
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 10: Reputation 2.

okay, you saved me because you want us to be friends right, fine I accept your offer but you have to give me an answer to my question first ", I said.

" Go on", he replied.

" Why do you have red hair and eyes and sharp things like that of a vampire", I asked.

" this he asked, pointing at them.They are curses or what do you think they are?", he asked.

"I don't know, but my mind and heart doesn't want to believe you", I said truthfully.

' " Yes, I guess you have a good mind then, I said half of the truth, I'm a de....., He trailed off.

"Never mind, I don't care, I haven't even fully agreed to this friend request yet and you are are already building it up with lies," I said angrily.

"I was just joking", he explained.

"Listen carefully, never in your entire life should you never have that confidence to lie to me again nor keep secrets from me, can you fulfill this little wish of mine", I asked.

"Yes, I can, that's why I want to tell you about my true identity to avoid any future misunderstanding, he said.

Okay go on, I'm all ears", I said.

"Let me start with this, don't be scared of me, I won't hurt you, calm down and please don't panic, don't runaway frome I'm not a bad person,I'm ...a.....d...cuts in.

"Sorry my phone's ringing", It's my friend calling.

"what's up Julie",I asked.

"Come back quickly", Juliet said in a haste.

"Why? ", I asked.

" Mary just slipped and fell, the boys are not around and they aren't picking up, the first aid is in their room and it has been locked, please hurry," Juliet said.

"Oh my gosh, I'll be right back", I said and hang up.

"I have to go Jaze, I'll see you later," she said and ran off.

"your bag, you forgot your bag, I need to give it to her and I'm sure my break must be over now.


"Father, I don't love Raze anymore", she said begging her father to cancel the marriage ceremony.

"Why?, your marriage has been finalized" ,he replied trying to control his anger.

"You are a king, you have power and authority over everything, I know you can do something to stop this marriage from happening", Liza said.

"And he is a King's son, I'll gain more profitable lands and quarter of his men if you should get married to his son", King Fatilazi said.

"Father, I don't want to get married anymore and that's it or else I'll kill myself", she threatened.

"If that's what you wish to do then do so, I will not cancel this marriage no matter what , if I call off this marriage, I'm destroying my reputation, and that will bring shame to my name, my kingdom, everything", he yelled.

"Kill yourself if you want, I still have many children in and out of this palace, I might be able to sacrifice anything to satisfy you but not my reputation", he said angrily.

"All you people care about is your reputation', she said angrily.

"You won't understand cause you're still young, you can only understand when you know better and this can only happen if you get married to Raze", he said angrily.

'No, I won't", she said.

"Then wait and see, you won't be the one to kill yourself I'll kill you myself with my very own hands, now get out of my sight, useless girl", he said angrily and pushed her off his sight.


"Mary stop crying, I know it is painful" , Juliet consoled.

"I can't endure it anymore, its very painful, only I know what I'm going trough nobody else can understand my situation, I'm in so much pain right now and you are hurting me more, stop pulling my leg only Lucian knows how to do it best", she said.

'Mary, Lucina isn't here yet, let her help you in pulling your leg", Joy said.

"Juliet can't do anything", she said angrily and drew her leg away.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm back now.... Mary, is it that painful', I asked.

"Where you busy making love out there?, I was waiting for you, do something', she said.

"okay, okay, I'm sorry, let me get my injection", Lucina said. Oh my gosh, I can't find my bag, 'oh no I forgot it with jaze",I said .

"What!!!, oh no, I think I'm about to die", Mary screamed.

" stop it, I'll go and get it now, I'll be quick", I said.

"Go and be fast", Juliet said.

"oh this is it at the door step, I think he dropped it here", I said.

"Who exactly", Joy asked with a questioning look on her face.

"Heres the injection the drug Is in the first aid", I said.

"And there's no key to the first aid", Joy said.

"I have a spare key", I said and handed it over to joy.

"Do you also have a spare key to their room?", Joy asked.

"No, I think I should give them a call", I said.

"Guess I was meant to die today", Mary cried.

"Endure for a few more minutes and if possible, hours," joy said.


"Your father did not agree or did he?", Menza asked.

"Yes, he did",she replied.

"I accidentally over heard your conversation with your father, so don't lie to me", Menza said.

"Okay, fine, he didn't agree", she admitted

"That's the best trick to catch liars like you, I was just joking and you spitted everything out", Menza said.

"How dare you joke with me in that manner, are you trying to prove to me that I'm a lair?", Liza asked angrily.

"prove?, as a matter of fact you are a liar, no doubt about that, everybody knows you, so I don't need to prove any of that, and also listen attentively ,I'll tell you this every time I see you you,you don't deserve my brother", Menza said calmly in order to provoke her..

"And I'll make sure that I destroy anybody who dares to come between I and Jaze, even if its you, mark my words, stay out of my way, its your last warning, the next time you try to stand against my plan, you'll breath your last breath", Liza threatened.

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