
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 44 Nami’S Past! Ron's Promise!

Cocoa West Village, where Arlong's pirate group is based.

The extremely muscular Arlong was talking to a Marine with a sinister look on his face.

"Hahaha, Arlong, you are living a very comfortable life these days!" Colonel Marine, who looked like a mouse, said with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay, but I'm still not as good as you, Colonel!" Arlong grinned, showing sharp teeth like a hacksaw, and reached out and threw out a stack of banknotes: "This is for this month! Thank you, Colonel! Take care of me since then!"

"It's easy to talk!" Colonel Mouse's eyes immediately lit up when he saw a stack of Baileys. He quickly accepted the money and put it into his arms. His face became even happier: "It's best if we cooperate and make money together. !"

"That's right!" Arlong picked up the wine glass on the table: "Come, cheers to our cooperation!"


On the ocean, the Meili also approached Cocoa West Village at this time.

"Nami...why are you so familiar with this place?" Tashigi looked at Nami curiously and asked.

Yes, Sister Nami!" Kaya also looked curious. In other sea areas, Nami had to observe other signs such as currents and weather when commanding navigation, but here, she didn't need to observe anything at all. Directly directing the Meili towards Cocoa West Village, as if the old horse knows the way.

Nami smiled coquettishly. She didn't want to deceive everyone, so she didn't say much.

Ron came over with Makino and laughed when he heard this: "This is because Nami's hometown is here, right?"

"Ah?" Kaya stared and said in surprise: "Really? Sister Nami, is this your hometown?"

When Nami heard Ron's words, she was immediately shocked. How did he know? !

Yes, Nami has never told anyone else about this secret. How did Ron know about it?

Seeing Nami's somewhat shocked expression, Ron waved his hand and said, "With your little thoughts, can't I see it?"

"Okay!" Nami pursed her lips and looked around. Seeing the curious looks on the three girls' faces, she said, "Yes, my hometown is in Cocoa West Village. It's a pity... It's a pity that many years ago, it was quiet. The peaceful village was occupied by Arlong's fish-man pirates. They occupied the village and massacred the villagers. In order to collect money, they even... even killed my mother!!"

Nami said through gritted teeth, with unconcealable hatred in his eyes!

What!" Kaya heard this and said angrily: "These people, these people are too hateful!"

"Arlong's fish-man pirate group is the top pirate group in the entire East Blue!" Tashigi sighed: "Marine has sent warships to encircle and suppress many times without success! It's a shame for those villagers!"

"Hmph!" Nami said in a deep voice: "Marine siege? Arlong and Marine have a dark deal in private. After each robbery, a part of the money will be handed over to Colonel Marine who patrols this sea area, so they can always be stable. They have survived until now! Do you think Marine really can't destroy them?"

"How is it possible..." Tashigi took a deep breath and murmured in disbelief. As a Marine sergeant with a righteous heart, she couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"This is something I have personally experienced, can I be wrong?" Nami said bitterly: "Those Marines will only watch the villagers being oppressed, but will not reach out to rescue them. We have already lost hope in Marines. Got it!"

"Maybe..." Tashigi wanted to argue, but couldn't.

"Nami!" Makino pursed his lips and held Nami's hand with a look of pity: "It's really hard on you. Fortunately, you have escaped now, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sister Nami!" Kaya said: "It's great that you were able to escape. Now that Brother Ron is here, we will definitely be able to defeat those bad guys!"

"I, I..." Nami looked depressed and said sadly: "After Arlong killed my mother, he also wanted to do something to my sister and the villagers. I, I had the ability of a navigator at the time and could draw. The sea chart was taken by Arlong, so I could only express my surrender to Arlong in front of the villagers. In the eyes of the villagers and my sister, I followed Arlong and left the village. Since then, I have been working for Arlong. Arlong agreed that after raising 100 million beli, he could redeem the village and save everyone! Now I have almost raised enough money. I was planning to return to the village just to steal a little more money... But I was killed by Ron. . . "

Nami glanced at Ron, lowered her head, and did not continue speaking.

The three women suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Do you think Arlong will abide by the agreement after you hand over 100 million beli?" Ron smiled lightly: "You don't know what kind of person he is, right? A complete villain, do you think he is really Will it allow you to successfully redeem the village? Haha, you are so naive!"

"I..." Nami bit her lip lightly, with a hint of tears in her eyes: "What can I do? I have to believe in him. I have no other choice. Even Marine has a black deal with him, what else can I do? Who can I expect to help me?"

Kaya, Tashigi and Makino all fell silent after hearing this. Yes, how could Nami, a girl, fight against a pirate group led by Arlong? It would be great if she could survive, and she was strong enough to raise money through stealing at all costs. Funds, want to redeem the village, Nami is too tired to live!

Makino gently hugged Nami, patted her shoulder, and comforted her silently. Kaya gently wiped the corners of her eyes, already shedding tears of emotion.

Tashigi lowered his head and said nothing, but pursed his lips tightly, a little disappointed with Marine's behavior.

"Don't worry, now that I'm here, all this won't be a problem!" Ron walked up to Nami and gently stroked her forehead: "I'm here! I promise to help you get rid of Arlong and his gang. Let the villagers in your village return to the peaceful days before!"

"Well!" Nami raised her head slightly, and for the first time a relaxed smile appeared on her pear-shaped face. She was under too much pressure. She had grown up in such a desperate environment since she was a child, and could not see a glimmer of hope. Now, Ron, this boy who looks like a pervert, has great strength. Maybe he can really save the villagers and even kill Arlong to avenge his mother Bell-mère!