
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 28:Tell Me Something New.

"Mona is around, I know She'll come here this morning, one thing I know for sure is that we'll get into a fight if she comes here and I want to ignore that.

My second class begins 12:30pm and I don't want to spend that time at the clinic getting myself treated.


" This room looks messy", he frowned.

"Why will you put a cub in a room filled with glasses and cloths in the first place?", she chuckled lightly, seeing how rough the room looked thanks to a cub.

"Where's that little tiger?", he asked. The question was directed to nobody actually.

"Where is its mother", Lucina asked now noticing that she didn't ask him any information about the tiger.

"She's dead", he replied and brought the tiger cub out of a half broken vase.

"Its cute", she smiled.

"Would you like to carry it", he asked and she nodded as a reply. He passed the cub to her, the cub wasn't comfortable with her scent that it started making faint sounds like that of a cat.

" I'll get this mess cleaned up", he said and lead the way out of the room.

"Don't you think think she's hungry?', Lucina asked.

"She is hungry, by the way how did you know its a she?", he asked.

"I just guessed', she replied. "What are we going to feed her now that she doesn't have a mother?"

"Milk", he replied and walked in the direction of the kitchen.

"Its fluffy and harmless too", she commented while sliding her hand through its fur which made it comfortable in her embrace.

"I hope you two get along with each other", he said and opened the door to the kitchen.

The kitchen looked so quiet and spacy, it looks like it hasn't been used for years which is a true fact.

He brought out a bowl and a jar that contained milk, he poured it gently into the bowl, the hungry tiger jumped on the table and started to drink the milk.

"It's really hungry", Lucina smiled. "Where did you get it from?".She asked.

"She's an of spring of the tiger my father gifted my mother, her mother died three months ago", he replied.

"Is she the only one her mother gave birth to?".

"No, they are six, three are dead, the other two are in the garden", he replied.

"Sad...they must be extremely cute, their mother must be a very beautiful Tigress", she smiled and stared at the innocent looking cub. "Your family history sounds like a fantasy story, I wish to hear more of it but I don't think that would be for today, I have to go now, I don't want to miss much free time with my friends".

"When are you leaving?", he asked.

"Ending of this week or early next week", she replied.

"Will we still meet after today?"he asked.

"I don't think so, I can't say anything about that cause I'm not sure", she replied.

"Take this", he handed a silver box to her.

"What's this?...it looks heavy", she said.

"Its all what your little tiger needs", he said.

The word 'your' echoed in her mind.

"Mine?", she asked.

"Yes yours", he replied.

"Are you gifting me this little Tigress?", she smiled pointing at it still surprised with the we or 'yours'.

"All you need to take care of it is in this box", he smiled seeing that she was happy.

"Thanks", she smiled.

"You don't need to thank me", he replied.

" What of the other two, won't they feel bad if they can't find their sister?", she asked.

"They won't feel bad at all, they fight a lot, the last time they fought she almost died that was why I moved her from their little den, she's way too stubborn, I can't even control her", he replied.

"I didn't expect it to be that worse", she gave a faint smile. "I'll take my leave now"

"The weather?", he asked.

"You said it won't rain..anyways I'll get home before it even begins to rain, the cloud has been like this for almost four hours now", she collected the box from him. "Its extremely heavy", she squeezed her face together, almost like she couldn't breath.

"Its not that heavy", he took the box back from her.

Now that she was standing straight she could feel the free flow of air passing through her lungs. "What's in that?".

"To much to mention", he said. "The things in it aren't heavy, the box itself is"

"Goodness, you are just holding this box like a piece of paper, I guess you'll assist me in carrying it to my destination", she smiled. "Lead the way...Timaya is done with her milk so we can leave now", she said and carried the young tiger that looks sleepy now.


"Hi", Janette greeted as she sat down on the opposite chair next to Favour.

"Hi", she replied.

"Are you attending the football competition between The Wolf and Cameo group?", Janette Asked.

"Nope", she replied.

"Come on, don't miss out, there might be another breakup on the field today after the match, now that it seems like that's where everyone wants to end their relationship", She pressurized.

"I...Still....Have....Classes", Favour replied.

Janette is the school popular blogger. Everything going on in the school is going to her website. She's always updated and makes sure she gets to the root cause of any breakup in the institution but she still hasn't found out the cause of Richard's and Princess's breakup and that's causing an havock on her website cause everybody wants to know.

She blamed Lucina for their break up, she calls her the root cause of their breakup.

'Lucina and Richard are having a secret affair!, believe it or not, its the true fact'....'She's the root cause of their breakup, she pressurized Richard into it".

"I also have classes to...

This girl is up to no good.

"What do you want?", I asked and she rolled her eyes at the question.

"Nothing", she replied.

"You are here to watch Mona and I get into another physical fight, I guess".

"Gosh, You are so smart and intelligent", she commented.

"Tell me something new".