
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urban
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21 Chs


A black Hilux zoomed into a street and a street and a wounded man jumped out of the car.

He hold his injured arm with the other one and ran to the back of the sole white mansion in the area.

He scale the fence and went directly into a room, he clicked opened the door and fall on his kneel immediately he entered.

"Sir, I'm deeply sorry for failing the mission sir" shooter said to the man who send the mission.

Behold he's the lieutenant General of the country, a man know by the masses to be malevolent and kind.

"What happened" general Ben asked with a confused look, he knew shooter is not a kid in the game.

"Mr president personal agent stoped  us and we couldn't complete the mission" shooter explain as he gritted his teeth in pain. 

"You couldn't kill David right" General Ben asked coldly. 

"Yes General " shooter replied, covering his face in shame.

"What about all your boys" General asked anticipating for a positive answer. 

"They were killed by the agent sir" shooter replied. 

"WTF" General Ben screamed and he flung the cup he was holding away. 

"What's the name of that agent??" He asked.

"Sir, I heard he's called agent Christie" shooter answered and general Ben's face was distorted.

"You may leave" said general Ben as he wave shooter away.

"Send me back my money or....." Said general Ben to the receding shooter.

General Ben curl his lips and shake his head

"That little boy again"

"We need to do something very interesting" General Ben stated, talking to himself with an evil grin. 

He picked his phone up from the table and text a message to someone

"Greenville hotel, 9th floor by 11pm" 

"What then?" He said, laughing like a maniac.

_____CIA headquarters______

"I couldn't believe it!! The president of a country got attacked by a group of badass killer? That's ridiculous " said a young and clean shaven man, he was sitting on one of the sofas that was located in the quarters. 

"I'm telling you the truth Scott, you know I'm not the type that do lie. The president will have been dead by now" Christie replied concentrating on the movie shown on the television without giving the suppose Scott a glance.

"Hope You take care of them very well? " Scott asked grinning. 

"One of them escape with an injured arm " Chris answered now facing the ever talking Scott. 

"Bro i fear... " Scott said with a cool facial expression but he was interrupted by Christie.

"Why?? "  Chris ask, surprise by Scott's concern.

"They won't back down easily, they will attack again" Scott explained. 

"They will be come back well prepared" he paused and shake his head.

"And I fear you won't be able to stop them" he added, sighing.

" Dude!! You've started with your mysterious acting again. The seer" the latter replied, laughing the matter off.

" just be careful" Scott warned him one last time. 

" alright brother,  let's go eat" Chris said and his stomach grumble. 

Scott looked at him wiredly, and they both burst into laugh.

"Shall we?? " Scott asked, getting up from the sofa. 

"Wait a minute" the latter replied as he rushed towards the wardrobe, he picked a jacket and put it on, turning towards Scott.

He joked

"I've you seen a cutie today" 

The latter looked at him irritatingly and kicked his butt.

"Go away, I don't do guys"

They burst into loud laugh and they both made their way out.

Christie jumped on his bike and signal Scott to come on.

The latter didn't hesitate to jumped on the bike too, he hold Christie's cloth and begged.

"Easy brother, I don't wanna die"

The latter just smile and zoom off with a reckless speed.

_____Greenville hotel______

"Sire you've a guest, should I let him in?"  a receptionist call general Ben to inform him of the arrival of the person he was waiting for. 

"Yeah" general Ben said from the other side of the line cooly.

"Okay sir" the receptionist stated before hanging up the conversation. 

"You may go in, sir" she said showing the guest the hallway that leads to the elevator.

"Thanks " the latter said, flashing his teeth to the receptionist who blushed shyly in return.

"This is my card, you can give me a call" he said dropping a small contact card on the counter before making his was  as he made his way to the elevator.

The receptionist looked at the way he walk and can't seems to get him off her mind.

"Such a perfect man" the receptionist was drooling when she suddenly remembered something,


"It's the 8th floor" she shouted so that the latter would hear her.

The handsome guy's name is Sam and he happens to be one of the most skilled agent.

He was also an ex assassin together with Scott and Christie.

He walk out of the elevator and move towards the room by the left.

The opened itself immediately to show general Ben who was holding a golden remote.

"I received your text sire" agent Sam said to the General immediately he entered the room.

"I've an assignment for you" general Ben stated caressing his beard gently. 

"What's that general??"  Agent Sam asked, he was quite confused, because it's a while since the general gave him a mission.

"You need to kill the president" the latter stated gulping down the wine on the table. 

"WTF" Sam exclaimed. 

"With due respect I can't do that sire, it's too dangerous" he added. 

"Then you will have to pay the price with the live of your entire family" the latter threaten coldly.

Agent Sam didn't know what to say again and he bow his head down as tears drip down his eyes.

He doesn't wants to be forced by anyone but on this, there's no turning back. 

"What's your conclusion??,  I don't have all day, after all this is not the first time you'll be doing this" said general Ben without looking at the latter.

"It is done already" the latter replied with a renue motivation.

"And one more thing, use the code 189 on Christie" general Ben added as he pick his phone up from the table to signify the end of conversation. 

"It will be done accordingly" Sam said firmly, bowing slightly before making his way out. 

"That's a jackpot" general Ben said as he dial a number on his phone.


"Hey man,  any news from your side " the voice from the other end said to general Ben. 

"It will soon be done" said General Ben.

"Better make it snappy before that man reveal us to the world," the man said with  a pleading voice. 

" I will text the plan to you, and make sure you made it known to Carlos too" the latter said authoritatively, not giving a room for excuse.

"No problem,  I will inform him once I saw the plan" the man said before ending the call. 

"The king is in action already, let's see what the knight is up to" general Ben stated with an evil grin as he made a killing move on the chessboard that was laying carelessly on the table.

His move trapped the opponent king, leaving only the knight to make a move, and if the knight made a wrong move; the king will be captured by the opponent.


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