
Chapter 107


We're here.

At the Connie Mathews studio. With people - a ton of people. Although my heart races, I take a deep breath and try releasing it naturally. It's only Alex in the car with me, but I don't want him to know how nervous I am. Because I am. More nervous than I want to admit. Because as much as this makes sense, I don't want to tell the world anything. I don't want them to know about our relationship, about how wonderful it was and how painfully it ended. It's none of their business. No one needs to know about the suffering and guilt that's plagued me for years. I don't want to share that. Recap that. I finally moved past it, and I'm expected to dredge it all back up?


Alex squeezes my hand as we get out of the car.

Several heads turn, but I try not to focus on them. I only focus on Alex, who seems determined to fuse his hand with mine. Thank God, because I couldn't do this if we weren't attached.