
being one... wait, what? Now I also have a group chat?

Locked up for a crime he didn't commit, Hiroto sees firsthand the cruelty of humanity through his father-in-law, the filthiest son of a bitch the world could ever see, he creates a gang in order to find peace in a site that hides more than what can be seen with the naked eye, with his right hand confessing something shocking after two years of challenges overcome together. I took the images for the appearances from here: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-original-blonde-boy-purple-eyes-wallpaper-gfygz (HIROTO) https://www.pinterest.com/harithzl/saika-totsuka?lp=true (MURATA)

Branco_Veliz · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

sorry for the delay...

In the previous chapter.

"I asked putting the 50. Gs back in my sheath and stomped my heels to hide the two blades back in my shoes, if the personalities of the other memories were really still there that means my murata-kun is still there somewhere... I said "my murata-kun" by God what a shame.

Murata: my name is Haruki, but... why the fuck are you putting away your weapons, aren't we supposed to be enemies?"

In this chapter.

[Active chat: current members: 5]

[The "BOSS" has achieved (tokyo ghoul: kagune type: Rinkaku) through the weekly chat roulette, congratulations.]

Now if from the beginning.

Hiroto: oh, who the hell said we were enemies?! I only attacked you because you were a person who suddenly took the body of my fiancé, so I think I had every right to do so, but I stopped attacking you just because it is the body of someone with whom I have shared more than two years of challenges we've overcome together, just for that, don't think it's some other sentimental bullshit, so now tell me, can you communicate with any of the personalities that inhabit that body?

I asked yelling due to my confusion, who the fuck told him that we are enemies, but then I explained why I attacked him in the first place at the same time that I apologized, this guy would be an idiot if he thought that I was something like that like an enemy who followed him to the afterlife without even knowing us, but I got something that I wondered from the beginning of my interrogation.

Murata (Haruki): hm… let me see…

He said as he put his index fingers on his hundred and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to enter his mind… I guess.

Time skip: 3 minutes.

Already with large beads of sweat covering his red face from the great effort he was making to try to concentrate on something, something that would allow him to enter his mind, I decided that this was the end so I called him.

Hiroto. Hey, that's enough, don't overexert yourself because the head is something very sensitive, who knows if you suddenly have a stroke.

I stopped him and said something which, while possible, had a very slim chance of actually happening, but the mind is a very delicate thing, and what he's trying to do is force his way into the depths of his mind, and Since it's a mind with memories of three lifetimes I guess there's going to be some messy stuff up there.

Murata: oooh that... yes that would be a big problem.

I comment with a bit of trepidation but I was obviously treating this situation in such a way as if it were a lie, which, considering everything that happened before we got into this situation, even I would doubt the very existence of it.

author's note: hello, yes... well, the chapter was delayed for a long time since some shit happened to my computer and I had to factory reset it, but I had made a couple of countermeasures for this type of situation, like associating most of my accounts and passwords to many google accounts, and I transferred most of the story ideas and stories I had in the works, but this version of the chapter is much much much shorter than the one I was about to publish, this one has about a third of what I had written, and now I have to wait for word to download (I'm poor so you already know what version of word I'm talking about) but hey, I'll stop talking about nonsense and I'll leave you the draft...

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