
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 51 The Gratitude Of The Villagers!

With Ron's help, a large box of treasures was moved out. After a little inventory, the total value of these treasures and banknotes was more than 90 million beli.

I have to say that Nami has been really ruthless over the years!

Considering the wealth of little pirates like East Blue, those people were really unlucky to have so much treasure stolen by Nami.

Ron carried a big box in one hand and arrived at the village with the girls. Naturally, the villagers were shouted over by Nami and Noki, and a large group of people gathered in the central square of the village.


Ron placed the box full of treasures in his hands on the ground. Suddenly, the treasures in the box were revealed, and the golden light and stacks of banknotes caught everyone's eyes.


Seeing this, all the villagers took a breath and looked at the treasures in amazement. However, most of them did not show greedy and cunning looks. Only a few people had longing eyes. This is also human nature. They are all Ordinary people, not many ordinary people can remain calm and calm when they see this treasure worth nearly 100 million beli placed in front of them.

"This... Nami, Nuo Qigao, who are you?" a middle-aged man wearing a police hat asked.

This man looked familiar to Ron. His name was Ajian. He was the police chief of the village. He had been leading the villagers to survive. When Nami was young, he selflessly helped Nami's family. He was considered the most virtuous and respected person in the village.

"Uncle Jian, this is the treasure I have accumulated over the years!" Nami pulled Noqigao to Jian, bowed to Jian, and said seriously: "Thank you for taking care of me. Nokigao and I have decided that we will go to sea with Captain Ron, and we will definitely come back to visit everyone in the future, and these treasures!"

Nami pointed to the treasure next to him, looked around, looked at the villagers and said, "After the village was occupied by Arlong's gang, I have been thinking about how to save the village..."

"Nami!" Ajian waved his hand to interrupt Nami's words, and said with some emotion: "We all know what you did!"

Nokigao smiled slightly, looked at Nami beside him and said, "We all know what you mean, but we don't show it every time we see you, because we are afraid that you will be discovered by Arlong, so everyone is actually very grateful to you from the bottom of their hearts. of!"

"Everyone..." Nami pursed her lips, tears appearing in the corners of her eyes.

Nami wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked at the villagers with a tearful smile: "Everyone, we are ready to leave. These treasures will be left to the village. As the cost of rebuilding the village, please accept it!"

"This..." Although the villagers were a little strange when they saw Ron placing the treasure in front of everyone, but now they were shocked when they heard what Nami said. There were so many treasures, how could you just say you don't want them?

"Nami!" Jian was stunned for a moment and then said anxiously: "It's not easy for you to save the village. How can we ask for your money? This is what you have accumulated through hard work over the past eight years!"

"Yes, Nami!" Some other kind-hearted villagers persuaded: "If you follow Captain Ron to go to sea, you will also need money. Why not take these treasures away? Our village is free now, and we will not have to pay Arlong or the others in the future. With money, we will return to the good life before in a while!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Nami, you'd better take the treasure back!"

"We don't need it!"

The villagers spoke one after another and said that they were very grateful for everything Nami had done for the village. Now Nami had to hand over the treasures he had accumulated over the years to the village. This was so selfless.

"No!" Nami shook his head decisively: "I will not go back on what I have decided. I will leave these treasures to you. I hope you can make the village better. I will come back to visit you in the future!" "

With that said, Nami didn't care about the reactions of the villagers, but turned around and took Nokigao's hand, and quickly ran to Ron: "Captain Ron, let's go?"


Ron smiled and nodded, then waved to the villagers, turned around and walked toward the dock with Nami and the other girls.


The villagers were speechless as they looked at the retreating figures of Ron and others.

Jian stretched out his hand and wanted to speak, but paused. Then he sighed, looked around, and said to the villagers: "Since this is Nami's heart, let's accept it. I'll wait for the money." They will be carefully counted and used mainly to rebuild the village. If there is any leftover after the village is rebuilt, it will be distributed equally to each family. You should trust me, right?"


"Of course we trust you!"

"These are Nami's thoughts. We must all build the village to be more beautiful, so that when Nami comes back in the future, she will see a beautiful Cocoa West Village!"