
being one... wait, what? Now I also have a group chat?

Locked up for a crime he didn't commit, Hiroto sees firsthand the cruelty of humanity through his father-in-law, the filthiest son of a bitch the world could ever see, he creates a gang in order to find peace in a site that hides more than what can be seen with the naked eye, with his right hand confessing something shocking after two years of challenges overcome together. I took the images for the appearances from here: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-original-blonde-boy-purple-eyes-wallpaper-gfygz (HIROTO) https://www.pinterest.com/harithzl/saika-totsuka?lp=true (MURATA)

Branco_Veliz · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

the big confession

In the previous chapter…

"Damn this time in the piece of shit that people call "prison" yes it was hell, in the four years in this prison they tried to kill me so many times that I already lost count, in fact now I have my own gang of subordinates, I recruited them two years ago in fact because most of them were newcomers who shared the same reason they fell into this big shithole . "

In today's chapter...

boss i love him...

Damn, I wasn't expecting that...

Now if we start from the beginning of the chapter…

My bastard father-in-law had sent them to this big shithole, at least they should be thankful he didn't make them food, well I had recruited them, when the other cons who were here tried to "have fun" with them, so for some reason strange reason, literally I don't even know how, I always found my way to them a moment before they could do anything to them.

I'm arguably something like a hero in shining armor who saves *shudders* some damsels in distress at the last second, these idiots literally look like women, fuck even me when I first saw them I confused them a bit but when they spoke… when they… spoke *shudders* most of them had a voice a little too deep for their fragile and feminine appearance.

Well as I said, in my second year in this place I started recruiting the "guys", the truth is that most of them had spent most of their lives confused about how to identify themselves, although they had a penis, their appearance made them look better even than some supermodels, so every time they looked in the big mirror in the bathroom, some stared at the mirror as they seemed to try to discover the truth behind the world.

They wonder perhaps "how the hell did Hiroto do to have a fucking gang without being killed in that place" well it's very simple, in that year it was the one that made the most assassination attempts, so that was when I committed the most murders, in fact the first assassination attempt, I had forgiven the assassin, but I stopped doing it when the bastard tried to assassinate me as soon as I turned around, so I fully understood the meaning of the law of the fittest, so at that moment I decided, "I will never again be the lowest link in the food chain, I will become the top of it" I said to myself as I saw my hands covered in the blood of the very stupid who tried to kill me.

So from that moment I stopped acting cautiously, my actions, which before were insecure, silent and fearful, were now boisterous and violent as if I shouted at everyone…"you have a problem with me, come and say it to my face" from done that way the people of this shitty place started to respect me a bit because instead of hiding my abilities as I would have done at the beginning of my stay in this place, whenever there was a fight, whether I have anything to do with me or someone random i would join in and beat the shit out of anyone on the way it's a fact that's why i have most of my ribs broken i got into too many fights in the dining room and handicaps numbers so they used anything to try and kill me whether it's the long benches or just the trays so even now I'm having breathing problems because one of those broken ribs I mentioned had caused a small lung laceration of Because only a small point of the rib had punctured my lung, it healed a little faster than the usual three or five weeks, but that left me with a little discomfort when I breathed, so that was something I had got used to with the passage of time, but well, that's why, and the fact that somehow every morning in those days there were dead bodies being murdered in very violent ways, that way everyone stopped trying something against me, at some point of that year when I stood in front of them, they seemed to see death and tried to escape in any way, one had even thrown himself down the stairs, when we went up to our cells, the very stupid one had broken his leg, but when he finished After falling down the stairs and breaking his leg, he began to laugh instead of screaming as I expected to hear, and began to drag himself while the others around him looked at him with pity for his fall into despair.

From what I can assume from that is that I fulfilled my goals for this place or the ones that I had proposed battlements, I did it much sooner than I thought, I say because I thought I would have achieved battlements in my sixth-seventh year, so I can only give myself an imaginary pat on the back for my good work.

???: Ey … hey… hey boss…

Hiroto: hmm? What happened, murata-kun?

I asked my second-in-command and the person I trusted the most in this garbage pit, murata is a young man with a somewhat (too) effeminate appearance due to his long hair of an extremely rare silver color and his face of a length long and round a little full of what I have come to call tenderness. <even if it's just baby fat> (hey actually I've just seen images of people with an androgynous look and I think they don't look so feminine that you confuse them, as if I were really a woman so I decide at this point that they are going to have a more believable look like "astolfo < Fate/Apocrypha >" "ruka urushibara <steins:gate>" "Felix argile <Re: Zero>" "haku <naruto>" those are an example of what I thought Androgynous-looking people would be seen, but 3d, bone very, very "feminine", and I was horribly surprised to discover that they only looked like only muscular guys with a slightly feminine face) that although many of the Inmates are dazzled by her charming appearance that could only be described as if she were a fairy (although the description I gave is not wow… as detailed as some Asian novels, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I am looking at cultivation novels that are They go by saying "jade skin" and so on to describe a new faith character manino, who use like 300 words , by the way if someone doesn't know how to make the face I made they can search "kaomoji" in google and look for any page they trust the most) but the truth is that behind her beautiful appearance she hid a boy who destroyed more than one dream on this site when they found out his secret.

Murata: yes, boss, what happens is that I was wondering if you could come with me to a more lonely place to talk with me...

(By the way, her appearance is like the woman on the cover but without breasts, of course, if you want, later you can get them through some magical ritual or something like that) if any other person had told me this, I would suspect that it is someone else assassination attempt, but since the person who told me was murata-kun, obviously it's not like that (they're too naive and trusting), and I say that because our relationship was created because we were always there for each other another through thick and thin, in fact if I didn't always have Eugenia on my mind I would have started a relationship with him, although that sounds extremely strange to me... *shudders* I don't know why, but when I thought about it of a relationship with him, somehow he seemed very happy, terrifyingly happy..., and then his expression changed to a terrifying uncontrollable fury, but then he had the same expression again, wow... and all that in less than a second, obviously i could see it clearly because of my terrifying training… lie, I only saw it because somehow my eyes see the world at a moderately slow speed, obviously if one wanted to be the boss of a gang one must know how to read people's moods and more of his subordinates, knowing how to read the mood of people is in case you made someone stupidly powerful angry, and of your subordinates in case someone has the slightest intention of betraying you.

Hiroto: Yeah, maybe I didn't have any plans for another three hours.

When I said that he seemed to brighten again but not in such a terrifying way as a moment ago.

Hiroto: So where exactly are we going?

Murata: Ah… hm… well… let's go to the cleaning room!

He thought for a moment and after a maximum of three seconds, he shot a rather awkward location, in fact he and I have already been there a couple of times, but those were because we were escaping from the guards and assassins who were trying to , well, kill us and "disappear", but that place is awkward because most of the inmates went there *shudders* to have some… couple activities, *bleh!* I almost threw up on my desk because I imagine some muscular guys…*shudders* making love in that place.

I don't know why but I think I saw murata breathing heavily with a big blush looking at me in a…pretty…intense way, to say the least, but as soon as I blinked he was in the same position and the usual expression on his face again.

Hiroto: well come on, but what is it about what you want to talk to me about and why necessarily alone?

I asked him while we were walking, certainly interested in what he could tell me, perhaps that he discovered some hidden relative in this place, that we finally became completely owners of this big piece of shit, or better yet, my father-in-law died due to an accident car accident or a cardiac arrest, oh just thinking about that makes my heart beat with emotion... shit, I think I've become a psychopath, I mean right?... who the hell is excited about the death of his father-in-law, but now When I think about it, it takes me a while to go crazy since, for about four years I have been murdering people right and left, but still no psychotic thought or something similar had occurred in a long time.

Murata: s…e…c…r…e…t

I spell as she leaned in cutely and put a finger to her lips as she tilted her head to my left causing her hair to fall on her right side (so if she leaned to Hiroto's left, her hair fell to Hiroto's right). murata since his right is the one that i turn to hiroto's left, i don't even know why the hell i explain this but there you have my reasoning for saying that he leaned to the left and his hair falls to the right ), i'm not proud to say My heart beat a little faster and my blood rushed to my head making me blush.

Hiroto: Well, if you don't want to tell me now you can tell me later.

Shit I ended up becoming a bundle of nerves when I spoke and adding to that my blush I look like a hormonal teenager who desperately needs female affection, but he is very introverted and has serious confidence complexes, I feel very lonely, (╥ ﹏ ╥) EUGENIA … ! I miss you… why didn't you come to visit me… ah! Yeah right, the son of a bitch who put me in the big shithole was his dad so it's too obvious that he would prevent us from meeting again, YOSHA! New goal to kill… no, he is Eugenia's father so I suppose that if I do that our relationship would be extremely awkward, if she somehow finds out that I was the one who killed the father… then what to do to get revenge of the wretch who put me in this place full of mentally handicapped… wait, wait, wait WAIT! I'M A DAMN GENIUS, AS I DIDN'T THINK BEFORE!

Change of point of view: murata kun

Oh… the boss got intense again, it seemed like a very evil but very predictable plan came to him because of that last thought that appeared in his mind… oh I think I just dropped a bomb, right? Well, the presentations have to to be very important at the moment, well then I'll go first, murata watanabe formerly known as your everyday over-exploited corporate slave, chihiro Suzuki, who in her little free time played games of the "OTOME" genre and her favorite game was without a doubt the one that many considered the worst game of the otome genre in human history "I sekai de bōto no bosu ni natte" which translated into English " being a mafia boss in a different world" in fact its name explains the game in almost everything in its entirety, but I will still explain why it is worse for many, but before the story, it is about a man who was unfairly arrested for going against the will of the chief of every city, which is later revealed to be is his his egro, but in the course of the story he becomes the head of a gang in the most dangerous prison in the entire world, full of many serial killers, rapists, and more people like him, who had only made the wrong people angry, in the prison there were people with superhuman abilities, not just people who had a better constitution than others, no... they controlled the elements and so on, he had taken over the prison with only his fists, and a powerful gang backing him up with abilities stupidly powerful, in fact taking over the prison was only the initial stage of the game, since after that the plot became much more complicated, in the following stages of the story the man suddenly gets sucked into a kind of space crack while exploring a hidden library that he found in the prison bathroom, he was exploring it because he thought that there would be the reason why there were only powers only in the prison and not anywhere else, the p Ortal took him to a huge forest, after exploring the forest a bit he found a village, there he created another gang, but obviously this one was weaker than the previous one because there were only swords and bows, zero supernatural abilities, but there it appears the character that the female players created (and also some bored players), yeah that means the whole prison arc, we played it as the man, it was actually considered the worst game because it was so hard for the players who thought it was an otome where you just had to conquer man and it only had one ending, it had a lot of rpg parts than anything else, but those rpg parts turned out to be harder than "black spirit" (it's dark souls but i altered it to black spirit because... well I know what I thought at that moment) and in the end instead of staying with the character that the players created after all the feelings of the "boss" have been maximized towards them, he stays with a m member of his previous gang who seemed to be created to represent feminine beauty while being a man...

Urata…un…murata-kun…hey murata-kun we're here.

Murata: huh?

What the hell, it took me so long to explain only part of the game?

Murata: Yes, boss please come in.

I told him while opening the yellow door that it was covered in cuts in an attempt to write some address and in some places there was a strange liquid so I opened it because the boss has a bit (a lot) of mysophobia. [ Mysophobia : Those who suffer from mysophobia —called "misophobes"— tend to constantly wash their hands and touch objects cautiously, often with gloves, without sanitary conditions requiring it. His fear focuses on biological matter, body odors and visible dirt]

Hiroto: Thank you.

He thanked me as he entered the room with all his beautiful distorted by the disgust he surely has for this place, oh, in case you didn't know until now, I already knew about you, entities that intruded on my mind...

Hiroto: hey murata-kun, you're doing "that" scarily cute expression again that you only do when you're extremely angry, could you tell me if something's troubling you, you know, that's what I'm here for.

Ah… the boss knows me too well, that's why I love him.

Murata: yes boss, don't worry, I'll let you know if the issue is very urgent... but changing the subject.

I said calmly at first to try to get him to relax, but then I started to slowly approach him, at first he stayed in his place thinking that I was going to hug him like I do from time to time, but not seeing me raise my arms like usually I do to give him a hug he started to back away slowly but that would keep him a little away from me.

Hiroto: murata-kun what are you trying to do.

We were already close to the walls, it was almost my time to do it, the last move related to romance, that's right... I'm talking about... the... LEGENDARY "KABEDON"! (KABEDON: The origin of the word kabedon is Japanese and is composed of two elements, where kabe means "wall" and don is the onomatopoeic sound that refers to when a person hits a wall with his hand, with the meaning of the word , we can already infer what kabedon is. Kabedon is when the male character hits the wall with his hand or arm to corner a girl. Mostly, it is used to promote that tension that occurs when the male character tries to reveal his feelings. The ideal result is that the female character ends up falling in love with the male, and that he considers his kabedon to mean that he wants something serious with her.)

Hiroto: murata-kun what are you doing.

The boss asked confused when we were already very close to the wall… there it is.


The wall somehow sounded a bit different than usual when I hit it normally but it was still a more beneficial result for me than any other since it confused him more about everything.

Murata: Heh…no, Hiroto…I…love you.

I said as seriously as possible looking straight into her eyes, trying to put all my feelings into just a few words, so no matter what I say right now, I'll do something that I'm really looking forward to right now, while staring at her lips.

Hiroto: Damn, I really didn't expect that, but…

I speak in astonishment while her face slowly became covered in an intense carmine color that made a noticeable contrast with her golden hair, and her beautiful almond-shaped eyes of light blue blurred staring into mine, lost in thought, I try to say something before that I interrupted him.

Murata: yes, and this neither.

I told him while taking his chin quickly and joining our lips without letting him understand what was happening, the confused man stood there confused about everything that was happening, until then he slowly returned the kiss that lasted only a few seconds before for him to begin to separate from the kiss, thus leaving the kiss with a sigh and a silver thread of saliva joining our lips thus demonstrating our sinful "union" since he had not answered anything about my confession, and to enhance the sinful feeling that overflowed in my chest, he was married. (hey I don't know if this counts as yaoi, since the soul that is inside the body is a woman and she was just getting used to being a man, in fact this idea is one that I had seen somewhere in some my hero fanfic *cademy where a guy reincarnates into a woman, I think it was jiro or someone like that, but the thing is that as he got older he got used to being a woman and had also fallen in love with a boy, even the author made a "it" scene, so I think... it's not yaoi, in theory... no more)

Hiroto: I'm sorry, murata-kun.

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