
being one... wait, what? Now I also have a group chat?

Locked up for a crime he didn't commit, Hiroto sees firsthand the cruelty of humanity through his father-in-law, the filthiest son of a bitch the world could ever see, he creates a gang in order to find peace in a site that hides more than what can be seen with the naked eye, with his right hand confessing something shocking after two years of challenges overcome together. I took the images for the appearances from here: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-original-blonde-boy-purple-eyes-wallpaper-gfygz (HIROTO) https://www.pinterest.com/harithzl/saika-totsuka?lp=true (MURATA)

Branco_Veliz · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

mini fight

In the previous chapter:

Murata : Yes, and this is not either.

I told him as I took his chin quickly and joined our lips without letting him understand what was happening, the confused man stood there still without understanding what was happening, until then he slowly returned the kiss that lasted half a minute before he left. began to separate from the kiss, thus leaving the kiss with a sigh and a silver thread of saliva joining our lips thus demonstrating our sinful "union" since he had not answered anything about my confession.

Hiroto: I'm sorry, murata-kun. "

In this chapter:

Murata: YES! *hic* YES! *hic* YES! I ACCEPT! *hic*

Hiroto: Well, now you just have…

Now if from the beginning of the chapter.

POV: murata-kun.

Ha… although this is the result that was obviously going to happen, I had a little hope that he would have answered yes but the world destroyed what little hope I had, so I can't say, I'm not disappointed…



Hiroto: I'm really sorry murata-kun but you know that I already have someone in my heart, but I promise you something.

He apologized avoiding me with his gaze anywhere other than me, but when he told me that he promises me something his gaze focused completely on me with a resolute look.

Murata: *hic* what? *hic*

I spoke while hiccuping slightly feeling a lump in my throat as I concentrated on trying to control the enormous hope that rose from the depths of my chest.

Hiroto: I promise you, that if my beloved is with someone else after all this time, God forbid, and she no longer loves me, you and I will become a couple, and we will only break up when you want or when one of us dies , I do not have the slightest intention of breaking up our relationship, but I ask that if at any time you get bored of me and our relationship, that you finish me before cheating on me since I would not know what I am going to do.

He told me slowly with his voice barely above a whisper looking directly into my eyes explaining his promise, I stopped trying to hold back the hope that transformed into an incredible joy that instantly stopped my tears but not my hiccups.

Murata : YES! *hic* YES! *hic* YES! I AGREE! *hic*

Speak, no, rather yell while hiccuping, the only words that had appeared in my mind in the face of such a miracle, now I just have to wait for that unfortunate Eugenia to commit some stupidity that ruins her relationship with the boss, no, with Hiroto.

Hiroto: Okay, now you just have to wait five years, that's when our sentences run out, will you be able to hold out all this time, just for me?

He said looking me straight in the eye, but apparently Hiroto forgot something we could have done...

Murata: What if… we just run away?

It seems that if he forgot, from his frozen expression with his mouth slightly open and his eyes that were also slightly open.

Hiroto: eh… although it didn't occur to me before, and why? Well, before that I would have to tell you a little story, about two years ago, that being my second year here, I witnessed something that made my gaze change towards him. world, I saw how an inmate turned a guard with whom he was arguing into nothing more than a puddle of blood, just by brushing his face, and then he began to laugh pointing at the puddle saying something that I really don't remember well.

Hm… apparently the super powers are going to appear, I had begun to wonder if I was in an alternate universe, but apparently it had only appeared before the powers and Hiroto's first encounter with them… hm? Why did I say parallel universe and powers, you ask, why do you think I explained a bit of the damn game to you just before I declared my eternal love to my beloved boss? It's obvious that I'm reincarnated in that damn game, now guess who I'm reincarnated as… RIGHT OR WRONG I DON'T CARE I'LL TELL YOU THE SAME, BLEH*sticks out tongue*! I was reborn as the subordinate of the boss who, as I said before, is the personification of feminine beauty for some reason, so I didn't have much difficulty getting used to this new life, yes, I admit that I did have some other difficulties in this life, like not knowing how to point to the toilet with me *shudders* penis, that sounded… weird coming out of my mouth.

Hiroto: I understand murata-kun, I also felt terrified for a while, but you don't have to worry too much about the guy who could turn you into a pool of blood just by touching your hand, I killed him while he laughed at the puddle, I had buried a spoon in his eye just when he turned around, I guess he was about to go to his cell, but anyway, while he was screaming he tried to touch me but I had just thrown him on the ground so he got disoriented for a second, his last second so to speak, because he had rammed the spoon into his eye until you couldn't even see the handle , so he lay motionless in a little pool of his blood, but then, something happened…mystical so to speak.

Hey, what is Hiroto referring to? In the game it is never mentioned that something "mystical" like this happens to hiroto, could it be that in reality if I am in an alternative universe?, well who cares, it is not as if something could change me in the grand scheme of things...

Point of View Change: Hiroto

I was telling you about my amazing encounter to my now fiancé? No… wait… I don't want to be the bottom and that… you know… he… sticks his penis in me *SHIRLS TO THE EXTREME!* so he'll be the bottom, it's already decided!, and besides as murata-kun it has a very feminine aspect I will tell you, fiancée… but leaving that super important topic< no, it is not> I better tell murata-kun about the super mystical event…

Hiroto: I…somehow stole his power from the "blood" guy and now I have some kind of semi-transparent purple window flying across my vision telling me I leveled up, what I can make appear and disappear…

I was going to continue explaining to murata-kun about my unknown powers and ask him if he knows anything about this window since he has knowledge of many things, when he suddenly held his head with a bewildered expression that slowly turned into an adorable a frown that made his confusion evident, that, I don't know.

Hiroto: Murata-kun, are you alright?

I asked him worried seeing his expression strange change of mood, in one second when I made our promise he was like someone who won a millionaire lottery and the other for no apparent reason he looked like someone who got lost in the middle of a forest.

Murata: eh… yes, hiroto but let me ask you a question…

I asked him confused as I realized that he stopped calling me "boss" but I assume he did it to feel closer, I mean we're engaged, right? Shit that still sounds weird, Eugenia... please tell me you're still single 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。

Hiroto: Sure, you just ask and I'll do everything in my power to give you the best possible answer, murata-kun,

I replied looking directly into his eyes, trying to make my answer appropriate for this strange situation.

Murata: Hiroto, why didn't you think of running away, if the only thing that presented you with a threat in this place you've already killed?

Huh, just that silly question? Hell, this guy sure knows how to create a serious atmosphere only to destroy it three seconds later.

Hiroto: Murata-kun, are you alright? That's a pretty stupid question for someone smart like you.

I replied feeling seriously confused, is murata-kun trying to play a prank on me? Because this is just confusing.

Murata: wha-? answer now.

Yes, it's a joke, murata-kun just confessed to me but now it seems a bit out of place, but still, I'll play along with his little joke.

Hiroto: well... well what happens is that obviously the "blood pool creator" guy wasn't the only one with super powers in this place, he was some kind of subordinate, that's why he wasn't turning every person into a "pool of blood" is to be expected that the boss of a guy as bloodthirsty as that has to be stupidly powerful to be able to keep him at bay for so long.

I explained as quickly as possible because distant footsteps began to be heard in the hallway so, alarmed, I began to look around the cleaning room, trying to find a hiding place.

Murata: oh… I hadn't really thought about that, but… what was the mystical event you mentioned? Hiroto

I ask, ignoring that I had already told him everything and turning a deaf ear to the steps that were becoming louder in the silent corridor, that made me look more desperate for a hiding place, but... there!

Hiroto: Then I tell you, follow me, quickly!

I yelled at him as I climbed a stack of boxes up to the huge ventilation duct above our heads, but as I climbed up I asked myself "now how the hell do I open the grate without making a sound!?"

Hiroto: Murata-kun, are you bringing your screwdriver that I gave you for your birthday?

I asked him hoping that he hadn't forgotten, I say even though it sounds strange that someone carries a screwdriver to places like this, that was one with a hidden knife, I had given it to him to defend himself in this place.

Murata: eh… yes, no, I don't have it.

He said slowly looking to the side.

Hiroto: Murata-kun… How come you don't have it?

I asked narrowing my eyes as I felt a bit suspicious of his words, he always carries it with him.

Murata: … I lost it in a bet…

His voice was barely audible through his whisper, and it was impossible for me to see his face because his gaze was now drawn to the ground.

Hiroto: what? I can't hear you, speak louder please.

I told him staring at him as I put my right hand around my right ear.

Murata: Well… I LOST IT ON A BET!

Oh… well I thought he was going to want it more, I mean, I had told him that I had suffered a lot before I was able to get it, I had gotten into a lot of trouble, just to find out how to get him, I mean, into a prison as an inmate he cannot have any type of weapon and this was my first time being locked up in a prison like this, here if they discover you, the guards punished you, with a "bath"... but, with a fire hose at maximum power, everyone was with red skin and with a couple of pieces of skin coming out, due to the terrifying pressure of the water, I was unfortunately discovered many times, so on more than one occasion I have been "bathed".

Hiroto: Well, to hell with stealth.



I punched the grate, got down from the stack of boxes and grabbed murata-kun by the armpits and lifted him up to the grate.

Murata: What the hell, boss! ¿! Why the hell did he break the grill ? !

He spoke almost shouting, surprised as he offered no resistance and climbed into the ventilation shaft.

Hiroto: You just keep quiet and move further back, I have to go in too.

I told him putting my hands on the edge of the vent and jumping over some boxes to reach the vent.

Hiroto: Let's go to the library.

I told him as I walked past him and started to drag myself to where I remember the library was, but when I continued on my way and didn't hear anything behind me I turned my whole body to look and found that murata-kun was where he was looking at me embarrassed.

Hiroto: What are you waiting for murata-kun? Come on, move, they're going to discover us.

I hurried him while with the balls of my feet I pushed him slightly urging him to move.

Murata: Who is going to discover us, and why the library?

I ask bewildered looking at myself with narrowed eyes.

Hiroto: What the fuck murata? Obviously the guards are going to discover us and why the library, you ask? Do you know another place to go for the ventilation ducts? Because I only know how to get to the library from here.

I explained to him containing my anger towards his strange way of acting in this situation, he was always the one who had the answers to the most complicated things in the most adverse situations and now he is just making a fool of himself, this strange situation is getting on my nerves and my patience was never the best.

Murata: eh… no, let's go I'll follow him.

He said slowly approaching me so I better start moving or else they will find us and I don't want an unjustified punishment, but... now that I think about it I'm in a "restricted" area, so I guess they won't punish me so strong, and on top of that he was with murata-kun so we could have had a very good excuse, but now with the state property damaged he left us.

Time jump: 10 minutes.

After turning around so many times we hit a lot of dead ends, but in the end we were able to find a way out to the library, but once there I still have some problems to solve.

Hiroto: Murata-kun, what the hell was that?

I confront him directly without waiting a second so he doesn't come up with some excuse.

Murata: what do you mean hiroto?

He pretended not to understand and acted as if he really didn't understand what I mean.

Pulling a .50 Gs from the holster under my jacket, I aimed it directly in front of his nose without giving him time to react.

Hiroto: Who the fuck are you and what did you do to my man?!

SHIT THAT SOUNDED SO UNCOMFORTABLE! But this is not a moment of discomfort , this guy apparently hadn't heard me tell him that I stole the blood guy's powers so I could use that to my advantage to take him by surprise if he somehow disarmed me.

Murata: What gave me away?

He asked slowly slowly raising his hands, apparently if he was right, it seems that he took over murata-kun's body but he wouldn't have done with murata-kun's battle skills if he hadn't disarmed me without any problem.

Hiroto: murata-kun and I always share our deepest secrets, but if it was an existential question, he would tell me that he would tell me later, but he would never do this kind of thing like "I don't know what you mean" and more now being us promised.

I explained as I slowly pulled the trigger, mentally preparing myself to do something I really wanted to avoid at all costs.

Murata: What the fuck? Are you and this rag engaged? Seriously?

The subject spoke in disbelief, even lowering his arms to point at Murata-kun's body and finally pointing at his crotch.

Hiroto: yes, teach-

I was about to speak but I had to quickly dodge a blow that was aimed at my hundred with the intention of stunning me.

Murata: huh ~ so you were able to dodge one of my punches, this suddenly got interesting.

He spoke while still having his left leg up, I shot him twice, one to his chest and the other to his groin.


The wind whistled loudly as Murata-kun's body somehow twisted in the air and miraculously dodged the two bullets that seconds later blew up a few books.

Murata: huh ~ so you're one of those boring ones who depend only on those boring toys...

He spoke while his smile faltered a bit as he looked at me with a little less enthusiasm than before.

Hiroto: You think I'm a one trick pony, don't you?

I spoke to him while shooting four times, one to the head, another to the chest, and the last two to his legs.

Murata: yes…

He said moving his head a little to the right, he dodged the first bullet, then he threw all his weight on his back, dodged the second bullet, and in the end he just jumped into the air doing a perfect Split, dodging all the bullets.

Hiroto: Well you were wrong.

I said stepping on my heels, when I did, some eight inch blades came out, as soon as they came out I kicked him towards his abdomen while I shot him with the 50. Gs towards his head.

Murata: ho ~ it got interesting again.

He said dodging taking an inhuman jump of about four meters high and buried his fingers in the ceiling, thus avoiding the bullet and my kick.

Falling from the ceiling to the ground, Murata-kun changed the trajectory of his fall to land on me, so I jumped back dodging the kick that destroyed a 3 meter radius once he fell and made contact with the ground.

Hiroto: what did you do to murata-kun? He never had a strength equal to that.

I asked confused, in the end this guy took over murata-kun's body or murata-kun took over his body.

Murata: huh? This body is one that came out of a roulette that a super powerful guy made but in reality I spun three roulette wheels, the first the world, I got the world of a fairly normal video game, the second, the appearance, I got an appearance quite feminine and the memories of this as well as the understanding of all his experiences that he went through throughout his life, and the last one, the entire life experience of the "S" class hero silver fang, so I got the memories of this body , those of silver fang and mine.

Hey ~~ ! What's wrong with this guy, why the hell did he tell me all that information, and what about that shitty memories of three lives, now his confusion makes a little sense, I say myself I have problems only with my memories, not now I want to imagine what it will be like to have the memories of three people in a single person, could it be that there are also the personalities of the owners of the memories that are not theirs?, and perhaps he said, silver fang, but if that guy is from an anime .

Hiroto: So, strange that it took over the body of my *slightly shakes* fiancé, what's your name?

I asked him putting the 50. Gs back in my sheath and I stepped on my heels to hide the two blades back in my shoes, if the personalities of the other memories were really still there that means that my murata-kun is still there somewhere… I said "my murata-kun" oh my god what a shame.

Murata: My name is Haruki, but… Why the hell do you keep your weapons, aren't we supposed to be enemies?


author's note here so skip it if you're not interested in listening to me:

shit yes, I was finally able to open the account again, in fact I found out that the error had already been corrected while reading another fanfic that its author apparently also had the same problem with, so I came back, by the way the updates will be very slow, and that's because I need money, and I'm going to focus all my attention on making an "original" one so if I can get some money, and at the same time that I make that book I would be working to try to help my family, in fact that money it would be for them.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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