

Born to aggressive parents who drink ,smoke cigarettes and argue at every single chance they get ,Elizabeth Quinn has always been a child who loves to keep to herself . What happens when she gets pregnant as a result of a one night stand ?and her mother sends her packing??

Thishumangirl · Urban
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12 Chs

BETHIE chapter 4

Bethie's POV 😇

one month after the incident between I and luka............

My life returned to normal but I couldn't stop thinking about how I loosed my virginity to a stranger.

One day I was laying on my bed reading a novel I borrowed from the local bookshop when my mother called me to come downstairs for dinner , I stood up from my bed 🛌 then my vision became hazy ,I have been noticing my vision becomes hazy whenever I read or when I do some chores but I went downstairs anyway , I sat at the table without a word and started eating my dinner which was pasta ,I guessed mother was feeling 😃 happy today for cooking 🥘 something as sumptuous as pasta 🍝, when I finished eating I stood up to take our plates to the kitchen and then my head started spinning and then 'THUD' .

I woke up later that day , I looked at my sorroundings and I saw only white ,'what happened? ' ,'did I die and go to heaven???' I thought until i heard some voice .

"Oh she is awake " I heard someone say , my vision became clear , I saw a man in white robe coming closer to the bed I was laying on , he touched my forehead and then asked,

"How are you feeling young lady??"

I nodded my head to tell him I was fine .

I looked around to check if my mother was around

"Are you perhaps looking for your mother "

I nodded ," she went home not long ago " I nodded and then I stood up and tried to get off the bed but the man stopped me

"You still need to rest till tomorrow till we can discharge you " I nodded.

The next morning I was discharged ,the doctor help me order a taxi to carry me home , since yesterday I haven't seen my mother 'maybe she has gone to work '. I thought ,the taxi stopped at the front of my house ,I thanked him and got down .

When I entered the house I found my mother in the sitting room ,she looked annoyed and near her was a bag . I coughed to signal I was back ,when she faced me , her eyes was bloodshot ,she was obviously 😡 angry ,I wondered what happened ,she moved closer to me and then 'PAK' , a slap resounded in my ears and then 'PAK' another one landed on my cheek .

"You ungrateful little bastard, I knew you would take after your father eventually " I looked at her confused with tears in my eyes and then she continued " take your things and leave my house right now " I shot my eyes up at her , I was lost.

(AUTHOR; poor Bethie ,she doesn't know what she did wrong )

" don't look at me like you don't know what you did wrong , while I'm away working my butts off ,you go out there sleep with men all around ,am I right??, you little slut and guess what now 'you are pregnant 🤰 , you thought I wouldn't find out right??"

'BOOM' she said the word 'how' I asked myself , when I remembered what happened one month ago ,I burst into tears and then went on my kneels " sorry mama Bethie " i managed to say " ,but my mother didn't budge and still insisted that I got out of her house , I took my bags when I found out there was no use begging her anymore and left , my life's ruined , why did I drink that night , who can I call ??' I thought ,I remembered luka gave me his business card but then I remembered i threw in the bin in my bedroom , I cried again and kept wandering till it was mid night ,I found a restaurant and it was closed , I decided to sleep there till the next morning ,I took out some of my clothes and spread it on the floor and then layed on it.

Luka's POV 👿❤️🦋

It's has been a month since what happened between us happened but I couldn't just get her out of my head , her innocent curious pretty face , I would have gone to check on her but business made stay in country X ,I haven't been able to go back to country Z since that night and I'm still going to be in this country for like two months .

I really wish I could see or just get a glimpse of her 🥺🥺