
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 52: Colonel Mouse’S Ambition! [Please Collect And Comment On Flowers]

Goodbye everyone!"

On the Meili, which was gradually moving away, Nami and Noki stood on the side of the ship, waving goodbye to the villagers on the shore.

Ron and other girls also stood next to Nami, and the ship gradually left the port and sailed towards the ocean.

"I will definitely come back to visit you!" Nami waved her arms towards the shore and shouted happily.

"Okay, we've left!" Makino said with a smile and came to Nami's side.

"Where are we going next?" Nami asked curiously.

"Let's head towards the Grand Line!" Ron waved his hand and looked into the distance, which was in the direction of Upside Down Mountain.

"Grand Line!" Nami showed a thoughtful expression: "I heard that the Grand Line is very dangerous. The pirates there are the most powerful pirate groups in the four seas. After going through the competition, they entered the Grand Line. Let's go there. If so, be careful!"

"What are you afraid of? With Brother Ron here, no matter how powerful the enemy is, there will be no match for Brother Ron!" Kaya said, holding Ron's arm.

"Kaya, do you have too much confidence in Captain Ron?" Nami couldn't help but cover her forehead and said, "There are many powerful people in this world!"

"Yes!" Tashigi also nodded: "For example, Shichibukai, the Four Emperors of New World, and several Admirals from Marine headquarters, they are all very powerful!"

Ron raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with an unconcealed look of pride on his face: "Shichibukai and Four Emperors? There will naturally be a chance to fight them by then, as well as Marine Three Admiral, haha, Red Dog Three, I I really didn't take it seriously!"


Hearing Ron's extremely arrogant words, Tashigi couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Do you really not know their strength?

"I heard that Three Admiral's Devil Fruit is very powerful!" Nami continued.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's wait until we meet them. It's too early to talk about this now!" Ron waved his hand. He knew that no matter how much he said, the girls would not believe it. The reputation and strength of those strong men It has spread for too long and is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, he has only started to rise now, and he has not had many shocking achievements. The few times he has taken action before, he only dealt with some ordinary Marines and weak pirates.

"Huh? What is that?" Kaya suddenly pointed at the sea and said.

When the other girls heard this, they immediately turned their heads and looked over.

I saw the sea water rolling, and a strange fish with a bull's head rushed out of the sea and hit the Meili.

"Manatee?" Ron raised his eyebrows, remembering this giant sea beast raised by Arlong and his gang in the original plot. Its size is similar to that of the small Sea Kings, but its combat power is not as strong as the Sea Kings. In the original plot, it was killed by Luffy. The gangster ran away.

"Wow, what a big cow!" Kaya screamed.

"It's obviously a fish, right?" Nami retorted.

"But it has a cow's head!" Kaya said, pointing to the manatee's head.

"This is a manatee!" Ron stepped to the edge of the deck, looked at the charging manatee, and suddenly punched out,


The manatee was sent flying several hundred meters away by his punch. After wailing, it turned around and ran away. It was obviously frightened by Ron's beating.

"Wow, Brother Ron is really powerful. He defeated this terrifying manatee monster with just one punch!" Kaya cheered.

"Captain Ron is indeed so powerful!" It was the first time Nokigao saw Ron take action, and he couldn't help but look at Ron's back with an expression of wonder.

"Go at full speed! Target: Upside Down Mountain!" Standing at the bow of the ship, Ron waved his hand and gave the captain's order.

Dozens of nautical miles in front of the Meili, a group of Marine warships were patrolling the sea. The person standing on the bow was none other than the mouse colonel who had received Arlong's protection money.

"Colonel, we found a pirate ship heading here!" A marine watchman came over to report.

"Pirates?" Colonel Mouse's eyes lit up and he secretly thought, "Great! After patrolling for so long, I finally encountered a pirate. This is a good opportunity to make a contribution!"

"Yes, there is only one pirate ship on the other side!" The Marine soldier nodded and said, "What a great opportunity, Colonel. This is a credit to the effort that came to our door!"

"You don't need to tell me, hurry up and inform all the captains of the fleet to surround the opponent's ship!" Colonel Laoshu waved his hand and gave the order.

"Your Majesty, Colonel!" The Marine soldier went down to deliver the order. Colonel Mouse held his chin and laughed in a low voice. He kept imagining in his heart that he would get credit for catching the pirate this time, and maybe he could be promoted to Commodore.

'Hahaha, Commodore, it's so beautiful, I can definitely become a Commodore! ' Colonel Mouse couldn't help but smile proudly when he thought of this.

The fleet responsible for patrolling the waters around Logue town immediately surrounded the Merry, intending to capture Ron in exchange for credit.

On the Meili, Ron Nami and others naturally discovered the move of Colonel Mouse and a fleet of ships surrounding him.