
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 12: Completely shattered.

"Jaze, Prince Ward ordered you to be in his presence immediately", Cluss said .

"okay, I'm right behind you", I said.


"My prince", I showed him a sign of respect.

"Its good you are here", Prince Ward said.

"My prince, you sent for me", he said.

"Yes I did, because I want to discuss something very important with you about your sister, Menza", Prince Ward said. "I just want to tell you that your sister and I love each other a lot and you being her only family left or alive, I'll love to ask for her hand in marriage", Prince Ward said.

"My sister is still young, she is to young to get married, she is naive and innocent, she doesn't know the meaning of love, she is just eighteen, please leave her alone", he said.

"What are you saying, my sister too is eighteen years and her marriage ceremony is in the next eighty one days, I love your sister a lot and I am willing to let our child bear my name", Prince Ward said.

"Child?", I asked like I didn't hear him clearly.

" Yes child, she is pregnant, a week pregnant with my child", he explained.


"Why are you behaving like this, yes she is pregnant, but I have one request from you, please don't hurt her, she is carrying my heir, you may leave now", he said.


"Menza", Jaze called.

"What", she replied.

"What's going on", he yelled.

" About what", she asked.

"Stop lying to me, come closer....open your mouth, see your tongue is purple, you are pregnant, so all this is true", Jaze yelled.

" Calm down, I can explain", she cried.

" Explain what, after all the free times, love and attention I gave to you, you weren't still satisfied, you had to go and...., oh my, you aren't married yet, do you realize that", Jaze yelled.

" I'm sorry", she cried.

"what were you thinking ?, what?, tell me", he yelled.

"He has accepted this child as his own and he will also marry me", she cried.

" So that was what was in your mind, he might be willing to accept this child but I'm sure his father wouldn't, his father is greedy for more power, what would he gain if his son get married to you, nothing, Jaze yelled.

"No, that's not possible, it won't happen", Menza cried.

"Accept it and open your eyes to reality, have some shame, what are we going to do now, what do you think people would say that Menza a poor girl had premarital sex with the Crown prince or what do you think people would say", Jaze yelled.

"Oh I see, you thought, as usual you thought, you thought they would give you ten diamonds for that, Menza , You won't even get a stone as a gift, now you are carrying a child that people hardly know the father, they'll call your child a bastard, your child would be born as a bastard, you are going to be a single and lonely mother, you will be shamed, you'll be hated by everyone, you didn't even think it was important to tell me anything, well then, deal with the consequences yourself, he said angrily and left the room.

" Jaze I'm sorry", she cried."What will I do, what if the king doesn't accept me , I need to talk to Ward".


"Ward, we need to talk", Menza cried.

"About what?", he asked.

" There's someone who might not want us to get married to each together", she cried.

"Who?", he asked.

"Your father", she replied.

"And how is my father related to this?",

he yelled.

" He might not let us get married to each other, he might not accept our child", she cried.

"And so, is that why you've been crying, if he doesn't accept your child and this marriage you want so badly, so be it, I don't care", Prince Ward yelled angrily.

"What!, Ward!, My child!, its our child, point of correction, now that you've gotten what you want, its my child, now that you are satisfied and done using me, its my child, my child", she yelled hitting his chest.

" Stop it, he yelled, if my father doesn't accept this child, so be it, I know for sure that he won't accept it because I have someone in mind I want to get married to, all I can do to help you is to give you money to take care of yourself and your child's needs, he said angrily.

"I regret the day I accepted you into my life, you are a betrayer", she cried.

" Get out , leave, out", he yelled.

Liza who was on her way to her brothers room overheard their conversation.

" Tu, tu, tu, I feel your pain Menza, ah, ah, ah, Menza, this is just the beginning of your down fall.


"Lucina, that friend of yours is here", Joy said.

" Which friend", I asked.

"The man that has red hair, the one that saved you, I think he is the one", Joy said.

"Jaze",I replied.

"I don't care what his name is, he is on the other side of the boarder, around that bushy area, I think he wants to see you", Joy said.

" I'll be right back",she said and left.


"Jaze, what's up with that tight face, you look angry and sad at the same time, who made you this way", she asked as she walked closer to him.

"Someone close to me broke my heart, my trust everything", Jaze replied.

" Who?, your lover or your wife?",she asked.

"My sister",he replied.

" You have a sister",Lucina asked surprisingly.

"Yes, I do, but she broke my trust in her completely today", he replied as they both walk to the hills.

"Okay calm down, now tell me what happened, everything", Lucina said.

" I trusted her, I raised her, I made her feel like a princess that she is not, but after all this, she was still not satisfied with all what I did for her to the extent that she.... I still can't get my self together to believe the fact that she's pregnant, she didn't even tell me anything, We've never hidden any secret from each other before but today I found out she is a week pregnant, he said angrily.

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