
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 32: Bringing Back Old Memories

"Menza", he called.

"Thank goodness you are back, I was feeling so lonely", she said and hugged him tight and he hugged her back.

"Its been long since you told me you feel lonely, is there anything wrong?", he asked her and released her from the hug. "I'm here for you so you don't need fo say that, anyways what happened?", he asked and got her seated then he sat opposite to her.

"Well, its a little bit long story, if you'll listen", she said.

"I'm all hears", he replied.

"Earlier this morning, the entire palace changed and everywhere was evolved with darkness, I had this feeling I've read something like that before, so I began tracing the horrible strange smell and I-I, you know, I was following the scent so actually", she scratched her hair and faked a smile, "I-I went to the royal quarters", she said and immediately held his hand because his face turned angry immediately.

"I've told you several times not to go there", he yelled. "What if you were hurt, what if they killed you, you know fully well your life worth nothing more than that of an illegitimate child of this kingdom, that evil man wouldn't think twice before killing you, he's just looking for a perfect opportunity", he said angrily.

"But I'm fine,", she said trying to calm him down but it only got worse. "I know you care but...

"Its not all about care Menza", he cut her off.

"Do you know that all what happened to out parent took place there, they both died there, they were murdered there right under our nose without any second thought and we couldn't do anything about it other than watch like silent fools and I warned you not to go there but you disobeyed me again, when will you ever learn, is it when you loose your life?", he yelled at her.

"Don't yell at me Jaze, stop bringing those memories back, I don't want to get reminded of them", she yelled back as her eyes welled up with tears.

It was only then that he realized he had just brought back those memories they've been trying to erase off their mind.

The facts that their parents were murdered brutally by their own uncle just to get the throne and they could do nothing about it but watch like they were blind, the fact that they are now orphans with no one to depend on, the fact that everyone turned a blind eye even though they know what actually happened, the fact that the royal position was taken away from them without any second thought.

"I'm sorry", he finally calmed down.

Now everything seems like he caused the misunderstanding between them earlier.

"First it was Ward and now its you, when will you people stop reminding me of those memories, you people keep adding salt to my wound, you are not letting me heal", she said bitterly fighting back her tears.

"He saw you when you went there?", he asked but he already got his answer even before she could reply a yes.

"What did he say?", he asked.

"That's what I was trying to explain before you changed the topic to something totally different", she hissed.

After a short moment of silence she sat down and looked up at him, he was now resting his back on the wall beside the window frame.

"He told me our patent's graves are not in the Royal Quarters anymore", she finally let her tears flow.

"Is it true?, cause he told me to ask you were both of them were buried, he told me you know something about it", she looked at him but he turned his gaze away.

"You've just confirmed it that you know something about it and you chose to keep it from me, to avoid me from being hurt?....or for your personal and selfish reasons?", she asked angrily.

"I don't know how or where to start from but now is not the time to tell you anything", he said and he walked out of the room.

"This isn't fair, I don't even know anything about their death, just to wake up one morning only to find out my father is dead, how unfair, why are they all hiding the truth from me, I really want to know what happened".


"Niana", Liza called angrily and the poor maid came in running.

"Clean this mess up, I want everything cleaned up", she ordered.

She could see some books on the floor and didn't know what to do with them.

"Dispose everything", she ordered. "Also get new books for me from the library", she ordered and Nana nodded before she left the room.

Not knowing exactly what to do, she picked up all the books and threw all of them out, then she dusted every part of the room even though it was not dusty, she mopped the floor and adjusted her bed before moving to her private reading room.

While dusting the room she met a paper neatly folded and placed on top of the shelve.

"If its important she wouldn't place it carelessly here where the wind could easily blow it off, she could actually place it under a verse or jar or something".

She unfolded the paper and saw a drawing of something that looks like a large funnel but it doesn't look like a funnel, "My Lady has nothing to do with this", she said before trashing it.

Now that she was done cleaning the rooms she went to the library to get some books.


"Niana!", she heard Liza scream her name and she immediately entered the room.

She has been standing by the door ever since she got the books from the library in case if Liza needed some help.

"My princess", she bowed slightly.

"What's this?", she asked angrily flinging the books at her.

Niana couldn't utter a word .

"Are you deaf?", she stood up angrily and grabbed her hair dragging her forcefully to the ground, she couldn't help but scream cause Liza was dragging her hair too tight.

" I...I'm sorry".



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