
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 29: Your Entire Generations Are B*t*h*s.

"You are here to watch Mona and I get into another physical fight, I guess".

"Gosh, You are so smart and intelligent", she commented.

"Tell me something new".

"Mona is on her way here and she's not coming alone she's with Richard", Janette gave an interesting smile.

"I read your blogs regularly and I've never seen you speak against those evil twin, not even when Richard tried to kill me", she said.

"He didn't, Mona was behind everything", she defended him.

"That wasn't on your blog page either, even the time when Mona made a pornography video of a lady and a man and made it viral in school making it clear to everyone that I was the girl in that video clip, it was on your blog page but when the truth came out, I didn't see anything like that", she said flaring up.

"Look here, I'm not an upholder of justice nor is my blog page a center of truth, I only talk about things that will interest people not things that won't, if you want to reveal the truth create yours, don't dictate me", she hissed.

"I never said you were an upholder of justice nor did I say that your blog page is a center of truth and to top things all, I was not dictating you, learn to put your words together, what I'm saying here is that once you start a case in your blog page make sure you end it at the final truth, you are deceiving everyone, and what's up with Lucina and Richard?".

"I wanted to ask that same question, you are her friend right?, what's going on between her and Richard, if you notice, Zain and Richard are sworn enemies, and that started before Princess and Richard broke up", Janette said.

"You know what?, Its better for you to become a detective, it fits you perfectly, you don't fit in with medicine", she said angrily and stood up from the table about to leave when Richard and Mona came inside the restaurant, she ignored them and went her way.

"Stinky B*t*h", She heard Mona say as she passed by their side.

'You are a pure b*t*h, your ugly puppet is a b*t*h, your brother is a b*t*h, your generation to come are all bunch of b*t*hes", She mumbled as she walked away.

"What!, They didn't fight, what's the use of me being here, I have other things to do...or wait, this is going to be the first time this twins would be coming here together....ah".


" Where have you been?", Juliet asked angrily.

"Sorry", Lucina immediately apologised "Is that a tiger behind you?", Joy asked shifting back till she hit her back on the wall.

"Yes, its harmless though", I smiled.

"Tigers aren't nice, anyways you haven't answered my question, where have you been?", Juliet asked but rather calmly this time around.

"I was with him..I mean Jaze..jungle man, what ever you wish to call him but I was with him", she replied and dropped the silver box on the bed gently.

"Where did you get the cub from?",Mary asked.

"Jaze gifted it to me", she replied.

" OMG, gist me about everything, are you two dating each other?", Mary asked.

"Excuse me...anyways we are not, we are just friends, friends", she said audibly enough for them to ear.

"Friends, I see, I must have misinterpreted your relationship with him",Mary said sarcastically.

"Where's Wisdom, Dane and Dave?, she asked.

"They strolled out",Joy replied.

"What are you going to do with that thing",Juliet asked pointing at the cub.

"Nothing much, I'll treat it as a normal pet",Lucina replied.

"A wild animal?, you must be kidding me...you mean we are sharing this apartment with this thing, no way",Joy protested.

"What's wrong with it?, its staying in here", I said firmly.

"Where?", they asked.

"It doesn't even have a cage"Joy complained.

"Yes, I know, I'll get one for it as soon as we return home", I smiled meekly

"That thing isn't staying here if it doesn't have a cage, it isn't a cat", Juliet said.

"See it as one, its harmless", I frowned.

"Its a tiger cub and will forever be a tiger, not a cat, it doesn't even look like a cat, its a tiger not a cat, get that straight", Mary screamed.

"In short, this tiny, cute, innocent looking cub is not allowed in here....fine, but at least let me get its things out of here", she said picked the tiger cub from the ground and placed it on her bed.

"It can stay here for today, just today....only today, and if it is as gentle as you claim it to be, I might change my mind about it leaving", Juliet said but its written clearly on her face that she doesn't want this 'thing' in this apartment but who cares about that.

"Awnnnn, thanks", I smiled broadly.

Jaze gave me a tiny key to open this heavy box, I couldn't help but imagine how a box as large as this could have a key as mini as this, anyways, the most important thing is for me to keep this key safe cause things as mini as this don't last long with me.

Timaya looked relaxed on my bed, goodness she's extremely cute when she's sleeping.

Now I also have a responsibility on my shoulder, my money isn't useless anymore, I have something I can spend my money on. "I'll shower all of my money on you like water", she whispered and smiled.

I stared at the box and key again and bit my lower lip. I inserted the key into the lock and it opened.

"Waa....", I closed my hand with my hand. I don't know the names of this thing nor do I know what they are used for but at least I can recognize something's and also there's a book in it, the thing is, I can't read it, I don't understand what's written in this book.

"Useless", I placed the book aside. There were brushes of different sizes, what are these for, do tigers need brushes?, what's this silver folded stuff?.

"Hey...Joy, do you know what this thing is?", I asked and passed it to her.

"I don't know but it looks like you'll have to set it or something like that, I haven't seen anything like this before",She replied and returned it to me.

"Mary as been acting way too smart today maybe she can help with this", Joy said and focused on her phone back.

"Mary, do you know what this thing is", I passed it to her.

"It looks like a folded cage", she replied.

"Can you set it?", I asked.


"Can't we try setting it together?", I asked but they weren't even paying attention to me. These girls make me wonder sometimes if they use their mind to operate their phones

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