
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 106 Ha! You Don’T Know How To Crocodile And Haki?

Behind Ron, Miss Valentine moved and hid behind Nami. At this time, it was king versus king, and it would be very embarrassing for a captive like her!

If you want to say that the captives are miserable, then there is another point to say, but she, well, she and Miss Golden Week had food and drink at Ron's place, and they still ate and drank well. They were raised fat and fat, and they were not abused at all. If Crocodile discovered it, wouldn't she immediately feel that she was being instigated?

Miss Golden Week is a child, but she is an adult. Although she is a cute girl, well, she thinks so, but it is not certain whether Crocodile will think so!

Miss Valentine hid and looked at the burly man confronting Ron not far away. The impression left by Crocodile in her mind was that he was truly decisive and cruel in killing, but she must not find out about it!

On the side, Miss Golden Week glanced at Miss Valentine, her eyes full of contempt!

"Hey, what's that look in your eyes!" Miss Valentine glared at M Golden Week angrily: Do you know that you are also a prisoner? Why don't you hide quickly?"


Miss Golden Week ignored Miss Valentine for 13 days, and still stood outside with Abis, looking towards the direction where Ron and Crocodile were confronting each other.

Damn it!" Miss Valentine was so angry that she couldn't do anything about her, because now Miss Golden Week's strength has been improved by Ron. If Miss Valentine really fights her, she might not really be her. Where is the opponent!

Not to mention here, Ron was confronting Crocodile over there. Seeing Ron kill one of his subordinates, Crocodile must have expressed something. All the subordinates behind him were watching. If he didn't take action, it would be really serious. It doesn't make sense!

"Ron, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!

Crocodile snorted coldly and stretched out his left hand. Well, his left hand was a hook made of gold, pointing directly at Ron's head. There was a murderous intent in his eyes, and he obviously had the intention to kill Ron.

"It's now. If you don't want to kill me, I already want to kill you!" Ron's mouth cracked, still holding his hands behind his back, he smiled at Crocodile and said: "Go ahead, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, use it quickly." Try your best, otherwise you won't have the slightest chance!"

"Arrogant, arrogant!" Crocodile used to think that he was very arrogant, but now after seeing Ron, he felt that he was really too kind before. This guy was too arrogant, almost arrogant.

"Crazy Sand!" Crocodile raised his right hand and swung it down towards Ron: "Go to hell! Scorpion Stinger!"

With one dash forward, Crocodile had already arrived in front of Ron, who was very close. There was a smile in his eyes that suggested that a conspiracy had succeeded. This guy was actually so close. In this case, he should die, as long as he was poisoned by his own poisonous needle. If stabbed, you will definitely die!

The sweeping dust covered Ron's eyes. In the dust, a golden poisonous hook struck towards Ron. The target of the glittering poisonous hook was Ron's neck.

Ron looked at Crocodile speechlessly. Do you want to use this little trick against yourself?

Are you looking down on me too much?

Ron sighed and shook his head. His figure was like a fluttering willow catkin. As Crocodile's left hand golden hook swung, he floated slightly behind him, perfectly dodging this fatal blow.

It's said to be a fatal blow, but for Crocodile, for Ron, such an attack is really a skill that can be avoided with his eyes closed, because he has the power of seeing and hearing!

All of Crocodile's attacks were seen by Ron, which was almost like cheating. How could Crocodile defeat Ron?

Absolutely impossible!

To put it bluntly, Ron was hit by this poisonous needle. But with Ron's physique, which is more than 200 points taller, and a terrifying physique that is almost comparable to Kaido of the Beasts, how could a toxin of his level want to kill Ron?

To say that he dreams is to praise him!

"How is it possible!" The senior agents of Baroque Works who were watching the battle looked surprised. The leader's attack was so easily dodged?

The key point is that the guy seems to be very relaxed, which is terrible!

"Don't worry, everyone, keep watching!" mr1 shook his head calmly and said: "The leader's strength is far more than that. What he is really powerful is the ability of Devil Fruit. He hasn't used it yet, but there will be a good show later! "

"MR1 is right!" Xiao Feng said with a smile: "You also know the leader's fruit ability, which is the ability to die. That guy is definitely no match for him!"

"Yeah!" When the others heard this, they immediately felt relieved and continued to watch the battle.

Ron still didn't take action, but looked at Crocodile opposite, and sighed: "Can you show your real skills? I really can't get interested in this!"

"You are indeed very strong!" Crocodile saw that his attack was ineffective, and he immediately showed caution: "In this case, then you have to use all your strength. You, prepare to face death!"

"Yeah, yes, that's it!" Ron nodded quickly: "Hurry up and use your full strength, otherwise I will feel very boring!"

"Seeking death! Cage of Sand" Crocodile's eyes flashed coldly, and then he waved his hand, and the dry breath on his body flashed past. The surrounding water vapor was absorbed by him, and then the sand and dust rose up and entangled towards Ron. The sand on the ground The dust tightly entangled Ron's feet, and the dust in the sky condensed and turned into ropes of sand, trapping Ron's arms.

"Give me death!" Crocodile's eyes flashed with excitement: "Become a mummy!"

The ability of Sand-Sand Fruit is activated, and the power of sand wrapped around Ron's body is activated. A strange force appears on Ron's limbs and body, trying to absorb all the water from his body and absorb it into a Thousands of households in the county.

"This ability is indeed very strong!" Ron felt it for a moment, but shook his head indifferently: "It's a pity, it's a pity that it's really useless in front of me, no, it's useless at all, because I know Armament Haki!"

Ron's body flashed with purple light, and then all the sand that entangled his body dispersed, without hurting Ron at all.

"This... Armament Haki!" A look of jealousy flashed through Crocodile's eyes. This kind of power that only top experts can use, the young boy opposite has actually learned it, but he has not learned it yet. His power, he couldn't help but be jealous!

"Ha! Don't you know how to Haki Crocodile?" Ron was stunned for a moment and looked at Crocodile with an innocent look: "Oh, that's really embarrassing! I'm bullying you, so what's next? I don't need Haki anymore!"

"Damn it, it's really disgusting!" Seeing this, Crocodile's eyes turned red with anger, and he looked at Ron with hatred. If looks could kill, he would have married Ron to his wife long ago!