

Born to aggressive parents who drink ,smoke cigarettes and argue at every single chance they get ,Elizabeth Quinn has always been a child who loves to keep to herself . What happens when she gets pregnant as a result of a one night stand ?and her mother sends her packing??

Thishumangirl ยท Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Luka's POV ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’•

I was enraged when I found out from my aunt that my step mother and my father were the ones who killed my mom and my baby sister was still alive but she was living in fear .

Two days ago .....

My father called me to discuss business with him so I went home that day ,I walked to my father study directly since that was where he spent most of his time ,as I was about to enter

" what do you mean by Brenda is still alive ,how could that wench still be alive " I heard my father shout ,

" I don't know how she survived it , I asked the hitman to wipe out the whole Lloyd family ,I didn't know he spared the main witness of the incident ".

I didn't wait to hear ๐Ÿ‘‚ the rest of the conversation , I went back to my car and then drove off . 'The Lloyd family ' I thought , that was the family my mother came from .Does that my mother still has a relative . I picked up my phone to call Ryan,my assistant "find more about the Lloyd family ,Brenda Lloyd precisely ".

The next day...

I was in my sitting room working on my laptop when I heard the door bell ๐Ÿ”” "come in" I said knowing fully well that it was Ryan

". Boss this is everything I could find about Brenda Lloyd " he said and handed me a file , I opened it


AGE :42




I sighed and told Ryan to go home ,I picked up my car keys went out to cool my brain , I forgot to tell Ryan to search for her house address so I called him again "you didn't tell me her home address "

"I'm sorry boss ,I'll email it to you ".


When I got home back that day ,I didn't bother eating I just took off my clothes and headed toward the bathroom

And then I heard my phone ring ,I groaned but picked it up anyway

" what do you need Ryan"

" Boss it's about the software company in COUNTRY X , your attention is needed there , I received a call from the director that some unholy activities has been going on "

" and he can't handle that , what's his purpose as a director if he can't handle that kind of problem " I asked in disbelief

" He said the ones who are suspects of this activities are higher ups that he can't control "

" okay tell him we will be there in three days "

" yes boss"

I hanged the phone and proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower , after that I slept off .

I woke up very early the next day to start my journey to bordervoile province were my mom's relative was .

The journey to the province was a long one ,I arrived there by Noon

I checked my address ,it says she stays at house 8 grinfiwald ave but I saw numbers 100 and above ,so I decided to ask from a passerby

"Good afternoon ma'am ,Do you perhaps know where house 8 of grinfiwald ave is located "

"That is far from here lad ,it is located at the outskirt of this province ,but this road will lead you there ,just keep asking "

I thanked the old lady and continued driving down the road and kept asking as the old lady instructed till I got there .

House 8 was the only house around ,it was sorrounded by bush ,I saw a girl spreading some clothes on the line outside the house. ' but the file said she has no child ' I thought , I started walking towards the house ' immediately the little girl saw me .she ran inside the house , I was suprised but nevertheless I continued ,when I got to the doorstep ,I knocked on the door , a middle aged woman came out .

" I am asking of miss Brenda Lloyd , does she live here "

She looked at my face ,she gasped and then dragged me inside .


When we got home inside ,she hugged me and started crying ๐Ÿ˜ญ,I patted her back to tell her it was okay 'I guess she is brenda and she recognizes me then '. I thought

" oh luka dear , I'm happy to see you "she said adjust tears

She took me to her sitting room and then made me tea , I saw the little girl I met outside she was staring at me and I stared back . Aunt Brenda caught us staring at each other " she chuckled and then asked me how I knew her place ,I explained everything I heard in my father's library to her and then she started " I guess you are looking for answers on what happened to your mother" I nodded my head

" your stepmother Norah was your mother's best friend since high school

She was the one who introduced your father to your mother.

The Lloyd family then was a very wealthy and influential family ,every single one of us had inheritances and wealth that belong to us and so did you mother

, your father was an orphan who had nothing .

Everything started when your mother fell in love with him and wanted to marry him , father opposed to it but your mother didn't listen ,father would tell her that your father meant no good but she got blinded by love , as your mother's younger sister then I also talk to her thou I was little and was only eleven but all was to no avail

Your mother got married to your father secretly without the family knowing ,When father got to know about it, she has giving birth to you . We were all disappointed but we still supported her

After that your father started managing and taking care of your mother's company for her but everything went downhill went you were six at that time your mother was pregnant of your little sister

Your father and Norah connived together and made your mother sign a document of her transferring her company to his own name after that your mother was killed by Norah herself

On that day she was killed , I witnessed it all , Norah and your father saw me but I managed to escape but I didn't leave the sorroundings I watched how they dumped your mother on the road side after they left i Took her into the car that brought me and drove her to the hospital ,the doctor managed to save her baby but your mother died .

Your father lied to the family that she died during childbirth ,he had a sorrowful face and they all believed him .

I couldn't tell my family what happened because I didn't want to put them in danger so I took your sister from the orphanage that I kept her and I travelled abroad with the excuse of going to complete my university there .

When I came back after five years ,my whole family was dead and your father already claimed all the properties as his own and then he married Norah , that was why I went into hiding .

To protect your sister and couldn't charge him to court because he was already powerful and I had no evidence ".

I was already in tears when I heard the story about my mom

"So this little girl here is Lucy "

My aunt smiled and said "yes she is "

I stood up and hugged me baby sister

Before my mom died she had always wanted to name her Lucy .

I left my aunts place in the evening and promised to come visit them again . I didn't want to go near my fathers house cause I could kill him out of rage ..



So I went to a bar to drink , I wanted to forget all I heard today but I couldn't ,I drank till I got drunk ,I stood up and sighted a girl sitting alone ,she looked sad so I asked if I could sit near her ,she nodded and we both ordered for more alcohol ๐Ÿท, I noticed that she didn't talk throughout ,she would just place her glass in front of the bartender and he would pour her more drink ,soon I saw her yawning and I asked her

" do you want to sleep pretty ,she nodded her head and I carried her upstairs into an empty room and locked the door at the back , we both fell on the bed

Soon I started feeling hot inside , i took of my clothes and started caresssing the girls face ,she looks beautiful I thought and then I kissed her lips ,kissed her neck and then I went lower i started kissing all her body parts and one by one I took of her clothes ,after taking off her clothes , I stared deeply at her naked body ,it was so inviting and tempting , her nipples were perked up I kissed her swell and then started sucking on her nipple ,she moaned, I looked at her to check if she was awake but her eyes was close ,I guessed it was her subconscious self. , I continued exploring her body till I reach her lower body ,I opened her legs and kissed her inner thighs.

I took of my clothes also and then I .........

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”-Phone Conversation :

Voice one: did you do the job already ???

Voice two: no ma'am we gave him the drink already but he carried a girl into a room and locked the door

Voice one: you can't do a single thing right

Hangs up the call.