
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 27:Red Isn't My Stuff.

And lastly Drake, he always finds a way to annoy me one way or the other and he knows how to make false things real, I see him as a fake being", she smiled.

"They don't worth being forgiven", he concluded.

"Yeah, they are far from it"..."Are we almost there I'm tired of walking already" she said.

"You've been busy talking so you didn't notice when we arrived here", he smiled

"I was so engrossed, I didn't notice anything...but were are the animals?", she asked looking around.

"Probably in their home", he replied.

"Home?", she asked confused about the word 'home'

"When I mean home, I mean the place they seem to be comfortable the most", he replied and started walking in another direction but she was too lazy to walk so she rested her back on a tree.

"Where are you going?", she asked.

"I'm just checking around, they might have move into hiding with the sudden change of weather condition this morning.

"I see, I just stressed myself here for nothing", she frowned. "I actually thought I would be able to see and touch them but now it doesn't seem like it, I'm not happy at all", she screamed and it seemed like she wants to burst into tears.

"You'll still see them, you don't need to feel hurt", he said.

"When will I see them when I just have less than seven more days to end this project and go back home?, forget about it", she said and looked at the rumbling sky.

The sky was so dark, the wind was becoming even more heavier than before, the sounds were starting to reduce now, it was like the sky would pour down anytime soon.

[Even if this is going to be the first rainfall this season, it shouldn't be as heavy as this.

I don't know why but I don't seem to like raining season, I'm always scared when its about to rain, its like something bad is going to happen, I keep having flashbacks and I'll always feel dizzy, I have never been under the rain before but it looks like now is going to be the first time and I hope it goes well for me].

....Can take you to somewhere else", he said.

I blinked twice unable to process what he was saying, he has been talking all this while and all I am thinking about is 'How my first time under the rain will be'.

"You were saying?".

"Would you like to go somewhere else?", he repeated.

"No, I feel like going home now", she said.

"It doesn't seem like you love the weather with the look on your face, why not let's go to my house", he said.

"No, I'll get home before the rain starts", she replied.

"What if I'm able to summon a red bird for you will you forgive me?", he asked.

"I hate red a lot", she said

"Oh, I thought you love it, guess that was in the past", he gave a weird smile.

"I never liked it", she replied.

"So what color do you love?", he asked.

"Green", She replied.

"Green birds are rare", he smiled.

"But you said you'll summon it", she said frustratedly.

"Fine I will but the w...

"My friend must be expecting me, I promised I won't spend much time here", she said abruptly.

Goodness, I'm feeling feverish.

"I have something for you might like", he said but she looked less interested in that. "You might consider it wide but it isn't ".

"An animal?", she asked.

"Yes", he replied.

"A cat?", she asked.

"A tiger cub", he replied.

"A tiger what?", she asked again, this time sounding surprised and interested. "Where's it", she asked looking around.

"Its not here", he replied.


"Its in the ice house", he said.

"Was that why you wanted me to follow you earlier?", she asked. "Then let's going before the rain begin to pour down on us", she smiled brightly.


Ever since the she heard the word 'Tiger cub', she'd been talking non stop.

"I'll name it Timaya....I hope its a female....I'm sure it must be cute....I love stubborn creatures so it must be stubborn as well...now nobody will be able to bully me again not even Mona...

She didn't even give him any chance to utter a world about the tiger.

"Early in the morning, the first thing I'll see is the tiger, do you know that tigers are mostly good luck...they are extremely cute and I love cute looking creatures. Do you know tigers means Power and Authority?"

They walked down the forest side down to the barren land. It was clear that they've arrived at their destination.

Not long after water began to rise from the ground. though this is her second time seeing such, she still looked dazed.

It took about three minutes before the mansion completely formed, now it looks like a ice castle.

"It looks fun watching it", she smiled. "I'm excited".

"Its a really stubborn one, I hope you two get along", he mumbled.

"What?", she asked

"Nothing, let's go in" he said and they both went in.


I sat down in the restaurant expecting my order. Lucina's line still wasn't going, too bad, I don't know who else is in her group except for Joy and her line isn't going as well.

I guess its the reception on their side...

"Ma'am", the waiter called to gain my attention.

I guess she's a new worker here, I've never seen her before and also everyone working here knows my name.

"Just call me Favour", I said.

"Okay", she replied.

Awwn, she looks so cute.

"Thanks", I said and she nodded and left.

"Mona is around, I know She'll come here this morning, one thing I know for sure is that we'll get into a fight if she comes here and I want to ignore that.

My second class begins 12:30pm and I don't want to spend that time at the clinic getting myself treated.

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Note:My exams are starting soon so my update would be slow.

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjocreators' thoughts