
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 11:Love or obsession.

" How dare you, are you trying to prove me to be a liar?" , Liza asked angrily.

" You are a liar, no doubt about that, everybody knows you so I don't need to prove anything and also keep one thing on mind, you don't deserve my brother, Menza said calmly.

" And I'll also make sure that I destroy anything that wants to prove to be an obstruction in my way, even if its you so stay out of it and if you don't, mark my words, I'll make sure you breath your last breath", Liza said angrily.

"Same goes to you as well, I'm watching your every moves, maintain a strict distance from my brother, else....

"Get out of my room, now", Liza yelled.

"Calm down Liza, calm down, note one more thing down, to get married to my brother would be over my dead body, we might be friends but I know the kind of friends that I have and I hope you know me too', Menza said calmly.

"Menza, I'll do anything, even if its to kill you, I'll do it to get jaze, I'll do anything for love", Liza replied.

" Or you mean obsession", Menza said and left her speechless in her room.

" How dare you call my love obsession, how dare you....I don't care if it is love or obsession and if it isn't love, I'll do anything for obsession", she yelled angrily and broke the nearest flower verse.

"Niana", she called angrily.

"My princess", she replied.

"Clean this mess up", she ordered.


"This marriage proposal has been finalized, so let's fix the date",King Budzar the king of Zubiar Kingdom said.

"Eighty one days from now is going to be the best date for this marriage to be fixed", The priest said.

"Congratulations my friend", King Fatilazi congratulated.

"Congratulations, now our bond is going to continue to become stronger", King Budzar replied.

"Congratulations to the great kings", the chiefs greeted.

" The preparation and every other things will begin immediately", King Fatilazi said happily.

" Why the hurry, what of the princes, don't forget I have daughters too", King Budzar said suggesting another marriage proposal.

" My sons have the right to pick which princess and from which kingdom they wish to get married to", King Fatilazi replied with a greedy look on his face.

" I think I should take my leave now,its getting late, just send me the list of whatever you need', King Fatilazi said and left.


" Father I'm serious, I don't want to married", she yelled.

"Don't test my patience,your marriage ceremony is eighty one days from now", he said angrily compressing her cheeks soft together and left her room.

"I must do something as soon as possible, this marriage mustn't take place, eighty one days from now, I'll make sure something goes wrong within eighty one days".


" Ward I'm a week pregnant and still there are no changes", Menza said.

"Changes like what"?, Prince Ward asked.

"I cant believe you are still asking me that stupid question, you promised you'll get married to me", Menza said.

He walked towards her and sat beside her on the sofa.

" Look at me, he ordered and she obeyed him. Do I look like I won't fulfill my promise, I'll surely fulfill it but you need to do something for me", he said.

" And what's that ", she asked.

"Don't tell anyone about this, not even your brother", he said.

" How is that going to guarantee your promise", she asked impatiently.

"Okay then let's make a deal, if I don't marry you, tell everyone that I'm the father of our child, don't give me our child, I won't name him", Ward said.

"What sort of deal is that, how does it benefit me, Ward you are making me feel like you are using me, I feel lost in your love, I'm not enjoying this relationship anymore", she yelled.

'Then end it, bring it to an end", he said.

"What!!!, Ward how could you", she yelled and stormed out of his room in tears and Liza who has been eavesdropping on their conversation came in.

"What's up with her", Liza asked pretending like she didn't know what's happening.

" Forget about it", he said.

"I'm here to help you, I'm know Menza is pregnant with your child and you don't want the child nor her", Liza said.

" You don't know anything", he replied.

"She herself told me she is pregnant the day she found out and begged me to keep her secret , I know everything, I know what's going on between the two of you", Liza said.

" Do you have any solution to what I've gotten myself into", Ward said.

" What do you have a sister for. All you need to do is to abandon her, just destroy her, shatter her emotion and leave her in a state of depression, at this early stage, the developing baby is likely to die", Liza said.

"How is that going to work,it isn't even possible", he said.

"Oh yes, its possible, start by telling her brother she is pregnant, end your relationship with her, make sure the new spread around the palace that she is pregnant and threaten her to keep quiet with something, make sure she doesn't tell anyone you are the father of the child she's pregnant with, with all this she'll be completely shattered, her brother won't trust her anymore, people will begin to say different things about her, she won't have the courage to come out of that tiny room of hers and face anyone, she'll be completely depressed and her child will die", She said giving her brother a cunning smile.

" That sounds very simple, thanks Liza", he said.

"You owe me one", she said.

"I know I do", he replied.


" Jaze what are thinking about, you are not concentrating on your work", Kain said.

"Nothing", he replied.

"Okay then, just make sure you don't injure yourself, you are to trim the flowers not to think and cut off your fingers', Kain said.

"Can you believe the news spreading around in the palace", Barque said.

"What", Kain asked.

"The princess is getting married in the next eighty one days", he said.

"To who", I asked.

"To any man of her choice", he replied.

"I hope she picks me", Kain said.

"Fool, she is of course getting married to Prince Raze", He replied.

" Oh, she is finally getting married to Prince Raze, I almost forgot about that". Jaze said.

"Why do you care", Kain asked.

"Well, she's my sisters friend", he replied.

" That's true, its been long since I saw that lazy sister of yours, you are the one doing all her works for her and treating her like a princess ", Kain said.

"Mind your business", he replied.

" Jaze, prince Ward has ordered you to be in his presence immediately", Cluss the personal messenger of Crown Prince Ward said.

"Okay, I'll be right behind you", I replied.

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