
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 43: My Role Model.

Today's kind of odd, even the weather here is different, I suddenly felt tight immediately I set my foot out of the car, Brian drove pass the gate before I could even utter a word.

Geez, I suddenly feel nervous, I've been in this school so many times, maybe because I've been in here last three months ago but three months away shouldn't make me feel this way.

I wore my bag properly carrying it only on one shoulder, my black bag matches perfectly with my dress.

Gosh, I rock.

I strolled down the walkway and headed to the female hostel, wanna see my bestie, I really miss her.

Its a little bit far but I'll still go, I'm one hour early to my classes so there's still time so I could actually board the school taxi, why am I stressing myself under the sun.

Some peoples gaze can swallow you up, if only gazes could kill, I'll be dead by now.

I ordered a taxi from the school web taxi platform and sent my location to him and in exactly two minutes time the taxi arrived.

"Female hostel please", I said.


"Lucy", Favour screamed and jumped on me.

"Don't suffocate me", I disengaged the forceful hug.

"OMG, you look great",she exaggerated.

She's really good at that, but I know her too well, she over do her compliment and otherwise.

"Thanks, you look lovely", I smiled."Seems like you are ready", I said.

She's wearing all blue today, a knee length jean skirt and a thick colored blue crop top with an African lady sketched on it with different printed signature and a long blue jacket, her hair's braided into two parts with rose pins designed all over her slightly orange hair.

"Yes, just my bag, I also need to pick my books...and my phone".

"I'm waiting", I entered her room completely, I met two of her room mates still in the room, one looks like she's already in another world while the other seems half awake while the last bed apart from Favour's was empty.

"They don't have classes this morning?", I asked and she nodded as a reply. "I'm sure you have so many things you want to tell me, gist me", I smiled eagerly.

"Of course, you should trust me on that", she smiled with pride and zipped her bag and carried it on one shoulder. "I'm ready, let's go", she said pulling my hand.

"There's a lot of things to say", Favour smiled as we walked out of the girls hostel.

"Let's walk to our hall then so we'll have enough time to talk, we still have time", I suggested.

"We don't have enough time, Lucina, Mrs Rita Norene wants to see us all especially the project students", Favour said still smiling.

Gosh, its really been long since I saw her smile, she's really happy to see me after three months.

"I never knew she was coming, is that why we were told to resume today", I asked and she nodded.

"You know we'll get punished even if we are five minutes early or better still all the basic words would have been said, I'm sure you still remember her rules", She stared at me and I nodded.

"Let's order a taxi then", I gave her a weak smile. "You'll tell me later", I said and she nodded.

We ordered a taxi and the driver picked us up about five minutes later.

The girls hostel to our hall will take about 30 minutes but boarding a taxi will get us their in half a month.


They arrived in class 15 minutes to the meeting, most of the students where already seated in the lecture hall including some of the lecturers, to be more specific, the project lecturers and Mrs Rita Norene was also in the hall, checking her wrist watch constantly.

She's wearing a white suit which fits perfectly with her blonde hair and blue eyes.

Gosh!, I admire her, let me just say, she's my role model. she looks like an angel while her children looks like demons with pure blood running through their veins.

I checked around the hall to check if they were already in the hall and they were, I averted my gaze immediately when I caught Richard staring at me.

On a normal day, when ever we are having a meeting with Mrs Rita Norene they come either an hour late or thirty minutes late and she'll always make sure she treats their f**k up.

My gaze met with Wisdom's and I just smiled at him, he's sitting between Dave and Vanya.

Vanya is my cousin, most annoying cousin ever, I'm sure he must know his brother's children are currently staying with us right now, he also has a younger sister, Mia, she's in her third year studying medicine.

Poor guy, how does it feel to love someone when the person only sees you as a friend and isn't ready to return your feelings, I don't know how it feels and I don't want to know how it feels.

I switched on my phone to check the time and it was exactly 8:55am, I wasn't wearing a wrist watch cuz I don't fancy it, it's not my style.

Mrs Rita Norene signified to Mrs Anjana to start the meeting while Mrs Anjana stood up and walked up to the podium.

"Good morning, beautiful crystal of the golden crystal university, lecturers and students. The purpose of we gathering here is based on the project students and their projects and the non project students performance", Mrs Anjana started.

In each groups, each project student should have at least 75 points and 90% while each group in total should have at least 95%, students who are unable to aquire the results has stated would have no other choice than to redo his or her project.

We've also gotten the first three month result of the non project student and it has been posted on the public, private and golden bill board in the school board hall.

The first ten students would be promoted to the Genius Golden Crystals Hall as well as any project that is able to attain the result stated.

The second top ten students would be promoted to the Genius Silver Hall.

Third top ten would be promoted to the Bronze Hall and as for the students below the top thirty would continue their classes and they'll also have extra classes, their breaks would also be reduced, failure to reach either of the three classes then you'll be given an extra year, don't forget, you can still get to the top if you work hard. If you are able to maintain your top position for two more rounds, you'll be promoted to the diamond hall.

Based on the students that want to switch from taking classes to project, there's no room for that.....

I was already getting bored with all her talks when will Mrs Rita Norene deliver her message, this lady talks to much.



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