
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 151 Franky Asked To Borrow Money! Ron's Decision!

On Ron's side, the girls suddenly couldn't bear it when they saw the miserable state of these strong men, especially Kaya and Makino, as well as Abis and Aisha, all of them turned their heads.

However, they also understood Ron's approach. Nogigao also said just now that if these people are not severely punished, they might rob other people. Looking at their evil looks just now, this is also the case for their own group. If Others will definitely die.

After Ron dealt with these people, he ignored their screams, turned back to the girls, and said with a smile: "Shall we continue shopping? Don't let these people disturb your interest!"

"Let's go, let's get out of here!" Kaya covered her nose. The smell of blood here made her frown. Although she was not afraid of the smell of blood as a doctor, the screams of those people were still a bit unacceptable to her.

"Yeah!" Vivi and Laki turned back, picked up the suitcases placed aside, and were about to leave with everyone. But after walking a few steps, when they came to the entrance of an alley, there was a man with blue flame hair in sunglasses. The man jumped out.

"Ah! pervert!" Kaya suddenly shouted.

The other girls also looked at this man with a strange look on his face. This man had flaming blue hair, an Iron Body on his nose, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and a beach jacket on his upper body, which was not properly worn. , exposed a large amount of chest hair, and the lower body was exaggerated. He only wore a pair of shorts, his hands and arms were extremely strong, and his muscles were also very strong. When he jumped out, he stopped everyone on the way to leave.

"Pervert, who are you?" Kaya glared at Franky and asked, "Why did you stop us? Are you trying to steal our money?"

Franky's mouth twitched, and then he said: "I'm not a pervert! And I'm not here to steal your money...I just...ahem!"

You're not trying to steal our money? That's good!" Kaya laughed, but still asked in confusion: "Then why did you block our way?"

Ron also looked at Franky curiously and recalled the original plot in his mind. In the original plot, it seemed that after Luffy and his gang came to the Water City, they exchanged a large amount of treasures from Sky Island for 300 million beli, but Franky The guy switched the package and stole 200 million.

The money Franky stole was not really used for debauchery, but to buy a legendary piece of wood, and finally used this piece of wood as the keel to create Thousand Sunny. This guy is (bdbj) a top-notch Shipwright, unfortunately, his ship does not accept male crew members, otherwise he might consider letting Franky on board.

Ron and others looked at Franky curiously, waiting for him to speak.

Franky was a little embarrassed. He could see from the actions of the two girls Vivi and Laki just now that these two girls alone were no match for him, and the man was no match for him. . .

Franky's eyes hidden under his sunglasses looked at Ron solemnly. If he saw correctly, this man should be Ron.


This is an incredible big shot!

Captain of the Sword and Rose Pirates!

When East Blue was rising, it defeated East Blue Marine's fleet several times. As soon as it entered the Grand Line, it crushed them all the way and defeated Mihawk in Shichibukai.

Then he killed Crocodile, and finally defeated the huge fleet of Naval Headquarters by one person. He was surrounded by Marine and defeated two Admirals of Marine.

With such a terrifying and suffocating record, even if Franky was fearless, he would not dare to really touch this guy's troubles!

But since Franky gritted his teeth and came out, he definitely didn't want to come back empty-handed. He was short of money, very short of money. As a top shipbuilder, he couldn't walk when he saw the branch of the precious tree 'Adam'. On the way, he vowed in his heart that he must buy it. He would use the branches of the precious tree to build a world-class ship. This was his dream as a shipwright.

"Um...cough cough cough!" Franky coughed lightly, and then said: "I, my name is Franky, I am the owner of the water city dismantling dock. I stopped you this time because I want to borrow some money from you. ... Don't worry, my name as Franky is very resounding in the Water City, and I will definitely return your money to you in the future!"

"Borrow money?" Kaya and others looked at each other in disbelief, looking at Franky speechlessly.

The money was borrowed from them. Hey, do we know each other?

Don't you know me?

What do you mean by borrowing money right now?

Nami's expression turned cold and he hummed: "Borrow money? No, who are you? We didn't know each other before, why should we lend you our money? Get out of the way, don't block our way!"

Ron also looked at Franky speechlessly. Judging from the way he looked at him just now, this guy must have recognized him. He even jumped out to borrow money. I have to say, Franky is really brave. He Aren't you afraid that you will kill him in a rage?

but. . .

Ron had the Merry in mind!

He took Kaya out to sea, and he also got the Merry. He robbed Luffy's first ship to go to sea, and he also robbed Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats, and um [and Robin.

He could be regarded as owing a favor to the Straw Hats.

Now, since I have a lot of money, I will help Franky once, which can be regarded as repaying a favor. In the future, during the Summit War, I will save Ace and Whitebeard, and the relationship with the Straw Hats will be completely settled.

"How much do you want to borrow?" Ron asked calmly.

"Huh?" Nami looked at Ron with wide eyes: "You, aren't you? Are you really going to lend it to him? This guy is just a stranger!"

Even Franky himself looked at Ron in surprise and scratched his head. This guy is a big shot. Could it be that he has heard of my name, Franky, and was shocked by his talent, so he wanted to make friends with me?

Well, that must be the case!

Franky decided in his mind that his talent must have shocked Ron and made him want to lend him money. Thinking of this, Franky suddenly smiled.

"Haha, Mr. Ron is sensible!" Franky said with a smile: "I don't borrow much, just 200 million beli is enough. Don't worry, I, Franky, keep my word and will definitely pay it back to you in the future!"

"What? Two hundred million?" Nami was shocked, hugging the suitcase tightly and shouting: "No way, we can't lend you that much money!"

"Twenty million Baileys, okay, catch it!" Ron nodded and threw the two boxes in his hands to Lan Qi. .