
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 31:The Promise.

I don't even know where my mother was buried but I know where my father was, if that man as any slight respect in him, he would bury my parents together, even if he doesn't, that doesn't mean he succeeded in separating them even when they are now dead cause he has this weird feelings for my mother which my father overlooked like....how could he be so nice, I've always loved him for that but sadly it sent him to his early grave, if only he were alive mother would also be alive.

Now that everywhere was already getting bright I could see clearly, unlike Ward, Jaze and Rough who could see clearly even in pure darkness I couldn't, only people with extremely high abilities can do that and also the Avalin can also see in pure darkness, those people are so special most especially those in the Royal linage.

Anyways I've been walking for quite some while now and still haven't reached my destination, I'm already getting stressed out.

Almost everything has been changed in here, things are not the way it used to be anymore, all the memories about my father has been erased.

"You came back", I heard his voice. Ward. If only I could kill him just by looking at him, I would have killed him a long time ago.

"What do you want from me, you've been hanging around me, are you following me?", I asked.

"Your purpose for coming back here is different, the scent is gone so what are you looking for here, you'll just get your blood spilled as a scape goat", he said coldly.

"Err.....", I scratched my head.

I don't want to admit it but I actually need his help, I've never seen my parents grave before.

"I need your help....I want you...promise me you'll help me", Goodness, what am I saying, he had made so many stupid promises to me and didn't fulfill them, I don't even want to remember.

"What do you want?", he asked.

"The thing is, I want to see my...parents grave", I said sluggishly and he started laughing, I just feel like killing him this instant.

"You wouldn't like it if I showed you were they were buried...were they even buried", he chuckled.

"I-I don't understand", I said.

"Forget about it, I wouldn't want to watch you cry for the second time today", he said.

"Like you care", I hissed and turned away, what's the use of staying any longer, like he said, I'll just get my blood spilled as a scape goat, not like he would take me to my parents grave.

"So it won't shock you if you were to find out how and where your parent were left to decay, let me give you a lift in your burden, they were not buried in the palace", he said.

"But....I watched my father got buried", I felt my throat become dry, my eyes welled up...does it mean...no, I need to calm my nerves.

"Think whatever you wish to, I've done the little I can to help you and also you can ask Jaze he must know something about it, he was missing a day after everything happened....leave now before you get caught...if you get caught, I won't get myself involved", he said coldly and left.

"I can't feel my heart anymore", I clenched my chest tight like it was going to help the situation...does it mean my mother wasn't buried with respect that my father body was exhumed and...

It better not be, else I'll turn this place upside down and I mean it...I don't care if I end up getting killed at least I'll avenge my parents death and rest with them. Fatilazi you'll pay...you'll pay, I'll make you pay, if Jaze doesn't want to do anything then I'll take over, you can't destroy my parent like this and go Scot free.


"I can't believe I'm not going to see her again, and now I can't even find my mothers necklace anymore nor was I able to tell her how to use and read the manuals, my mind was so occupied", he sat and bowed his head placing his head on his palm.

I still find it hard to believe that I stepped into this building again, its been over eight years since I came here, and everything looked so confusing, I never expected the garden to still be the way it was years back, the tigers, the whole building....I brought her here, "strange", he chuckled.

[Flash back]

"You two fight lot, look at others they get along with each other perfectly",Princess Azra smiled and crotched to their level.

"Prince Jaze is always getting on my nerves, he says I act too stupid while my sister is soooo smart".

"I see uhn, this guy here is the cause of your fights", Azra said pulling Jaze's ear gently.

"Mama", he cried.

"One day, you two would know the true meaning of your existence, other than fighting you'll learn to love yourself and you won't want to let go off each other", Azra said and released Jaze's ear.

"Never!, I can never be friend with this witch not to talk of loving her", he eyed her from head to toe which made her slap him hardly.

"I'm a princess, you dare not look at me with those ugly eyes of yours", she yelled cutely.

"I don't know what to do with you two", Azra said defeatedly.

[End of flashback]

He let out a deep breath of longing and frustration.

"Father why?, why did you make me promise you?, I'm dying from the inside seeing that you died in a waste and I can't do anything", he mumbled to himself.

"You know fully well that I wouldn't let your death pass by like a simple mistake", he said helplessly. "But the promise you made me vow to fulfill is holding me back".

I'm at the stage I need your help and support why did you have to leave so early.

'There will come a day when the people you see as a piece in your life would become the most important, time is all you need'.

He could still remember his fathers words clearly like he had just said it seconds back


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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