
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urban
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21 Chs


Agent Chris walk into the president villa with a straight back. He checked his wrist watch and nodded his head positively when he see what the time says.

He walk towards the president's office and press the button that was on the door.

A loud mechanism sound could be heard before the door creak open by itself.

"Good day sir" agent Christie greet Mr president with a slight bow after entering the president's office. 

"We are leaving for the event of sir Benjamin by 9:00am dot, you should prepare the escort" Mr president inform him while his pen was battling with note seriously.

"Clear sir" the latter said before exiting the office graciously.

He turned toward the passage and his stomach grumble.

"Holy crab, that sucks" 

" I think I need to get something for myself " he said to himself as he made his way to the back of the mansion.

He met some workers on his way and they exchange greetings.


"What  should I wear?? " Mr president ask lady david who happen to be his wife.

"A green suit will fit" she replied him rolling her eyes as she cat walked towards the wardrobe. 

She picked a green suit that was design with some kind of cream linen from the hanger and handed it to Mr david and who gladly collected the suit, showing his white shiny teeth.

"Thanks darling " Mr david said to the woman, giving her a peck before putting  the suit on.

"You can use this to kill it, it do look extremely good on you whenever you wear it" Mrs David said with a smile as she handed a green hat plus black shoe to his husband who collected it and put it on hastily.

"I think I'm good to go" Mr david said after dressing up. He checked his reflection in the mirror and nodded his head positively. He place a goodbye kiss on the woman's cheek before exiting the room. 

"Shall we??"  Agent Chris ask the Mr David, it seems he has been waiting for the latter by the door already.

"Sure" the latter replied shortly.

Mr David made his way out of the mansion and agent Christie follow suit, carrying the latter's file with him.

They went to the garage which had a lot of exotic cars packed randomly, Christie open the door of a Range Rover to Mr David, the latter entered and he jam the door behind him.

Agent Christie gave the cops a signal and they respond by kick starting their engine, he entered the Range Rover driver's sit and jam the door after himself.

  He powered the engine and move out of the gate with, the cops car that was in front and at the back while the president's car was at the middle. 

They began their journey to Sir Benjamin's party. They were driving slowly but steadily along the two lane before moving into an highway.


Shooter could be seen resting on his car on an highway. He was puffing his cigarette as he dial a number before placing the phone to his ear. 

"Any news about the target??" he asked the receiver with his usually irritating voice.

"He is on the move. From the information gathered, I think he's heading to sir Benjamin's party at Samstick hotel. They took the 1st highway" the other man said with a rush tone.

"Ooh!! Sir Benjamin's party, Samstick hotel and suites" shooter said to himself rather than the receiver before  hanging up the conversation. 

"The target is on the move, move straight towards the path that lead to Samstick hotel and suites and double cross them on the 6th highway" shooter command one of his guys that was sitting on the driver's sit,  the latter answered by igniting the car and zoom off.


Crack!!!  Bang!!!!! 

Sound of glass shattering could be heard as a bullet hit the cop that was driving the fist car on his nose bridge, killing him straight away.

The car lose it's control and it summersaults. 

"Shit!! An ambush, Protect Mr president, while I distract their attention" agent Chris said to the other agent that was in the car with them and the latter nodded in agreement and they switched position.

The president was hell shocked by the demise of his escort and he was extremely worried because he knew he was the prime target.

Agent Christie opened the door slightly and pull out his two desert eagle from his inner pocket. 

"Time to party" he said stepping out of the car gently as he look right and left to check if there was any attacker close by.

"Crab!!" Agent Christie shouted when he saw a black Hilux coming towards them.

"Take Mr president away!! He shouted.

"The wheel has been shot" the other agent shouted back.

"Protect the president then" Christie said with a frown.

A rugged man was on the car roof holding a launcher, ready to blow everything off.

Christie deliver a quick shot towards the man and the bullet penetrate deep into his skull, the launcher triggered and move in a wrong direction, but it's a pity that the wrong direction is where the last cops car was.

The launcher hit the car and it exploded with a loud bang, creating a mushroom In the sky.

One of the assaulters get off their car with a fast roll and made to shoot but agent Chris was much faster in shooting, he manage to put a bullet into the assaulter's skull and the man dropped dead. 

His thud caught the attention of the other who had stepped out of the car by now, they saw the guy's body and shoot their bullet at Christie with a blind rage.

Being an expert he roll to the car bombed by the side quickly and use it as a cover to avoid being hit by a bullet.

After some minutes, shooter signal to the other two to stop. 

"Check the body" he whispered as he give sign to one of the men. 

The latter nodded and made the biggest mistake of his life by moving a step forward. 

Chris did a double flip out and he shoot the man on the streched out foot before shooting him on the chest repeatedly. 

He landed on the floor with a thud and dropped a smoke grenade to cover his track.

The assaulters shoot non stop to where he had landed but he had move far and wide to get a clear shot, he she fired his bullet back at the two men. 

Maybe by luck or intensionally, a bullet got stuck into shooter's arm but the other guy was not lucky enough and the bullet hit his throat sending him to the afterlife immediately.

"Arrgggrhh" shooter screamed.

He held his injured as he ran towards their car.

Chris targeted his leg and fired but he was swift to dived into the car, dodging the bullet I'm the process.

He ignite the engine at once and he zoom off with the car. 

"Hope you are not hurt sire" Chris asked Mr david as he move towards the car.

"I should be the one asking that question" Mr david answered, looking at agent Christie with shock and admiration.

"To where sire?" asked the agent behind the wheel while holding his arm.

"Let's head back home" Mr david replied. 

"You're shot, huh!!

"Yea, when those guys were shooting blindingly" the guy answered without a change in expression.

"Okay, let's go back to president's villa first" Christie said, taking the wheel back from the injured agent.




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