
Befouled Love

A young woman, named Anya Miller has a different view of what others call “Love”. Abandoned from her mother she had to learn to survive on her own. But when fate leads a man into her life. Will her view of love change or will she have given up hope and never even bother with love again. -•Update every Saturday•-

AM17 · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter Five

I get back to my apartment and I pick out an outfit for school tomorrow. I feed Neeko before calling it a day. The next morning my alarm goes off at 4:45. I get up take a shower then do my hair. I get dressed, grab my bag, feed Neeko and run down to the parking lot to meet Hayden who picks me up for school. I asked her how her mother is doing. "The doctors finally found the problem." She said to me. "She has cancer, Leukemia." she adds. "I'm so sorry, if there is anything I can do to help let me know." She nods, then starts telling me she found a nanny for her younger siblings. The nanny will be living at the house, and take Hayden's younger siblings to school. We get to the school parking lot and Hayden parks near the school entrance. We walk in the building going our separate ways to our classes. On my way to biology, as I walk down the west hall I see the math class. I look into the window for a minute and notice John sitting in the back. He is staring at his phone and as always teachers don't notice these things. I get to class before the bell rings and I take a seat close to the left wall. The teacher goes through with attendance, then starts writing notes on the board for us to copy for an open notebook test. A kid in the front starts to throw paper across the room, the teacher, Mrs. Rossi, gives him a warning, he stops. A few minutes later he starts trying to sneak on his phone before the teacher caught him a minute later, and sent him to the principals office. I stare at the clock at the back of the classroom, there is 5 minutes left of class. I quickly write the rest of the notes and pack up so I'm ready to leave class when the bell rings. The bell rings and dismisses everyone. I swiftly walk through the hall trying to get to the lockers to meet with Hayden. Not realizing where I'm walking I run into John who is coming out of his math class. His books dropped from his hands. "Watch it!" He calls out. "Sorry." I reply and run to the lockers. Hayden was already there waiting for me. We talk about how our first period went. She told me nothing happened in her history class. I informed her about the guy who acted up in my biology class. We grab our textbooks for our math class that we have together. We walk into our math class and take seats in the back. The teacher gives us hand-outs for homework, after she distributes all of the papers she heads to the board to go over problems of last nights homework. She calls us up one by one to discuss our progress on the homework. As she is calling people up me and Hayden start working on tonight's homework. Hayden gets called up. It didn't take long for her to come back. She told me all the answers were right. So I knew I would get them right too cause we both worked on it together. I get called up. I walk over to the teacher and she says, "Great work as always! Keep it up!" "Thank you" I say to Mrs. Perez. I'm not really good at math but I manage, and Hayden always helps me if I need it. Class ends minutes later, it is now third period. Me and Hayden have gym. Our gym teacher Mr. Weber, is the best teacher. We have a nice inside gym. Me and Hayden get to the girls locker room and change into our gym clothes. We finish quickly before the bell rings and enter the gym. We sit on the second row on the bleachers. We did a boys vs. girls basketball game. The boys won by two points. It was 45:47. Hayden is a good player she played on our schools basketball team and was captain last year before switching to cheer leading and is now captain of the schools squad. Hayden is pretty much a popular girl. Lot's of people know her from our school. She has beautiful long Strawberry blond hair, she is tall and skinny, and gorgeous bronze skin. Class ends and me and Hayden go our separate ways again. I have history and she has English. Mr. Bisset is a fun history teacher. We always do class projects. Learning about Greek mythology is my favorite, which we are currently learning about. We are starting a project about what we have learned about Greek mythology. Some students are going to work on the poster board so they will need people with art skills and people with good handwriting. I will be doing the slide show with other students which requires two to three students who are comfortable with public speaking. I am working on the slides with three other students. Their names are Kyle, Alexa, and Eric. Alexa and Eric are going to be the ones speaking while me and Kyle will be making sure the slides are shown on the board in the classroom. The projects are half-way finished when the bell rings dismissing us to fifth period.