

Born to aggressive parents who drink ,smoke cigarettes and argue at every single chance they get ,Elizabeth Quinn has always been a child who loves to keep to herself . What happens when she gets pregnant as a result of a one night stand ?and her mother sends her packing??

Thishumangirl · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

BETHIE❤️chapter 5

Bethie's POV 😇❤️🦋

I woke up with an ache in all parts of my body ,all that happened yesterday came crashing back ,I burst into tears as I remembered my mother's disappointed gaze but all hope was lost ,there was nothing I could do again while I was still in my lost state I suddenly heard a voice .

"What is a little girl like you doing outside my restaurant ??" , I looked up ,I saw a woman of average height staring at me with her hands on her hip ,I cleaned my face with the back of my hand ,I bowed and managed to say sorry "it's ok ,where are your parents ??" She asked and I replied on a muffled tone "Bethie papa mama away Bethie from home" I was praying in my mind that she should understand"your parents are away from home ??" She asked again in a confused way ,

" no " I answered

" your parents sent you away from home??"

I noddd yes

She gasped "your parents sent a little girl like you away from the house ,what was your offense ???"

"Bethie pregnant "I replied to her question

She looked confused at first and then she widened her eyes has realization dawned on her .she looked at me with pity and then said "come on inside ,I followed her into the restaurant.

She took me into what looks like a office ,she told me to sit down and then she continued " so you got pregnant and because of that your parents sent your out of the house , am I right ???"

I nodded .

"You kids of nowadays , why are you always in a haste but nevertheless ,do you know who got you pregnant 🤰" , I said no, I wasnt really lying , I don't know him or anything related to him ,I only recognize his face and I know his name is luka apart from that ,I know nothing else about him , "you don't have anywhere to go ??" ,I nodded again

" OK but ,the only thing I can offer you is work and a place to sleep ,I can also offer you one meal in a day " I nodded and smiled " Bethie thankful" I beamed

She chuckled. I thought of blessed I was to meet a woman like this

I was still in trance when a voice called out

"Ginny are you in there ??"

" yes ,come on in " the woman who took me in answered ,

A girl of about my age came inside .

"Morning Ginny " she greeted

" Mabel ,did you sleep well "

" I did " the girl who's name was Mabel answered ,she then set her eyes on me ,she looked at me with a curious gaze .

" meet Mabel bethie and Bethie meet Mabel ,Bethie would work with us as from now on as a waitress ,she would also spend her nights with the rest of you at the quarters "Ginny said and then she continued

" take her with you now ,show her around and introduce her to rest of you ,also teach her the basics ,she would be under you ,learning for a week and after she can start working fully ".

My eyes were full of tears as I didn't know how to thank her enough

She smiled at me and then I followed the girl named Mabel .


It's been two weeks since Ginny took me in ,I worked during the day ,at night i sleep at the staff quarters and I also gets paid weekly .

Right now I was on my way to the hospital to confirm my pregnant as I have only heard from my mom and also to check if my baby was alright that's if really I am pregnant .

After my check up ,I didn't know if I should be happy or sad , I was indeed pregnant ,i had mixed feelings 🥺.

I couldn't hold my tears ,I cried my eyes out .

" what's wrong Bethie ,why are you crying in the middle of the night "

I shaked my head to tell Mabel I was fine ,She has always been nice to me ever since I got here .

Sometimes I wish I could see Luka to tell him about my pregnancy but on the other hand I don't want to disrupt his life because of my own problems ,it was my fault for going to the club that night .

The next day , I woke early to bath ,then I went to the restaurant with the rest .


" Don't you know how to treat customers at all "


I went to take the order of a middle aged woman ,She looked very rich with how elegant she carried herself .

After taking her orders I went back to take what she ordered for.

As I was about to serve her ,I felt a sharp pain in my back and I mistakenly spilled some juice on the woman before regaining my composure

,she screamed that my eyes almost bled out ,due to the scream and fear I ran away ,Ginny came out of her office to check what was happening

"What's wrong ma'am " she asked her and she took my hands to drag me back to the scene ,I stood near her fidgeting

" your stupid waitress spilled juice on my cloth and she couldn't apologize ,I'm going to close down this place ,do you know who I am ???"the woman said

" we are deeply sorry ma'am , my waitress can't speak that's why she didn't apologize ,I really am sorry for her mistake ,we will make sure to compensate you "

But the woman wasn't still satisfied ,it was then I heard a resounding slap on my face

"Don't you know how to treat customers at all "

And then she stormed out in anger

I apologized to Ginny with a bow while trying to hold in my tears .

" it's ok Bethie ,I knew you didn't do it intentionally but you should be careful incase of another time " I nodded timidly and went away .