
Befouled Love

A young woman, named Anya Miller has a different view of what others call “Love”. Abandoned from her mother she had to learn to survive on her own. But when fate leads a man into her life. Will her view of love change or will she have given up hope and never even bother with love again. -•Update every Saturday•-

AM17 · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter Four

I got my apartment three weeks after I started working at the Melbane cafe. The landlord is a nice elderly woman. Rent is affordable, there are two rooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen, and a small living room. My cat has a room to himself cause no one stays in my place anyway. My cat has ginger fur and his name is Neeko. Neeko is a stray cat, I found him hiding in a card board box from the rain 3 months ago. I took him home that night and noticed him limping so, early in the morning the next day I took him to the vet. He had fractured his left leg. The vet casted his leg and had him wear a cone on his head. He did not like the cone he would try to take it off. He would end up successfully taking it off but when I came home from work I would place to cone back on. I got to my apartment and when to grab my keys when I realized my door is slightly open. I rush inside and find Neeko sitting on a chair in my room. I search the my room, the living room, and the kitchen to see if anything had gone missing. I didn't really have anything for anyone to take. "Maybe I just forgot to lock the door." I thought. I went back to my room and lay on my bed and stare at my ceiling. Thinking about how careless I have been. I entermy small bathroom to take a shower. I start to drown out my thoughts but I am interrupted by my a ping sound from my phone. I hurry up with my shower and grab a towel to quickly dry off. I pick up my phone to see a message from Hayden, "I can't make it to my night shift tonight. Do you think you could fill in for me? I know you don't work nights but I have to go to the hospitial and pick up my mother." I reply with "Of course I will fill in for you. You don't have to ask me." She answers back "Thanks so much, Love you!!" I rush into my room to start drying my hair. I have an hour and a half to get ready. I am wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I'm almost done drying my hair when Neeko strolls into my room and leaps onto my bed. Neeko starts to meow at me. I walk into the kitchen I grab Neeko a treat. He takes his treat to his room and I go back to my room and I fix my long hair into a pony tail. I grab my phone and leave the house. As I start walking to the cafe I look the opposite way of Melbane cafe and I see the beautiful sunset out to the horizon. I turn back to the direction of the cafe and start walking faster. "It'll be dark soon" I thought to myself. Five miutes later I walk through the glass doors of Melbane cafe. I see the other two employee's that work with Hayden. I don't know them, but from what I was told by Hayden they sound like nice people. I walk to the back and clock in. It wasn't as busy as it is in the mornings. I served a few costumers, one was a nice elderly man. I also served two nice young women. Tonight seemed like it went by fast. And the time was 11:30pm, so I clocked out took off my hat and apron. I walked out the back door instead of the front doors and headed down the alley way home. I felt like taking a walk so I just took the long way home.