
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 33: Burning Red.

"Niana!", she heard Liza scream her name and she immediately entered the room.

She had been standing by the door ever since she got the books from the library in case if Liza needed some help.

"My princess", she bowed slightly.

"What's this?", she asked angrily flinging the books at her.

Niana couldn't utter a word .

"Are you deaf?", she stood up angrily and grabbed her hair dragging her forcefully to the ground, she couldn't help but scream cause Liza was dragging her hair too tight.

" I...I'm sorry".

"Sorry?...I told you to get me books I didn't ask for romance novels I was asking for journals not this", she yelled releasing her hair forcefully which made Nana fall to the ground.

"Get up and clean this up, fool", she ordered.

Niana immediately stood up and started cleaning the mess up.

"Get me the books now, I'll be in my private reading room bring the books to me there, you have only three minutes to do that, else...I'll cut half of your hair and burn it", she threatened and Niana nodded fearfully before leaving the room.

Liza went to her private reading room only to meet everything in different position from the way she left it which she now considers disorderly.

This wasn't how she used to place them, infact this wasn't the way she left it hours back which only means one thing.

Someone was in the room.

"Who could it be, at least not this room of all my rooms", she mumbled to herself breathing heavily.

She immediately climed a small wooden table in order to reach the height if the shelve where she left a paper but it was gone, she rubbed her hand on the empty shelve but it still wasn't there.

She was the only one who had access to that room except her maid who only got access to the room three days ago when she was told to bring the princess coffee.

'Only two people could have entered this room, its either Niana or someone I don't know', she thought.

"Goodness, What has that wretched being done, no doubt it was her", she said angrily and Niana entered the room.

Niana entered the room but before she could drop the books on the table, Liza landed a hot slap on her cheeks.

"Ahh", she cried as she held her cheeks tight.

"This", she said angrily pointing at every corner of the room."You came here right?, what did you come here to do?", she asked angrily without even giving her a chance to answer she gave her another slap. "Speak up!".

"I thought I should clean it up since it looked rough", she cried hard.

"You thought?, clean what?, this place?, I didn't ask you did I?", she yelled raining questions on her.

"I'm sorry my princess, I just thought of cleaning it to save you the stress since... since you always cleaned it yourself", she cried.

"I hate tears", she said calming down and Niana immediately wiped her tears away.

"Where are the books?", she asked and Niana immediately hand it over to her.


"What's this?, I asked for journals fool not this, what's this?, what's your problem?, why do you want to spend the rest of your life frustrating me, do you want to frustrate me to death", she yelled flinging the books at Niana.

"I placed an important drawing here, where's it?", she asked.

"I-I-I threw it a-awa-y", Niana stammered.

"You did what?", she yelled frustratedly making herself fall on the chair. "What have you done now, do you know important that paper is?", she said calmly almost crying.

"I thought it was just a simple drawing and there was no...


"Get out now before I loose my peace, get out there and look for it, I need that drawing at all cost except you want to suffer the same fate you did months ago", she yelled pushing her out forcefully.

"What am I going to do now, where do I start from, oh Niana I'll make you suffer for stressing me out this way, you can't just get away easily after ruining my precious plan", she slammed her palm forcefully on the table before she stood up and headed to the library.

"Fool...she doesn't even know historical books from love novels, she's giving me trash, I should have killed her there on a spot for making me stress myself this way"

The door to the Library opened immediately she stood in front of it and she walked into the large and tall building that looked more like another palace on its own.

No guards are guarding the building since it was already guarded with a spell which can only dim when it feels the presence of royalties, it isn't even in the Royal Quarters, many spell books and historical journals are written and kept in there.

Actually Niana went to the wrong library which was in the Royal Quarters and all she could think about was romance novels.

"Well well well, see who we have in here", Liza smirked when she saw a man in the library.

"Why are you the first cousin I laid my eyes on today, I doubt today would turn. out In a good way for me", Zain said.

Zain is from the maternal side of Liza's parent, and also a multi talented psycho, he has access to the human world cause he possesses the Lilac Roveno Rock which could help him have access to the human world legally without turning to ashes. He also has an elder sister, Piyani. He own a Wine company in the human world and he is a billionaire.

"So you've decided to come back uhn?", she said still having that smirk on her face.

" I'm leaving in the next three days", he smiled.

"Piyani?", Liza asked.

"She went to see Rough", he laughed knowing the outcome.

"Rough?....anyways what are you doing here", she asked again.

"I'm I not free to come visit you guys again, can't I come back home anymore".

"Evil can identify evil, what do you want?", she asked suspiciously.

"I just came here to relax", he said.

"Actually, the thing is, I had a business plan here and I've completed it so I decided to take a break here before going back to the city so I thought of paying my people a visit since I'm near by", he explained.

"I thought you came here to look for trouble", she said.

"Forget about that, what are you doing here in the library?", he asked.

"To borrow some books and you?", she asked.

"Same here", he replied. "Books for your age aren't here, you should be reading romance novels so you would know how to treat Raze well once you two get married



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