
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


___Somewhere In USA____

Three men who would be in their early sixty could be seen in a magnificent mansion discussing, everyone of them with his own color of suit. Red, white and blue suits respectively and they seems to be very engrossed in their conversation. The one who wore white and the one that wore blue were arguing seriously while the one in red look at them boringly.

"We need to bring that old man down since he's becoming an obstacle for us, he need to be killed or we get screw up, I don't want my career to be jeopardize" one of the three men who was putting on white suit said with a menacing tone.

"What did you suggest? " The other who was putting on a red hood to match his red suit asked, facing the last one as he sip his coffee.

"Let's turn the house against him, after all doing it the house way will be very appropriate and law abiding" says the last man with a gentle man voice.

"That will be a very lame plan" the man wearing white protested. 

"Lame as how?? " the one who was putting on a red hood asked, dropping his cup on the table gently. He was carrying himself in a proud and elegant way.

"We all know that the president is not an easy person who we can turn the house against at our will, he's good to the citizen and every other member of the house" the man continue but he was interrupted by the man red.

"So, do you have a better plan?? " He asked lazily.

"Let's send him on an errand " the man in white said with a evil grin.

"I knew that is what you want from the begging" the man in red said with a grin while looking at the other two cooly.

"Can a president survive a bullet??" He asked and the other two nodded negatively.

"Then it is done, you just have to wait for the news" he finalize and gestured to the man in white.

The latter move closer to him and he whispered something into his ear. 

With a widen eyes and happy smile he bow to the red suit man slightly and sigal to the last man who also bow slightly before walking out of the mansion side by side with the white suit man.

Some minutes after the two men went outside the mansion, the last man who was the only one in the mansion picked his phone up and dial a number.

"Evening boss" 

A deep voice said from the other side of the line.

"Meet me at Festal hotel, room 004 by 8pm sharp, I won't tolerate lateness. You should have known my principle" the man in red said coldly to the guy.

"Roger that boss!! I will be there before 8pm" the man on the other line said and he disconnect the call. 

Hmmmmnph!! The man snorted as if he remember something, he stood up from his sit and walk out of the mansion elegantly.

___ 7 hours later____

"Boss, i'm here" a man with a deep voice called out as he knocked on the door of a room which has the number "004" on it.

"Come in" a voice usher him in and he pushed the door open.

He entered and salute the man that sat on the sofa, the man seems to have changed his cloth. He was now wearing a green polo with a black jean couple with a black spec.

"Who saw you when you came in??" The man ask the new arrival.

"The man at the gate, but he has been taking care of" the latter said sharply.

"Good" the boss said, nodding his head approvingly.

He stretch his right hand towards the table and picked his whine filled cup up.

"As usual, you're not called here to be lectured " the man said before gulping down the wine he in cup. 

" i'm always ready boss" the latter said with his usual deep and irritating voice but the other man seems not to care about how he sounds.

"Shooter!" He said, finally calling out the arrival's name.

"Today is Monday right?? He paused raising two of his fingers up before slicing them across his own throat.

  "Bring the president down before Friday" he drop the bomb.

"What!! " Shooter exclaimed and staggered backward as if he had just been shoot.

"Boss, that's suicide" shooter said with a furrowed brow.

"Suicide?? Just name your price" the man said, picking a dice up from the table he dropped it and picked it back in a playful manner.

"But sir.. shooter try to say something but he was interrupted by a bone chilling voice.

"Will you do it or not?"

"I will. The price is 2billion dollar" shooter repy, not daring to reject the mission because he knows the consequence.

" you can go,  you will see the money before dawn" the man said rolling the dice he has picked up earlier why seeing shooter out of the room with his eyes. 

He let out an evil grin immediately shooter exited and  he dropped the dice on the table,  he pick up his phone and he dial a number.

____ CIA headquarters___

"Holy crap! It's dawn already" agent Christie said as he rush out get of his bed.

Entering the bathroom in a flash, it took him just two minutes to be done.

He came out of the bathroom while drying his hair and he was welcome by the sound of his ringing phone.


"Oh, it's the president " he said before picking the call. 

"I will report to the presidential Villa immediately Sir" he said before hanging the call. 

He dressed up in his black outfit and he walk towards the mirror to check himself out.

"Not bad. But, one more thing" he said and he picked his shade up, he attached his weapons to his inner pocket before exiting his quarters. 

"Let's have a ride baby" he said, jumping on his bike and powering it to life, the bike roared out loudly and he zoom off to the presidential villa. 
