
Chapter 106


Autumn is getting ready in the bathroom.

After our initial fun by the door, we played again in the bed, which, like always, is fucking amazing. I think we both wanted to forget about everything outside this room because honestly, I never want to leave it. Even when Autumn protested about changing, about wanting to put on some fresh clothes, I distracted her as long as possible because I wanted her with me.

We've been apart for eight years.

I'm done with it.

Just as I'm about to check on her, my phone buzzes. I seriously consider ignoring it, but it could be Marty, and I need whatever information he's got. Deciding to take his call first, I bring the device to my ear. "Marty."

"Anya's already claimed a few televised slots. I can get you on later tonight. How's Autumn? She ready to go answer some questions?"

I glance at the bathroom door. "Do we have to do this tonight?"

A pause.