

Born to aggressive parents who drink ,smoke cigarettes and argue at every single chance they get ,Elizabeth Quinn has always been a child who loves to keep to herself . What happens when she gets pregnant as a result of a one night stand ?and her mother sends her packing??

Thishumangirl · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Bethie chapter 3 ❤️🦋

Bethie's POV 😇💜

I woke up in an unfamiliar room ,My head was banging very hard ,I tried moving but I couldn't move as a sharp pain shot through my 🦵 legs 'what exactly happened yesterday ' I thought ,I went into a bar and got drunk and then I felt sleepy a nice kind hearted man helped me into a room but I don't remember hurting my leg .

I noticed I was covered with a blanket , I raised the blanket up only to find out that I was naked and then my eyes turned to the other side of the bed and I saw the man who helped me yesterday sleeping peacefully ,I gasped as I thought of the possibility of what happened to my legs and then the man near me moved .

Luka's POV 😈🧡

I woke early the next morning with a hang over as every that happened came crashing back 'I had sex with a girl without her consent ' oh geez what have I done 😖😫,I was disgusted at myself 'a little girl 👧 at that'.

I looked at the space she was sleeping 😴 only to find her awake and staring at me with a curious gaze " how are you feeling ?" I asked her. 'of course she is feeling terrible ' my inner mind scolded me , she nodded her head , I didn't know what she meant " what's your name and what were you doing in the bar yesterday " I asked her in a soft tone so she wouldn't he scared but instead she started crying and then she said'

" Bethie"

" okay " I replied" I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday, it wasn't in my intention to abuse you , I'm really sorry " I apologized but what could my apology do .

She nodded and then said "home "

" you want to go home???" I asked and she nodded.

" where is your home ???" She shaked her head I guessed that was a 'no'

" you don't know the way to your house " I asked again and she shaked her head 'okay now I'm confused '

"Bethie,can you speak"

And she shaked her head

" ok don't worry I'll take you home "

And she said another word " wolvedang "

"You live on in wolvedang ??" And she nodded . I called my assistant to buy some clothes for her and after that I took her into my car to take her to her house .

When we got to wolvedang province she directed me with her hands and we finally got to the front of her house, " are your parents home , I would like to explain myself and take responsibility of what happened between " and then she waved her hands telling me not toworry ,I think I understand her body signals now ." Ok"

I said and i took out my business card to give her " give me a call if you need anything Bethie " she nodded and collected it " and by the way I am luka waish" she nodded and then waved before getting out of the car and entering her house , I stayed for five minutes before driving off ,I remembered I was leaving the country today to attend to some business in country X .

Bethie's POV 😇🥰

I entered the house ,My mom wasn't back ,I limped to my room and closed the door and then I cried , I didn't try to make a fuss when I was with him because I knew it wasn't entirely his fault , we were both drunk 🥴, I stared at the business card he gave and just dumped it somewhere in my room , I was not going to call him or else he would think I was a leech who wants to take advantage of him because of what happened between us , I slept off after applying some ointment to my legs to stop it from aching .


When I woke up ,it was evening ,I went downstairs to find out my mother was back " dinner's ready ,I came to your room earlier but you were asleep 😴 " I nodded and sat down to eat my dinner, I hope she doesn't notice anything .

Luka's POV 😈🥰

" I'm sure something was added to my drink Ryan , you know very well I don't do stupid things while I'm drunk " I said and my assistant replied " yes sir I made my findings this morning ,miss gina Williams was the the one who sent her men to spite your drink and bring you to her mansion ,I captured one of them he confessed everything .

". I knew it , have her captured and put her in the void room , I'll deal with with her when I get back from country X"