
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 150 Vivi And Laki Go To War! Beat Up The Bald Guys! Franky Appears!


Seeing a group of people rushing out with weapons, Ron showed no expression, and the girls were surprised.

"Who are these people?" Kaya was still ignorant and had no idea what these people were doing.

But Nami's expression changed and he shouted: "Be careful, they may be here to steal money!"

"Robbing money?" Kaya also changed her expression, but when she saw Ron beside her, she felt relieved. With Ron around, she was not afraid of anything.

"They actually want to steal our money! They are indeed a group of bad people!" Abis snorted and glared at the dozen or so strong men who came over.

"Don't be afraid!" Aisha said with her hands on her hips: "Brother Ron is here, sister Laki is here, and other sisters, so we don't have to be afraid of them!"

"Yes! Not afraid!" Abis also nodded.

"Don't talk nonsense to them, just shoot, grab the money and leave!" The bald man looked at Ron and his group ferociously, knowing that this was not the time to talk nonsense. It would be a fool's behavior to stop and show off one's strength. After all, Fluqi and his gang were watching eagerly nearby, and he was ready to take action quickly and achieve a quick victory.

"I understand, boss!"

A group of his men immediately took the order and rushed forward with weapons. The gunman behind them raised his gun and shot at Ron and his group.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang. . .


Seeing the opponent shoot directly, Ron raised his brows, flashed, and blocked these attacks. He himself was not afraid of ordinary bullet attacks, but the girls were not. He had to help block the bullets. OK.

"Did the robbery come to my head, Ron?" Ron smiled, his eyes full of coldness: "I have to say, you guys are really looking for death!"

Glancing at the group of strong men charging over, Ron shook his head. Unfortunately, he hasn't awakened Conqueror's Haki yet. Otherwise, if one Haki goes down, everyone will stop eating. However,

It was almost done. Ron felt that as long as he found someone who knew Conqueror's Haki, withstood an attack from Conqueror's Haki, and carefully experienced the power of Conqueror's Haki, he might be able to learn Conqueror's Haki.

Of course, I'm not thinking about these things now. Let's deal with these little minions first.

"Ron, let's do it"||?" Vivi and Laki came out. The two girls were no longer the same. Ron had upgraded their two skills to full level, and their combat effectiveness had been greatly improved. It's still very easy for these little guys.

"Okay, let these robbers practice with you!" After thinking about it, Ron nodded and agreed. As he said, these people are just ordinary robbers, just for the two girls to practice with.

"Sisters, just watch out!" Vivi laughed, moved her hands, and took out her weapons. Well, her weapons are still the same pair of tops, but she can also attack from a distance.

As for Laki, her abilities are not bad. Sandora's inherited combat skills have a physical amplification effect. Her current melee ability is almost close to that of Tashigi.

The two girls rushed towards the group of strong men. After a burst of crackling, all the strong men fell to the ground. Each of them had either a broken hand or a broken leg, lying on the ground wailing in pain.

When the bald boss saw this, his eyes widened: "This...how is it possible! Why are these two women so powerful?"

"Boss, boss... these people are too strong, too powerful!" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks next to the bald boss watched in horror as the two terrifying girls launched a wave of offensive, knocking down all the good players on their side. , my calves suddenly became soft.

"Run, I, I run, you, you, the queen!" The bald old man's thighs and stomach were weak. He had never seen such a powerful person. Until now, he had not recognized the identity of Ron and his party. At this moment, he saw his own party. It's not about the other party at all, and we don't want to steal money, let alone think about becoming a noble lord after stealing money. My life is about to be lost, so what's the use of thinking about it!

The bald boss immediately ordered the sharp-mouthed man with monkey cheeks to stay behind, while he himself turned around and ran away at a very fast speed.

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was stunned for a while. Looking at the back of his boss running away, his heart was filled with chills.

"Still want to run? Huh!" Vivi snorted and threw the top in her hand: "Peacock Saw, fall down!"

call out. . . boom!

The top hit the bald boss on the back of the head. With a bang, the bald boss fell to the ground, lying on the ground with his legs spread out, not knowing whether to live or die.

Seeing this, the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks trembled all over, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Spare my life, two heroines, please spare my life, this, this sir, I, I was forced to "

"Shut up!"

Hearing these familiar words, Ron glared at him to shut up. The man suddenly did not dare to speak. He knelt on the ground with a look of despair, waiting for the judgment of life and death.

"Look, should we kill them all?" Ron looked at the girls and asked.

If he were alone, it would be okay to kill these guys casually, but now the girls are all standing aside, especially Abis, Aisha and Miss Golden Week, who are killing people in front of three little girls. There is always something not so good about it.

After hearing this, Kaya hesitated and said, ".々Teach them a lesson and then stop killing people, right?"

"It's really not good to kill people all the time!" Makino also nodded: "Ron, let's save their lives, right?"

"But let them stop doing this kind of thing in the future!" Noqigao looked at the group of strong men who fell to the ground and said: "If they go to rob others in the future, they will definitely cause trouble to others. Maybe they'll even kill good people!"

"It's easy!" Ron nodded, understanding what the girls meant, and then walked towards these people, stepped on them, and broke one of their legs. Everyone did not let go of the bald guy. The boss even had his legs broken by Ron, which made it difficult for them to continue to do evil in the future.

Unless they transform their bodies into semi-mechanical ones like Franky, but that would cost a lot of money. With these things, it's basically impossible.

Speaking of Franky, Lan Qi came to an end.

At the entrance of the alley not far away, Franky was shocked when he saw Ron's methods. The boys from Franky's house beside him also turned pale with fear.

"Boss Franky, he, they are so scary!" A younger brother said with an ugly face: "How about we, let's forget it? Even the bald group failed, and it's still so miserable, let's, let's not go up. Bar?"

Franky's eyes flashed and he gritted his teeth and said, "You guys wait for me here, I'll go meet them!"

"Boss Franky, you, you want to go alone?" The boys were suddenly shocked and looked at Franky in shock.

"Yes, you are all waiting for me here! Don't show your face, you know?" After Franky left a word, he ran in the direction of Ron. .