
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 44: Excuse Me!

I was already getting bored with all her talks, when will Mrs Rita Norene deliver her message, this lady talks too much.

Just like the heavens heard me, Mrs Rita Norene was welcomed to the podium, I focused immidiately, to be sincere with you, in all what Mrs Anjana said, I only grabbed a few things while the others disappeared with the thin air.

The hall room door got shut immidiately she stood on the podium, too bad for late students, it's just five past nine, those who came in while Mrs Anjana was talking are lucky.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, you can all have your seat now", She said politely, her voice was soft and smooth and it didn't sound ash too, it sounded friendly unlike Mrs Anjana whose words were like they were directed to me even though they weren't.

I didn't even realize we were all standing, infact I didn't know when I got up and started clapping until she said we should all get seated.

"I won't take much of your time", she continued.

Sure thing, she doesn't beat around the bush.

"I found out that months ago a pornography video leaked into the school web but the case haven't been addressed well", she took in a couple of breaths staring at the students to see their reaction, of courses they didn't flinch.

"The culprit has been caught and the victim has been cleared, I'm sure you all know about that", she said and we replied a yes, though not all, cause I didn't reply her, just nodded.

"The victim in the video was said to be Favour Nova but it all turned out be a young girl in her second year, Mona Norene was confirmed to be behind the entire misunderstanding.... so as punishment for her insolent and abusive behavior she'll be responsible for the sanitation of the entire school compound and she'll also be deprived from participating in any activity of the school.

As for the scholarship student who sold her dignity to name another person's, has been expelled and her scholarship has been withdrawn.

Based on my current search I found out that an accident was plotted against Favour Nova but the culprit is yet to be found.

Since some unknown students are after the life of an innocent student and all other targets and accusations are directed to her I've hired two personal body guards behind her, Favour Nova", Mrs Rita Norene called and she immidiately stood up. "Come forward please"....

"I'll be assigning her to you, as from now on she's your boss and you'll be at her service", she said facing the two ladies that looks well trained.

My sincere apology to the Nova's", she bowed slightly.

"Thanks", she said and bowed slightly again to the students and lecturers. "Have a nice day",she said and with that she walked out the hall with her six body guards trailing behind her, the lecturers followed and content was visible on Miss Nova's face.

Wonder why she's called Mrs Nova when she has a daughter?.

Nah, she wasn't raped.

She got divorced, she's a divorcee, that's why Favour is being played like a porn because she doesn't have a father with her currently and because they just want to disgrace her mom and her.

I walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "One of your case has just been settled, let's wait and see the next one", I smiled brightly at her and waved to her newly appointed bodyguards but they just stood there like a statue.

Rude!, not even a slight bow.

"Let's get something to eat, I'm extremely hungry", I frowned and she nodded.

"I'm hungry too, now that I'm living in the hostel and not in the Lecturer's quarters with my mom, I starve myself almost everyday, I'm too lazy to cook", she said.

So many students were just evacuating themselves from the hall and everywhere looks crowdy.

We were moving hand in hand with each other with her bodyguards trailing behind us when I felt someone hold my hand and before I knew it the person dragged me.

When I got back to my right senses I noticed it was this insolent brat holding my precious hand and of course, as I expected, it was Richard Norene.

"Richard", I called disgustingly. This time around I didn't bother stressing myself trying to remove his hand off mine, he is way too strong and I'm to hungry to waste my last energy on the person that doesn't worth it.

"Babe", he smiled brightly.

"Excuse me!", I titled my head to one side. why is he calling me that disgusting title.

Yeah, sound disgusting cause it comes from him. He could have actually called me Lucina like before.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"Don't ever call me that again ", I said firmly I was dead serious about it.

"You look great", he complimented ignoring my warning and I just stared at him with utmost disgust.

"I couldn't take my eyes off you", he admitted.

Like I care.

"That because you are a pervert", I deadpanned but the look on his face didn't change.

"Let's get something to eat", he said, now sounding serious.

See the way he's talking like he owns me.

"I'm not hungry", I said and he chuckled.

" Who taught you how to lie, the person did a job well done", he said sarcastically. " Hunger is clearly written all over your face, find a better excuse".

Excuse me!, now he's sounding more like he owns me.

" I don't want to ruin my day by having breakfast with you and also I already have someone to go out with", I said bluntly.

" Who?", he asked curiously.

"Who do you wanna know?", I asked back then released my hand from his grip.

" Babe wait", he called and held my hands again.

This time around I slapped his hand hard and he released his grip around my wrist.

"I told you to stop calling me that", I said angrily.

"How about lunch?", he asked ignoring my words.

" I don't want to have anything to do with you", I said bluntly and just then I saw Favour looking confused while searching for me around in the crowd, I immidiately went to her.

"We're have you been?", she frowned.

"Sorry, I got involved with a fool", I said.

" Let's get something to eat", she said.

The fact that she didn't ask me 'Who' means she's extremely hungry.



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This book still has a very long way to go. Boost me up, we still have so many secrets to reveal and so many twisted past we need to untangle.