
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · Others
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210 Chs

Chapter 105: Killing In Front Of Crocodile! What Can You Do To Get Me?

Brother Ron!"

The moment the city gate opened, Kaya and others rushed over and threw themselves into Ron's arms.

"Brother Ron, are you okay?" Kaya asked worriedly.

"Do you think something's wrong with me?" Ron smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, it's okay!"

"Ron!" Vivi ran over and looked at Ron nervously. When she saw that Ron was not injured, she was relieved: "You, you're fine!"

"Are you concerned about me?" Ron asked with a smile on his face.

"Who, who cares about you!" Vivi blushed and turned her head.

Watching Vivi's leaving figure, Ron laughed dumbly and shook his head. Then he looked at the girls around him, including Nami, Kaya, Makino, Abis and other girls. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they were not injured. .

As for Miss, Robin and other girls, although their expressions did not change much, Ron still saw a hint of worry in their eyes.

The strategy is almost successful!

Ron nodded secretly in his mind, and then his mind moved. His Observation Haki was always on, and Crocodile really started to take action!

Well, it's really good to attack at this time. It's better to solve it together, so you don't have to worry too much!

But after a while, the building over there had been erected, and the people brought by Kobra and Kosha were already discussing the issue.

Ron was not interested in the outcome of the negotiations between these two parties at all, because he knew that as long as Crocodile was solved, the rest would not be a problem!

And, Crocodile, is coming!

A gust of wind and sand swept over, and a group of figures walked in the wind and sand. The posture was very terrifying, just like a black boss traveling.

"Who is that!" the king's guards yelled angrily, pointing their guns in that direction, and they all became alert.

The two parties who were discussing suddenly stopped and became alert one by one. The negotiation was interrupted. The two parties left the building and came outside, looking in the direction of Crocodile's arrival.

"Crocodile!" Kobra looked gloomy and glanced at Kosha: "It's him, Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai sand crocodiles. He is responsible for everything, including the various drought disasters in Alabasta!"

"Crocodile!!" Kosha said solemnly: "Is it all because of him that big cities such as Juba and Elmar were destroyed? Fortunately, I thought he was a people's hero before!"

"You, and even me, have been deceived by him before!" Kobra shook his head and sighed: "If it weren't for the information Vivi got from sneaking into the Baroque Works, I would have thought you were a good person, Crocodile!"

Vivi..." Kosha glanced at the blue-haired girl beside Kobra in despair. The girl pursed her lips and looked at Crocodile who was walking not far away with a determined face, ignoring Kosha.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect it!" Crocodile and his group came closer. Crocodile didn't say anything. A woman behind him said: "I really didn't expect that you could invite Ron, the world's greatest swordsman, to take action. This is the only miscalculation we made, right? Otherwise, after the rebels attack Alba and you both suffer losses, we will reap the benefits and now Alabasta will be ours! What a pity, what a pity!"

"Hey hey hey!" A man in heavy makeup wearing a ballet costume said with a smile: "Princess Vivi, you were able to escape from the pursuit. This is something we didn't expect. It's only the MR3 who survived, alas!"

"Damn it!" mr3 was standing behind Crocodile. Hearing mr2 Bentham's words, he was immediately angry: "I met that guy Ron, otherwise I would have completed the mission!"

"Trash is trash!" Xiao Feng glanced at the booger man with disdain and said with disdain: "If you are incompetent, stop trying to defend yourself!"

"Asshole!" The booger man rolled up his sleeves and wanted to duel with Xiao Feng. Crocodile glanced at him: "Shut up!"

The booger man was suddenly speechless. He didn't dare not listen to Crocodile's words, so he had no choice but to give up. But his eyes when looking at Xiao Feng were still angry.

Xiao Feng looked at the booger man proudly, looking provocative.

Crocodile, wearing a coat, strode to the foot of the Alba city wall. Tens of meters in front of Ron and others, his narrow eyes looked at Ron: "Ron, I didn't expect that you actually intervened in this matter. You know I don't know, but you have to pay a price for ruining my good deeds! Huh?"

"Crocodile!" Ron was surrounded by a group of girls at the moment. When he saw Crocodile arriving and asking to talk to him by name, Ron smiled and stood out from the crowd, and calmly arrived more than ten meters in front of Crocodile. : "You should have received what I asked that m3 to bring you, right?"

"Hey, you want me to wash my neck and wait?" Crocodile held his cigar in his mouth and sneered: "Who do you think you are? You're just a newcomer to the Grand Line. How can you be so good with just a few achievements? I don't know!'

Ha, I also think my record is nothing!"

Ron laughed: "I just defeated Mihawk! Well, Mihawk and you are both Shichibukai. Maybe you are not convinced by Mihawk's strength. However, if I defeat you again, or in other words, kill you directly, I wonder what kind of evaluation World Government and Marine will give me?"

"Boy, are you too arrogant?" Behind Crocodile, a man roared: "You want to defeat the leader of Crocodile? Just dream!"

"Is it your turn to speak?" Ron looked over coldly: "Who do you think you are?"

The sword flashed, and the Third Generation ghost's cold light flashed around Ron's waist. There were two clicks, and the famous sword was unsheathed and returned to its sheath...

Opposite, behind Crocodile, the little guy who interrupted rashly still had his head missing, and blood spurted out from his neck, startling the others around him.

Even Crocodile himself was shocked. He, he couldn't completely detect the trajectory of Ron's attack. He could only barely see Ron move his hand, and then heard two sounds of the sword being unsheathed, and then, the person behind him was dead. Got it!

"Very good!" Crocodile's face turned cold and cold: "No matter what, Mr.17 is still my subordinate. Isn't it bad that Mr. Ron kills someone so rashly?"

"While I'm talking, this kind of thing dares to speak against me. It's not a pity to die!" Ron's face was full of a kind smile: "Why don't you Crocodile thank me for helping you clean up the waste? This kind of thing will stay It's also a lesson, isn't it?"

Crocodile looked at Ron with a cold expression, thinking about how he could kill Ron in one fell swoop.

Behind him, Xiao Feng from m2, the booger man from mr3, a black-haired woman, the sturdy man from m1, and other members of the Baroque Working Group all fell silent, and they were also afraid in their hearts. . . The guy opposite was really capable of killing people, and the mr17 just said a word and died. .