
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 13:Greedy king

"I trusted her, I raised her, made her feel comfortable she felt like a princess not a slave even though she is more like one, but after all this she was still discontented with all I gave and showed her that she had to go to the extent of.... I still find it hard to believe it, she didn't even tell me anything, we've never hidden things from each other before but I just found out that she is pregnant, a week pregnant, like wow", he said angrily.

" oh, I never thought it was this serious, but don't worry everything will be alright", she said.

" Nothing will be alright", he replied.

"Then get them married, its as simple as that", she said.

" They can't get married, she's just a servant and he is a crown prince and I'm sure that after his sister's marriage ceremony he is going to get married as well", he replied.

" what of your parents, do they know about this", she asked.

""Parent", he chuckled, we don't have parents, we are orphans, they were murdered years ago", he said.

" I'm sorry about that", she said.

" You don't need to feel sorry about that, its not like you had anything to do with their death", he said.

"Who killed them", she asked.

" My uncle did", he replied.

"how?",she asked curiously.

"Ten years ago, Menza was just eight then and I was ten when they were killed, My uncle killed them just to get the throne, when my grandfather died, my father who was the crown the prince, Crown prince Quin Zuin got killed by his greedy step brother, Prince Fatilazi only to gain access to the throne, I witnessed everything, I witnessed how my father died, he died In my hands, I can still remember is last words clearly, I can still remember how he breathe his last breath, I can still remember how he reacted to the pain and I was sure it wasn't the pain of the poison but the pain of his brother's betrayal and my mother Queen Azra refused to be my uncles concubine and because of her continuous refusal he made her live her last days working as a slave and his children were just like him, they are exactly his duplicate, Menza was so close to our mother but our poor mother fell sick, she wasn't used to all the stress, she is just a weak human that was already used to living the life of a queen, she died, we were so hurt, we are now orphans, no father, no mother, we don't even really know how it feels to have one, Menza was so hurt, I treated her like the spoilt princess that she was and gave her so much love, I made her forget the fact that we really don't have parents, that we are orphans, but I guess she misused her freedom". he said with hurt sounding so clear in his voice and a tear drop fell, followed by another till they become many.

" Don't worry, everything will be alright, we are friends right, friends are always there for each other, I'm here for you, she said placing her hand on her chest.


"Ward that was a very painful breakup", Liza said.

"That was what I wanted after all", he replied.

"she's was such a fool to trust you and she still is", she said.

"All girls are the same, useless and impure", he said.

"All girls are the same, except me", Liza said.

"Most especially you", he said.

"What!, I'm not that kind of girl, I don't hang around men" she yelled.

"Menza told me everything, you and Jaze, e.very...thing", he said.

"Uh", she scoffed and left his room.


"Don't worry, it would be okay, we are friends right, friends are always there for each other", she said and placed her on her hand on her chest, " I promise I'll be there whenever you need me, promise", she said.

"Promise, he replied. But not everything is as easy as the human world", he said.

" Human world?", what are you", she asked suddenly surprised by his words.

she hates demons, telling her that I'm one of them might drift us apart, I Won't let that happen.

"No, that's not what I mean..... my reputation, life, notting would be easy for us anymore, she already ruined everything, I don't even know what I'm going to do again, she'll have to face the consequences all alone this time, he said calmly.

"You are to difficult, she is still your sister no matter what, just forgive her, you can't hold this against her forever, I'm sure your parent won't like to see you two get splitted up like this, everybody makes mistakes in life okay, just forgive her, she deserves a second chance", Lucina said.

" Thanks a lot , I knew you are the only person that can help me out of this problem, thanks", he said.

"Don't thank me, a friend in need is a friend indeed", she said.

"Fine then, I'll get going before she does something more stupid", he said.

"Your sister needs you now, go, go, go and meet her" Lucina said and left.


" Are you still crying", Jaze asked when he entered the room.

" He used me", she cried bitterly.

"I told you, what more do you expect?", he said.

" He betrayed me", she cried." He never loved me nor his child, he never wanted us in his lives, he just used me to satisfy himself", he cried.

"Stop crying now, wipe your tears, the deed has been done already, your tears can't change anything, just forget about it, I'm here for you", he consoled.

"You are the best", she sobbed and hug him tight.


" We came here for an adventure...oh sorry, I mean a stupid project, just to find out about stupid things, like, "things and informations", but it seems like we came here to chill, to make love, she said facing Lucina, to chart all day long, she said facing Joy, and to gist, please tell me, how would we be able to complete this project, its more than two months now and we've found something but nothing", Juliet said.

"But we've found something and we can also prove it", Lucina said.

"What?", joy asked.

"A snake.....

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