
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 45 Arrogant Arlong! Domineering Ron!

After Colonel Marine left, Arlong quickly stood up and waved suddenly: "It's time for those villages to pay baili. Those who can't pay will be killed by me!"

"I understand, leader!"

When the fishmen under his command heard Arlong's words, they all laughed, and then began to form a team, preparing to go to various villages to collect money.

"Hahaha, it's so refreshing to occupy this island and collect property every month!" Seeing this, Arlong laughed and felt comfortable all over.

At this moment, outside the base of the Murloc Pirates where Arlong was, a Murloc quickly swam over and shouted to report: "Chief, a pirate ship is approaching!"

"Huh? Pirate ship?" Arlong raised his eyebrows. There was a pirate ship coming at this time. Don't you know his name?

How many pirate ships are coming? Are they the pirate group from East Blue? Buggy the clown?" Arlong asked.

"No, not at all!" The fishman who came to report said with some fear: "There is only one pirate ship, but..."

"But what?" When Arlong heard this, he immediately laughed: "There is only one pirate ship. No matter what pirate group it is, a mere pirate ship wants to come to my place to fight in the autumn wind? It's really asking for death!"

"Hahaha, leader, maybe this is someone who heard of your name and came to join our fish-man pirate group?" A fish-man next to him who looked like a wretched man couldn't help but patted him.

"That's right, hehehe, it's really possible!" Arlong nodded immediately after hearing this, not feeling any surprise at all. After all, with his reputation, is there any pirate group in East Blue that he doesn't know?


The fishman who came to report became even more anxious when he saw this. The pirate flag he saw was not a small pirate, that, that was it. . .

"What?" Arlong glanced at the subordinate.

"Leader, that, that is a pirate flag with a skull pierced by a sharp sword and a red rose wrapped around it!" the fishman under his command said anxiously.

Sword... skull! Rose!!!"

Arlong was shocked when he heard this, and the other murloc men were also shocked.

"Leader, this, this seems to be the flag of the Sword and Rose Pirates!" A fishman said cautiously.

"Well, I know!" Arlong's face darkened. Of course he knew about the Sword and Rose Pirates. This was a newly rising pirate group. I heard that its leader was a strong man whose strength almost reached the Shichibukai level. His swordsmanship was earth-shattering, and he was able to defeat seventeen Marine fleets with just one sword strike, which was truly terrifying.

"Hmph, I want to see how powerful this Sword and Rose Pirates are, how dare they come to my territory to run wild!" A cold light flashed in Arlong's eyes, but he was not intimidated by Ron's name.

"Send my order, everyone is on alert!" Arlong ordered, and those who were going to various villages to collect fees could not go out anymore. After all, they had to face the powerful pirate group that had just emerged in the legend, and its leader was still a Although Arlong didn't think Arlong was that powerful of a big pirate with a bounty of 30 million beli, he still made some back-up preparations.

On the Meili, Ron looked calm and calm, standing on the bow of the Meili with his hands behind his back. There were several girls standing beside him. Kaya and Makino looked at Nami, who was slightly trembling. The two girls couldn't help but hold their hands in distress. He held Nami's arm and whispered to comfort her while looking at the island that was getting closer.

Tashigi looked heavy and did not speak, but she held the long knife tightly in her hand. Even if she was on Ron's pirate ship, she would not forget that she was a righteous Marine. Next, she would definitely have to deal with Arlong, a group of evil pirates. Yes, she felt she should contribute.

Compared with the girls, Ron really looked like he was on an outing, with a calm expression and even a relaxed smile on his lips.

The environment here is good!" Ron looked at the surrounding sea, the seagulls and birds in the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, and the fish jumping from time to time on the sea, and he was in a very good mood.

Turning to look at Nami who was in a depressed mood, Ron smiled and said: "What are you still worried about? Take me to your hometown later!"

"But, Arlong..." Nami couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Ron's words. What kind of brain circuit does this boy in front of her have? This island has been occupied by Arlong. If this problem is not solved, how will he be able to take you to his hometown? ah!

"Arlong... Hahaha, that's just a small problem!" Seeing Nami's expression, Ron knew that in her heart, Arlong was a nightmare, a lingering nightmare, and she had to solve this problem first.

Wow. . .

Going Merry was released by Arlong's fish-man pirate group and approached the harbor unimpeded.

At the edge of the harbor, Arlong took the lead, followed by a large group of powerful murlocs, all of whom looked at his group with cold and murderous smiles.

"Are you the leader of the Sword and Rose Pirates, Ron?" Arlong smiled coldly, opened his sharp-toothed mouth, and said to Ron on the side of the ship: "What advice do you have when you come to my territory? Do you want to die?"

"How arrogant!" Ron shook his head indifferently. Although his words were calm, they were extremely domineering: "It's not me who wants to die, but you!"