
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 149: Received A Huge Cash Of 2.8 Billion Baileys! Someone Wants To Rob Ron?

In the VIP room of the bank, Ron and others were sitting there, sipping drinks from Water City and eating pastries, accompanied by the person in charge of the bank.

"When will the gold be tested and valued?" Ron asked while sipping his drink.

"Mr. Ron, please wait a moment, because the gold you brought is too big and heavy, it may take some time!" The person in charge of the bank said carefully while wiping his sweat: Don't worry, the test should be ready soon. In terms of valuation, We will definitely make you satisfied!"

"Yeah!" Ron nodded, then took a piece of pastry and handed it to Elsa on the side: "Here, eat this, it tastes good!"

"Thank you, Brother Ron!" Aisha thanked her with a smile, picked up the pastry and put it in her mouth: "Well, it's really delicious!"

After a while, two old Whitebeard men walked in. Both of them are professional appraisal and inspection masters in banks. Although it was the first time to inspect and appraise such a huge amount of gold, it took a lot of time, but they successfully completed the task.

When the two came here, they murmured in the ear of Chris, the head of the bank, and then bowed to Ron and others and retreated.

"Mr. Ron, our appraiser has completed the estimate!" Chris said seriously: "For the gold you brought, the price we gave is 2.6 billion beli, which is definitely the highest price! Do you see it?"

"Oh?" Ron looked calm, stopped Nami who wanted to speak, and said with a smile: "You should know my strength, right?"

"I know, I know!" Chris was shocked and said quickly: "Mr. Ron is invincible in the world and has defeated so many masters of the Grand Line. Naturally, he is also a powerful person. I still know this!"

"I heard what those two master appraisers just said. The valuation was 2.8 billion, and you cut me off 200 million just by re-explaining it? Do you think I was taken advantage of?" Ron said with a smile: "Or should I? , your bank doesn't want to do business with me anymore? That's fine, Ron, I'm not that kind of overbearing person. Since your bank doesn't want to do business, then I'll look for other banks!"

"No, no, no!" Chris' expression changed. He was just an ordinary person. How could he know that a person like Ron with Observation Haki could even hear such a whisper clearly? He quickly changed his words and said: "Twenty-eight billion is only two 1.8 billion! We will prepare cash for you now! Please wait a moment, after all, such a large amount of money is not a small amount, and we need time to prepare it!"

"Well, hurry up!" Ron waved his hand.

Chris walked out sweating profusely.

"Ron, why don't you let me talk?" Nami asked strangely: "I think our gold should be more than 2.8 billion, right?"

"I have roughly estimated that the value of our gold pillar should be close to three billion. However, because it is too large, the bank will also need to make some money if it is exchanged for cash, so twenty-eight memories will do!"

"But, this will cost more than 100 million Baileys. I feel so distressed!" Nami said tangledly.

"You have to make some money for others! Are you still not satisfied with the 2.8 billion?" Ron smiled and shook his head. Nami was good at everything, but she was a little too greedy for money. But I don't blame her. It was all because of Nami's life when she was a child. Caused by too much misery.

"Then... I'll be in charge of the money after I get it!" Nami looked at Ron with a smile.

"I'll take care of it for you, I'll take care of it for you, okay?" Ron rubbed his forehead, okay, now the relationship with Nami is transparent, this woman has officially become a housekeeper, although she was in charge of the ship's finances before. He has great power, but now he truly controls a boatload of finances.

"Hehe, okay!" Nami smiled proudly.

"Sister Nami, you have to take care of so much money!" Abis said with her big round eyes: "Then if we need money to buy things in the future, do we need to apply to you?"

"Of course!" Nami raised his head and said, "So you must be obedient in the future, otherwise I will not approve the money for you."

We must be obedient!" Abis and Aisha quickly raised their hands and said in unison.

Seeing this, the other girls all showed gentle smiles.

After about a meal, Chris walked in with a group of female employees, carrying nearly thirty suitcases. As soon as he entered the door, he said respectfully: "Mr. Ron, your cash is ready! There are two in total. There are eighteen suitcases, each of which contains 100 million Baileys in cash. Can Tao count them?"

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Nami hurriedly stepped forward and began to open the suitcase and take inventory.

Ron stepped forward and saw that Nami was planning to count the boxes one by one. He quickly said: "Just do the counting at will. If they dare to play tricks, I will come back and smash their bank."

"Uh..." Chris and a group of bank employees standing aside were stunned when they heard this. Isn't this too overbearing?

Chris wiped his sweat. Fortunately, I know your identity and have never thought of playing any tricks. Otherwise, if this man really gets angry, not only will the bank be smashed, but their lives will also be lost. Guaranteed.

"Okay!" Nami nodded, and then did a simple inventory. After finding that there was no problem, he raised his head and said with a smile: "No problem, let's go now?"

"Okay!" Ron glanced at the other girls: "Let's go, aren't we all going shopping?"

"Oh, let's go shopping!" Abis and Aisha laughed happily.

The girls each carried one or two boxes, and even Ron also carried two boxes, and they all got up and left the bank VIP room. Chris and others sent Ron and others out of the door.

"Mr. Ron, please go slowly. Please continue to look after our bank if you have business in the future!" Chris and others shouted respectfully towards the backs of Ron and others.

"Um, okay!" Ron waved his hand casually.

Come out, come out!"

Outside the bank gate, most of the people had dispersed. Only some people with ulterior motives stayed here, waiting for Ron and his party to come out. Sure enough, they were waiting now.

"Look at the many boxes in their hands!" Beside the bald boss, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at the boxes in the hands of Ron and others with shining eyes, and said excitedly: "According to bank standards, one box is filled with banknotes of the largest denomination. It can reach the amount of 100 million beli, this... there are twenty-eight boxes in total, my God, 2.8 billion beli, boss, boss!!"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks shouted several times, but did not hear the boss's response. When he turned around, he saw that the bald boss and others had their mouths wide open, and their eyes were filled with golden light as they watched Ron and his companions approach.

003 "Boss, please wake up, should we take action now?" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks asked the boss quickly.

"Do it, of course we have to do it!" The bald man's whole body trembled with excitement: "Oh my God, brothers, 2.8 billion beli. This, so much money, is enough for us to spend our whole life. We must do it. , Brothers, after this job, we will wash our hands and stop being robbers. With so much money, we can even buy noble status through means, and then we will all become nobles!"

"Hahaha, boss, we are rich!" Another subordinate also said excitedly: "You are right, with this money, we can all become noble lords. When the time comes, we can use this money to invest, go Earn more money, God, 2.8 billion, it can become 3.8 billion, 4.8 billion by then...I, I can almost breathe with excitement!"

The bald man took a deep breath and said sternly: "Get your weapons out and be ready. When they turn around the intersection in front of you, we will go together. Don't worry about those women. No matter how beautiful the women are, what does it matter? With all this money, What do we want in the future? Let's get the money first!"

"I understand, boss!" said a ruthless subordinate: "It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, we will do it later, grab the money and leave!"

"Yes, Fluchie and the others are in the alley not far away. They are also preparing to take action. We must grab the money before them!" The bald head stared at Ron and his party carefully, and saw Ron and others finally arrived. When he reached the intersection, he suddenly shouted: "Follow me!"

"Come on!"
