza said hitting her forehead with her palm.

"You are not someone that easily forget things", Zain said.

"Say why ever you want", Liza said looking less concerned.

"Die!", he said and she began bleeding from her nostrils.

"Zain!", Ward yelled at him.


Piyani knocked on his door and went inside his office before he could even reply, his knights couldn't do anything since it was her usual action.

"You won't even see me off", Piyani said calmly.

Rough dropped his pen and focused on her.

"Why do you need me to see you off?, I didn't see you off the last time you left, you should have left without coming seeing me just like you did the last time.

"How can you be so heartless uhn, you hold grudges too much, I already explained my side of the story, not like I knew I was leaving anyways, why are you making a mountain out of a molehill Rough", She yelled angrily.

" Leave my office when you are done", He said calmly and focused on the document he was signing a while ago.

"Fine then, I'll leave, I thought relationship was only a piece of cake to humans never knew demons like us are also like that", she calmed down.

"You are distracting me", he said dropping his pen again. " Of relationship wasn't a peace of cake to you, then for friendship sake you would have told me you were leaving, actually, I thought my father had a hand in your disappearance, I thought he killed you and your brother but I was wrong and I hated him for that", Rough said.

" But I already apologized, you ought to venting your anger out on Zain not me, he took me away without my concert, how would I have known we'll never see each other again until now", she said calmly and the look on his face soften.

"I'll grant you last wish, I'll see you off", he said standing up.

"Does that mean you've forgiven me?", she asked and he nodded with a smile.

"You forgave me too late", she frowned.



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