
before I die I kissed the heorin (for me only)

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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17 Chs

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Chapter 188 Pindao wants to accept Su Shi as a disciple! Su Shi, I miss you so much!

Fifth, sixth, seventh...

Due to Feng Chaoge's fatal mistake, Bai Zi has already occupied an absolute advantage.

The army is overwhelming and unstoppable, and will soon eat away the living space of Sunspot!

"Looks like you're going to lose.

Sikong Yueyue said.

Feng Chaoge shook his head, "I won't lose."

Sikong Yueyue frowned.

In this situation, the opponent simply has no room for a comeback.

The next second, she was stunned.

I saw the white pieces of the chessboard shattered, the breeze blew, and turned into dust and went away with the wind.

Feng Chaoge pointed at the only remaining Heizi, "Look, you won't win."


Sikong Zuoyue said angrily, "How can you destroy chess pieces when you play chess? You have already violated the rules.

Feng Chaoge said lightly, "I am the one who makes the rules, so how can I be restricted by the rules?"

"As long as I want to win, don't talk about destroying your chess pieces, so what if I destroy the chessboard?"

She seemed to have something to say.

Sikong Yueyue shook his head and said, "You are still unreasonable as always."

Feng Chaoge said casually: "What I said is the truth.

Sikong Luyue was sullen for a while.

If you continue to chat with this person, her whole person will be bad.

"Speaking of business, in fact, Pindao came here this time with an immature idea.

Feng Chaoge asked, "What do you think?

Sikong Yueyue hesitated for a moment, then said, "Qingchen has suggested many times to the poor road that Su Shi can be brought under the door, which can restrain Yun Qiluo to a certain extent."

Su Shi's talent is amazing.

If this kind of genius is allowed to grow, it will definitely affect the balance of forces in the future.

So before he grows up, try to change his identity as much as possible.

At least it can't just be a person in the devil's way.

Feng Chaoge's previous actions should be out of this plan.


Feng Chaoge asked, "Aren't you afraid that Yun Qiluo will trouble you?

Sikong Chuiyue said: "If it is Pindao himself, it is indeed a little troublesome, but with you, it will be no problem. 99

No matter how powerful the Nether Demon Sovereign is, he can't deal with two Supremes at the same time, right?

Feng Chaoge frowned slightly, "It makes sense...but I remember that you never seem to accept male disciples?

"Cough cough. 99

Sikong Yueyue cleared his throat, "That's why Pindao said, this is an immature idea."

In fact, in addition to restraining the Demon Emperor, she also has a love for talent.

The holy product is complete, the sword intent is magnificent, and even the poetry is handed down from time to time.

She couldn't help but wonder, where is the limit of Su Shi's talent?

Feng Chaoge looked at her suspiciously, "Could it be that you like Su Shi? 39


Sikong Zuiyue said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

She transcended the world and sensed the secrets of heaven, how could she have such a dirty mind?

The clouds were rolling in endlessly.

Sikong Yueyue stood up suddenly, "If he wants, let him come to Haoyun Continent."5

After saying that, he left angrily.

Long time no see, this empress is getting more and more absurd!

The hall was quiet.

Feng Chaoge's expression restrained, and his eyes returned to be cold and indifferent.

"Tianji Pavilion is also playing Su Shi's idea."

"But what Sikong Yueyue said is not without reason."

"The more complex Su Shi's identity is, the weaker the nature of magic will become.

"If I can completely clean up my identity, I can be open and honest with him..."

With this thought in mind, Feng Chaoge shook his head vigorously.

"What am I thinking about?"

But there was a trace of shyness in his eyes, but he couldn't hide it.

"By the way, isn't Duke Zhen Guo back? Where are the others now?

Feng Chaoge's tone became lighter.

The maid of honor outside the door replied: "Prince Zhen Guo went to the Demon Slayer Division, and he should have gone to see Chen Yushi.


The chessboard shattered.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty? 99

Demon Slayer.

In the courtyard, a group of people are fighting.

To be precise, it was one person fighting a group.

Chen Qingluan held the long sword of autumn water in his hand, and the sword was like a gust of wind and rain.

If she hadn't deliberately kept her hand, I'm afraid the winner would have been decided long ago.

One of the daily routines of Demon Slayer: Accompanying Chen Qingluan to practice swords.

Looking at the icy sword energy, the spectators were talking a lot.

"Chen Yushi's kendo seems to be stronger.

"In addition to Fengrui Wuzhu, there seems to be a Mo Ming sword intent?"

"As expected of the daughter of Master Chen, this kendo talent is truly unparalleled in the world."

"You seem to have forgotten that man..."

"Ahem, she really deserves to be the daughter of Master Chen, and her kendo talent is second in the world."5

"It's almost there."

As long as Haoran sword qi is present, who in the world dares to be number one?

The blade passed by, reflecting calm eyes, and Chen Qingluan's figure disappeared in a flash.

The wrists of several captains numb, and the long swords in their hands fell to the ground.

"I'll wait for the downfall.""

They bowed their hands convincingly.

Chen Qingluan nodded, ". "Thank you for your hard work. "

"It should be hard work, Yushi Chen."

Rather than saying that they were sparring, it would be better to say that Chen Qingluan was instructing them.

Every time you fight against her, everyone will gain something.

Therefore, in Zhan Mosi, accompany Chen Yushi to practice swordsmanship is something you can't ask for.

Just when Chen Qingluan was about to put away the long sword, a voice suddenly came from his ear: "Look at the sword.

Uncast sword energy is coming!

"What a strong sword energy!"

Chen Qingluan raised his eyebrows, and his body rose into the air, the sword light was pouring like a torrential rain!

But the other party seems to be wearing flowers and butterflies, and the leaves do not touch the body, rushing through the sword rain blockade like lightning.

Before she could react, the sword edge had already stabbed between the eyebrows!

Chen Qingluan's pupils shrank suddenly!

Can't escape!

Just when she felt like she was about to be pierced by a sharp blade, a finger lightly tapped her forehead.

The man in white stood in front of her and said with a smile, "Yushi Chen, you lost.


Autumn water fell to the ground.

Chen Qingluan stared blankly at the man, his eyes full of disbelief.

She slowly stretched out her hand and placed it on the man's chest, a steady and familiar heartbeat came from her palm.

"Not a dream.

"Su Shi, are you back?"

Su Shi nodded, "I'll go back..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Chen Qingluan hugged him tightly, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"I miss you so much."

In this courtyard, in front of everyone's eyes, she stood on tiptoe and kissed her fiercely and firmly.

Time stood still at this moment.

Everyone in Zhan Mo Si was dumbfounded.

Although the "feat" of the two on the street has long been heard.

But when this scene appeared in front of them, it completely shocked them.

Chen Yushi's character is cold and unsmiling, like a ruthless sword, but at this time, his cheeks are flushed, and his fingers are softly wrapped around.

At this time, Chen Wangchuan strode in.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the day..."


Chapter 189 Feng Chaoge, this childish ghost! His Majesty's mouth is also sweet!

After a long time, the two separated.

Chen Qingluan stared at Su Shi stupidly.

The last time she parted, she thought that she would not see each other for a long time, but she did not expect this person to come to the imperial capital silently.

"when did you come?"

Su Shi said, "As soon as I arrived in Kyoto, when I saw that there was no one in the Chen residence, I guessed that you would be here."

A trace of tenderness flashed in Chen Qingluan's eyes, and she snorted: "If you are acquainted, if you come to Kyoto and don't find me the first time, I will ignore you."

Su Shi smiled and squeezed her cheek.

"Cough cough.

At this moment, a cough sounded.

The two looked back at the sound.

I saw that everyone in Zhan Mosi was staring at them blankly.

Chen Wangchuan's expression on the side was slightly stiff, "Prince Zhen Guo, you are back.


Chen Qingluan's cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he could not wait to find a crack to burrow into.


I was so excited to see Su Shi just now that I forgot that there was someone else beside me.

When did Chen Wangchuan come?

Su Shi's expression remained the same, and he cupped his hands and said, "Master Chen, we meet again.

In fact, it stands to reason that he should call the other party's master.

After all, he understood the mighty sword intent of the Chen family, and learned a lot of swordsmanship from the other party.

But Chen Wangchuan refused.

500 The reason is very simple, I am afraid of being killed by the Nether Demon Emperor...

"Prince Zhen Guo, come with me."

Chen Wangchuan turned around and walked into the room, Su Shi raised his legs and followed behind.

Looking at the backs of the two, Chen Qingluan looked worried.

"Dad won't embarrass him, will he?

"I just took the initiative..."

Noticing the crowd watching around, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "What are you all doing here? It's okay to be free, right!

The crowd shuddered and scattered.

Still a familiar taste!

in the study.

Chen Wangchuan looked at Su Shi with complicated eyes, "Prince Zhen Guo, you and Qingluan..."

Su Shi said calmly: "The two are in love with each other. Nian

Chen Wangchuan sighed.

He had already seen the signs, but he didn't expect the relationship between the two to develop so quickly.

But Su Shi has nothing to fault either.

Talent, status, appearance... are all unique, not to mention the understanding of the Chen family inheritance.

If you can come together with Chen Qingluan, it will be a good fate.

Chen Wangchuan was silent for a moment and said, "I don't want to interfere too much with your young people's affairs."5

"Although the Chen family is not a wealthy family, but in this imperial capital, it can be regarded as having a head and face.""

"Qingluan is my only daughter, and now everyone knows your relationship..."

Tone slightly.

Su Shi understood in an instant and said seriously: "Master Chen, rest assured, I really treat Qingluan. When I return to Nanli City to report to Ming's father, three books and six appointments, and Ming's matchmaker is getting married, I will definitely give Qingluan a place.

Chen Wangchuan breathed a sigh of relief, "I believe in Duke Zhen Guo.

Su Shi nodded and said, "Thank you Master Chen for your accomplishment."

Chen Wangchuan said with a smile: "It should be me thanking Duke Zhen Guo for helping me with a heart problem. Otherwise, with Qingluan's character, I'm worried that she will not be able to marry in her life."


The door was pushed open.

Chen Qingluan stood at the door and said angrily, "Father, what nonsense are you talking about, who can't get married?"

Chen Wangchuan knew that she was eavesdropping outside the door, and snorted coldly, "You beat up this young man in the imperial city all the time, and he got married... Who sees your legs trembling?"

"That's because they are too weak, and besides, I don't look down on those gangsters!

Chen Qingluan looked disdainful.

Chen Wangchuan said helplessly: "Prince Zhen Guo, you look at her fierce appearance, how does she look like a girl's family?"

However, Su Shi looked doting on her face, "Where is the fierceness? It's clearly very cute.""


Seeing Chen Qingluan's shy look, Chen Wangchuan shook his head.

It really is one thing.

"In this way, Su Shi is not only my colleague, but also my apprentice, and now he is going to be my son-in-law? 35

What a complicated relationship!

Chen House.

In the bedroom, Chen Qingluan nestled in Su Shi's arms and whispered, "Is what you said to my father just now true?

Su Shi asked, "Which sentence are you referring to?"

Chen Qingluan blushed and said: "You said that you want three books and six appointments, and marry me in a beautiful and beautiful way. 99

Su (bcec) Shi did not hesitate, "Of course it's true."

Now that you have determined your intentions, you should naturally give the other party a name.

The corners of Chen Qingluan's mouth twitched, and his heart was full of excitement, "Anyway, it's enough to have your words.

With Su Shi's identity and talent, there will definitely be more than one woman by his side in the future.

But what does that matter?

Chen Qingluan will always have only one.

Holding the man who was thinking about it day and night, she seemed to have found a stable harbor in her heart.

The atmosphere is warm and inviting.


Chen Qingluan said aloud: "After you left Weiyang Capital, Your Majesty summoned me."

"Feng Chaoge? What is she doing to you?"

Su Shi was a little puzzled.

With Chen Qingluan's official position, it is not enough to meet the Sage.

"Your Majesty called me to the palace and stared at me silently for a long time."

"Then asked me how old I was, and if there was anyone I liked... By the way, I also asked what I like to eat, so that my mouth can be so sweet.

"Strange, is my mouth really sweet?

Chen Qingluan was puzzled.

Su Shi's expression stiffened.

Feng Chaoge was clearly upset because the two were kissing in the street, but Chen Qingluan just didn't notice it.

This childish bastard!

I always feel that this holy emperor is getting more and more outrageous!

dong dong dong.

At this moment, the door rang.

The voice of the housekeeper came from outside the door, "President Zhen Guo, someone is looking for you outside, it's the same father-in-law from last time.

"Wei Jinzhong? 35

Su Shi said helplessly: "What should come will always come.

He understands Eunuch Wei's character, and those who don't see him will never leave.

Su Shi rubbed Chen Qingluan's hair, "Wait for me to come back."

"Well, go get busy.

Chen Qingluan pecked his face obediently.

Su Shi got up and walked out of the room.

Come to the gate.

Familiar sun clothes, familiar golden sedan chair.

Eunuch Wei smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum, "Eunuch Zhenguo, are you back?

Su Shi didn't say a word, just got into the sedan chair.

Eunuch Wei's smile became brighter.

So fit?

It's rare that Duke Zhen Guo didn't block our house!

"Get up the sedan chair and go back to the palace!"

Yugan Palace.

Feng Chaoge corrected the memorial at his desk.

He walked in in a white python robe, sat on his chair, picked up the cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Well, it's still the same.

One of them worked hard and the other worked hard, which was exactly the same scene as the first time they met.

The air is quiet.

Feng Chaoge looked at the memorial, but his eyes were out of focus, and he didn't flip it for a long time.

Suddenly, she noticed something.

Looking up, I saw Su Shi came to my side at some point.

He held his chin with his right hand and looked at her without blinking.

The distance between the two was less than an inch, and they could even feel each other's breath.

Feng Chaoge said lightly: "You are too close to me... uh!

Before he finished speaking, a piece of cake was sent into Tankou.

"Your Majesty's mouth is sweet now."

Su Shi smiled.

Chapter 190 Slap to a sweet date, a small gift from the Holy Emperor!

Feng Chaoge nibbled at the sweet and Qinqin pastry and stared at Su Shi blankly.

Su Shi asked, "Sweet?


As soon as the words came out, Feng Chaoge reacted and said with a frown, "You treat me like a child?

This man is actually feeding her?

Su Shi said lightly: "Since Your Majesty is not a child, how can you do such a childish thing?"

"When am I so naive..."

Recalling what the other party said just now, Feng Chaoge realized something, "You mean Chen Qingluan?

Su Shi nodded and said bluntly, "I don't want you to trouble her."

He has a special status and does not need to have too many scruples.

But Chen Qingluan was serving in the imperial court. If he was targeted by the Holy Emperor, he would be in much trouble.

Feng Chaoge's expression turned cold.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

I just met, and you blame her for other women?

"I just met Chen Qingluan once, and I didn't really do anything."

"I sent troops to the Western Regions for you and risked the world's great disobedience, and I will be blamed by you in the end? 99

However, Feng Chaoge did not say these words.

She is an emperor and cannot have the slightest weakness.

Pressing all the grievances in his heart, he said coldly: "I don't want to see it now..."

Before the word "you" came out, the whole person was stunned.

I saw Su Shi took out a sculpture and placed it on the table.

It was a woman in a gorgeous phoenix robe.

The appearance is peerless, with phoenix eyes and crescent eyebrows, and a touch of cinnabar between the eyebrows.

It was Feng Chaoge himself.

But it looks very different from now.

The sculpture is holding a jug in his hand, his eyes are blurred, his hair is messy, his eyebrows are a little less majestic, and a little more charming and cute.

"This is..."

"This is my present for you."

"I went to the Western Regions, and unfortunately caught up with the chaos of war, thanks to your sending troops to help. 35

Su Shi shrugged, "You are the Nine-Five Supreme, you have everything, and I have nothing to give, so I made a gadget for you.

Feng Chaoge's eyes moved slightly, "You made this yourself?"

She already had the answer to this question.

Because no one except Su Shi has seen her drunk.

Su Shi nodded, "Of course, do you like it?"

Feng Chaoge was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "It's ugly, I don't like it at all.

Saying so, he carefully put away the sculpture.

This is the first time she has received a gift in her life.

"This guy has a bit of a conscience.""

The grievances that had been smoldering in his heart dissipated a lot.

Su Shi smiled and said, "Aren't you angry this time?"

Feng Chaoge snorted, "Slap a slap to a sweet jujube, do you think I'm so easy to fool?"

Su Shi shook his head and smiled wryly.

This queen is really not that easy to fool.

"Then what do you say?

Feng Chaoge thought for a while, and said, "The Hu Ben army marched to the Western Regions for you, and the military expenses will be deducted from your salary, if you calculate it, it should be enough to deduct for a few years.

War is a money-burning game.

As the elite of the Wang lineage, the Hu Ben army was very expensive every time they dispatched, not to mention the long-distance attack.

Su Shi: 66....99

Exploitation, outright exploitation.

Before you get paid, you are already in debt.

Where is this rich woman, she is clearly a blood-sucking capitalist!

Seeing his helpless appearance, a sly smile flashed across Feng Chaoge's eyes.

At this time, the voice of a female official came from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, the school grounds are ready, and the grand review can be held at any time.

Feng Chaoge stood up, "Let's go."

Su Shi asked curiously, "What are you going to do? 35

"Come with me in the military parade!""

Outside the Imperial City, Bafang Campus.

Civil and military officials stand on the stands.

The army below Yangyang was fierce and tidy, and the formation was neat, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

There was a chill in the air.

The major events of the country are in the sacrifice and the Rong.

The Linlang military parade has a long history.

It's just that large-scale military exercises were held only on major festivals or when welcoming and sending off state guests.

The form is greater than the content, more like a ceremony to please the emperor.

It is usually held every six years.

But after Feng Chaoge ascended the throne, he carried out drastic reforms.

Red tape was abolished, more emphasis was placed on actual combat capability, various military departments were reorganized, and even the Minister of Military Affairs changed three positions.

The big reading is adjusted to once a year.

This move has made martial arts become common in the army, and the soldiers are strong and brave.

Linlang's national strength has skyrocketed.

"His Majesty is here.""

…for flowers …

With a shout, the luxurious phoenix came into everyone's sight.

"See Your Majesty.

Civil and military officials fell to their knees one after another.

The sedan door opened, and a bright yellow phoenix robe walked down slowly, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Just as the ministers stood up, their legs suddenly softened.

I saw a handsome man in a white python robe walking out of the open sedan door.

"Zhen, Zhen Guogong?!"

"President Zhenguo is back?"

The ministers' eyes widened.

Su Shi had just arrived in Weiyang Capital, and the news had not yet spread. Now that he and His Majesty came in the same chariot, they were a little lost for a while.

Everyone clearly remembers that Duke Zhen Guo turned the imperial capital upside down before!

Feng Chaoge sat on the phoenix chair in the middle, with the sun and moon canopy supporting it.

The civil and military officials stood behind them, all standing upright.

Feng Chaoge instructed: "Go and bring a chair here.



After a while, Eunuch Wei brought a wooden chair, "Your Majesty, where is this chair?

Feng Chaoge looked up at Hua Gai, got up and moved the phoenix chair away, "Just put it next to me.

Eunuch Wei put the chair away.

Both chairs were just barely obscured by the canopy's shadow.

Feng Chaoge looked at Su Shi, "Come and sit. 35

Su Shi walked over and sat down, shook his head and said, "Why is it so troublesome? Your phoenix chair is so big, can we just squeeze it?"

Feng Chaoge said angrily, "Who wants to squeeze you? You are getting thicker and thicker-skinned.

"It's not that I haven't squeezed

"To shut up!"

The civil and military officials behind him were terrified.

I am afraid that the only person in the world who dares to talk to the Holy Emperor like this is Duke Zhen Guo alone, right?

It's just that His Majesty still favors him so much.

Eunuch Wei on the side lowered his head and bowed his head, cold sweat dripping down his temples.

As expected of Duke Zhen Guo, the output is still as stable as ever...

At this time, the female official came over, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the time has come."

Feng Chaoge nodded, "Let's start.""


A melodious bell rang.

"Linlang proofreads, the Holy Emperor observes soldiers..."

"Great reading, the beginning!

As the last syllable fell, the quiet school ground burst into motion! Thousand.

Chapter 191: The Empress Who Will Be Strong in Her Life! Enjoy the silky Duke Zhen Guo!

Smoke billowed on the school grounds, and the screams of killing were deafening.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Shi couldn't help being stunned.

Is this a military parade?

It's clearly a life-and-death fight!

Several young generals led the team, and the soldiers were divided into several camps, constantly rushing to kill each other.

Although the weapons were replaced with wooden ones, the smell of blood did not diminish in the slightest. From time to time, people were injured and sent to the battlefield, and the doctors outside the field quickly dealt with the wounded.

After a simple bandage, he picked up his weapon again and rushed back.

Seeing that murderous appearance, Su Shi's voice moved, "You call this a military parade? It's too hard to beat!

"If you don't bleed now, you will lose your life in battle."

Feng Chaoge's expression was indifferent, "On the battlefield, the most important thing is the murderous aura that is not afraid of death. The more afraid of death, the faster you will die. 35

Thinking of the black armored army, Su Shi couldn't find a reason to refute.

The role of the "five zero zero" cultivation power is mainly to deter, and these soldiers are the real mainstay.

Su Shi looked carefully.

I saw that they were not fighting mindlessly. Instead, the various arms cooperated in an orderly manner.

These are just ordinary soldiers guarding the Central Plains.

The elites of the royal lineage like Hu Ben, Xuan Jia, and Guiwei did not end.

The strength of Linlang's national strength is evident!

"If Demon Dao really goes to war with the imperial court, what chance of victory would there be?

Su Shi couldn't help but come up with this idea.

Perhaps the top-level combat power of the Nether Sect is very strong.

But if you look at the overall strength, it is far from being the opponent of the dynasty.

Feng Chaoge's ability to hold the king, and the heroine Qiankun, not only depended on the cultivation of the strongest.

She is also very good at governing the country and the army.

Su Shi looked at the woman beside him seriously.

Feng Chaoge frowned slightly, "I asked you to watch the military parade, why are you staring at me?

Su Shi shook his head and said, "I was thinking, maybe you are really a good emperor. 55

Feng Chaoge was startled.

I didn't expect the other party to say such a thing.

"Could it be that you want to abandon the darkness and turn to the light? 55

Her heart was up and down, and just as she was about to say something, she saw Su Shi pinching her chin and looking at her: "It's just a little less feminine, not suitable for being a wife.

Feng Chaoge's expression stiffened.

Not suitable for... being a wife?

What nonsense is this guy talking about?!


Feng Chaoge glared at him angrily, "How could I be someone else's wife? 35

Su Shi had a calm expression on his face, "No matter how indifferent or strong you are, you are still a woman after all. 95

Feng Chaoge's breathing stagnated, and he turned his head angrily.

This man really dares to say anything!

On the battlefield below, the fighting continued, but the atmosphere between the two was very quiet.

Feng Chaoge's eyes were blank.

Su Shi's words just echoed in her mind for a long time.


The word was too foreign to her.

She also never saw herself as a woman.

But when I heard Su Shi say this, I was still a little unconvinced.

"What exactly is femininity?"

Feng Chaoge thought to himself.

At this moment, a picture flashed in my mind.

"He seems to like that thing...but there are so many people here..."

Feng Chaoge hesitated for a long time, finally made a decision, and disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the empty seats next to him, Su Shi scratched his head, "Are you angry? 39

After a while, the figure reappeared.

Feng Chaoge sat back on the phoenix chair expressionlessly.

Su Shi asked curiously, "What are you doing... eh?!""

His eyes were round, and his chin was about to fall to the ground.

I saw that between the skirts of the phoenix robe, a pair of black stockings could be vaguely seen, tightly wrapped around the slender straight jade legs!

Su Shi couldn't believe it: "Did you go to change your clothes just now?"

Feng Chaoge glanced at him, and said lightly, "Is there a womanity now?"


Su Shi's throat moved.

What a powerful queen!

His heartbeat accelerated wildly, and he said in a mysterious way: "I have to identify it before I know if there is any. 99

"How to identify?"

Before Feng Chaoge could react, his entire body instantly turned to stone.

Slowly looking down, I saw a big hand crossed the skirt and placed it on her lap impartially.

"What are you doing?

Her face was blank and disbelieving.

Su Shi said solemnly: "It feels silky and it is authentic."


Feng Chaoge's cheeks flushed red, and his chest heaved violently.

"You're going to die!!

Just as she was about to throw Su Shi out, the maid of honor came over and asked with her head lowered, "Your Majesty, the Tiger Armor Army has finished its inspection, what instructions do you have?"

"Completed the inspection?

Feng Chaoge came back to his senses, only to see that the fighting was over...

On the school grounds, the soldiers were neatly lined up, all looking at her.

Fortunately, she and Su Shi were sitting very close to each other, and the skirt of the phoenix robe was very wide, so no one could see the small movements of the two.

Feng Chaoge cleared his throat, "Yes, I am very satisfied.

The Minister of War and the generals breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where the sun and the moon shine, is it not the imperial power, and wherever the rivers come, it is the emperor's land!""

"I am willing to die for Your Majesty!"

The soldiers knelt down on one knee, their voices resounded through the school grounds, and their eyes were adoring and fanatical.

Feng Chaoge felt uncomfortable.

Behind her are civil and military officials, in front of them are countless soldiers, and the disciple beside her is touching her thigh...

The former female officer asked: "Then let the forbidden army enter the venue?"

good. "


Feng Chaoge nodded.

The lady in front bowed and stepped back.

The soldiers dispersed like a tide, and the air fell into a brief silence.

Su Shi was enjoying the silky smoothness when Feng Chaoge's faint voice came from his ears, "I count to three, if I don't take it away, I will chop off your paws!"

After the last count was finished, Su Shi reluctantly took his hand back.

Feng Chaoge gritted his teeth and said, "You are too presumptuous!

Usually, Hu 4.2 is fine with talking about it.

In front of everyone's eyes, she dared to be so frivolous and rude, it was completely beyond her acceptable range.

Su Shi was unconvinced and said, "Why didn't you tell me when you hugged me to sleep? Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light the lights? 39

Feng Chaoge choked for a moment, and said with a heavy eyebrow, "This is not the same thing... Besides, you can't fool around in public, right?"

Su Shi read comprehension: "So you mean, it's okay to mess around in private?"

"...I don't want to talk to you!"

Feng Chaoge felt that he was going to be mad at him.

Su Shi smiled and whispered in her ear: "Actually, it seems that His Majesty is very feminine."

Feng Chaoge's heart skipped a beat, and a blush crept into his ears.

I wanted to push him away, but my body wouldn't obey.

"It really sucks!"

Chapter 192 Feng Chaoge is jealous? Sudden provocation!

The ministers did not notice the movements of the two.

Looking at their backs next to each other, everyone's eyes flashed with unknown meanings.

Riding the imperial carriage, sharing breakfast, staying in the palace, and now even on an equal footing with His Majesty!

This is no ordinary trust.

Su Shi's position in His Majesty's heart is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Hua Jinguan asked in a low voice, "Old Chen, I heard that you are going to be a father-in-law?"

Chen Wangchuan raised his brows, "You old fellow, you are very well informed.

Hua Jinguan smiled and said, "Your daughter and Duke Zhen Guo are nibbling around in public, who in this imperial capital doesn't know?


Chen Wangchuan was a little embarrassed and cleared his throat, "Su Shi and Qingluan are in love with each other, and then choose a good day and auspicious day, three books and six appointments, and the Ming matchmaker is getting married. 99

Hua Jinguan shook his head, "It's a good day and auspicious day, do you know how popular Duke Zhen Guo is now?

The dignitaries in the imperial city, who wouldn't want to marry their daughter to Su Shi?

Now that the royal family is withering, let alone princes and princesses, there are not even one of the 12 princes.

Su Shi is the person closest to His Majesty.

If you can climb a relationship with him, isn't that equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step?

Even some people who don't have daughters at home are ready to start building them now...

Anyway, practitioners have a long life, and it is normal for their partners to be fifty or sixty years apart.

"In the future, there will be women around Su Shi. Even if the matchmaker is getting married, how can he ensure Qingluan's status?""

Chen Wangchuan frowned and said, "Then what do you mean..."

Hua Jinguan looked left and right, and said in his ears, "Why don't you ask Your Majesty to marry him?"

"Give marriage? 99

Chen Wangchuan's eyes lit up.

Great idea!

Su Shi and His Majesty have such a good relationship, His Majesty will definitely not refuse.

If this marriage was personally approved by the Holy Emperor, who else could shake Chen Qingluan's position as the principal room?

He doesn't want Su Shi's status, he just hopes that his daughter will suffer less grievances.

"What Brother Hua said is very true!"

Hua Jinguan shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, Hua Manlou is not a girl, otherwise it would be good to be a concubine for Duke Zhen Guo...

Feng Chaoge's cheeks were slightly red, his eyes were erratic, and he didn't hear the whispers behind him at all.

The touch just now has not dissipated.

His whole body seemed to be numb and crisp, as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

She glared at Su Shi angrily.

The courage of this man is too great.

There was simply no reverence for her at all.

Su Shi looked at the battlefield below with interest.

The reading is not over yet.

The Tiger Armored Army that exercised just now is a standing army guarding the Central Plains.

Now, the ones who enter the arena are the imperial guards guarding the imperial city.

Although there is a huge difference in the number of people, the elite level is even stronger.

"Yes, although it is not as good as the black armored tiger Ben, its strength should not be underestimated.

Su Shi couldn't help but sigh.

Feng Chaoge said: "Hu Ben guards the king's lineage and is a symbol of imperial power, there is no comparison between the two.

Thinking of her sending 30,000 tigers and tens of thousands of tigers to help, Su Shi's eyes flashed tenderly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the matter of the Western Regions.

When the two first met, he felt that the other's mind was cold and full of calculations.

But after this period of time, the impression has gradually changed.

No matter what purpose Feng Chaoge had at the beginning, he was really sincere towards him, and he was tolerant enough.

Which supreme power would be willing to show him this kind of clothes?

Ahem, except for Yun Qiluo...

Feng Chaoge said lightly, "It's good that you know what you have in mind."

Looking at Su Shi's handsome profile, she asked unexpectedly, "Is Princess Sha Xinguo good-looking?


Su Shi froze for a moment.

Feng Chaoge was expressionless, and said coldly: "I am very curious, you must be a peerless beauty if you are willing to risk yourself."

Su Shi scratched his head and said, "Is this important? 99


Feng Chaoge said: "You are the Grand Duke of Zhenguo, who represents the Linlang country, and you are actually the son-in-law of the emperor without authorization. Do you know how bad it will have an impact?"

Su Shi wondered, "What's the impact?"

Feng Chaoge paused, turned his head and said, "This makes me in a very bad mood.

"Once I am in a bad mood, I have no intention to govern the country, and Linlang's national strength will decline.

"When the country falls and the people suffer, all because of you, isn't the impact bad enough?"5

Su Shi rubbed his brows.

What an amazing logic, he didn't know how to refute it.

Seeing her icy expression, Su Shi cautiously said, "Your Majesty must be jealous..."


Feng Chaoge categorically denied it.

The exercise is over soon.

Everyone lined up neatly, waiting for the Holy Emperor to speak.

At this time, a general of the forbidden army wearing a robe to assist the armor came out, knelt down on one knee, "Report to Your Majesty, I have something to report to you! 99

Feng Chaoge said: "Speak."

The general of the forbidden army stared at the white robe, and said loudly: "I have admired Duke Zhen Guo's name for a long time, and I heard that Duke Zhen Guo has both civil and military skills, and I dared to ask for advice!

The high platform was suddenly quiet, and the ministers looked at each other.

Sensing the undisguised hostility of the other party, Su Shi couldn't help frowning slightly.

He didn't know this person, why did he suddenly jump out to trouble him?

Feng Chaoge helped him solve his doubts.

"His name is Han Hao, and his father is Han Chen, the former commander of the Imperial Army."

"Han Chen? 35

Su Shi was taken aback.

When he was in Tianqu Mountain Secret Realm 500, Han Chen wanted to attack him, but he was almost burned to death by the black fire of the Demon Emperor.

Although he survived in the end, his cultivation has fallen sharply and he is unable to serve as the commander of the forbidden army. He has already resigned and returned to his hometown.

The other party obviously blamed it all on him.

Han Hao sneered and said, "Why, does Duke Zhen Guo dare not fight?"

Feng Chaoge looked displeased, waved his hand and said, "You are presumptuous, Duke Zhen Guogong is also something you can provoke? Bring him down to me."


Several guards pulled Han Hao off the battlefield.

Han Hao looked resentful and gritted his teeth: "I thought he was some kind of character, it seems that he is just a timid young man. I really don't know why Your Majesty will value you, a man in the devil's way..."

The words stopped abruptly, and several people stopped.

I saw that the python robe had already stood in front of him at some point.

"It seems that Duke Zhenguo agrees to fight?"

Han Hao's eyes flashed.

Su Shi said lightly: "It's good to be active after sitting for too long.

The other party's mouth was too broken, and he was really upset when he heard it.

Han Hao said confidently: "Let's lead the army to fight, or fight alone, and Duke Zhenguo will choose.

Su Shi said: "I fight alone, you lead the army to fight.

Han Hao frowned, "What do you mean by this?"

Su Shi looked at him indifferently, "You are too weak, let's bring your subordinates with you.""

Chapter 193: Distraction Realm? Still being pressed and bea10!

"You are too weak."

As soon as these words came out, not only Han Hao, but even the faces of the guards changed.

Although Su Shi is strong, it is relative to the younger generation.

And Han Hao is one of the forbidden army battalion officers, a battle-hardened powerhouse in the distraction realm!

This does seem a bit arrogant.

"Emperor Zhen Guo has such a big tone!"

Han Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, "I hope your tactics can be as hard as your mouth!"

Su Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, turned around and walked towards Yanwutai.

on the high platform.

Civil and military officials whispered.

This kind of thing happened at the military parade, completely beyond everyone's expectations.

"How dare this little battalion officer make trouble with Duke Zhen Guo?"

"What little camp officer... This is Han Chen's son."

"Han Chen? So it is. 35

"If I remember correctly, Han Hao is a distraction, right? This is a bit bullying."

"Yes, Duke Zhen Guo is still young after all.

"The Duke of Zhen is too trusting, and the other party is a general of the forbidden army.

The Minister of War sighed, "Anyway, this Han Hao dares to challenge Duke Zhen Guo in public, he really has a bit of backbone.

The others nodded.

Su Shi is the big celebrity in front of His Majesty.

Han Hao's move is undoubtedly at the risk of angering Longyan.

At this time, Chen Wangchuan shook his head and said, "It was the Nether Demon Emperor who deposed Han Chen. If he really had the guts, why wouldn't he challenge the Demon Emperor? 35


The people around were at a loss for words.

Challenging with the Demon King?

Isn't that too long!

"Because he is not the opponent of the Demon Emperor, he transferred his hatred to Su Shi. 99

"I'm getting old, and I want to ask a 20-year-old young man for advice, isn't it just because I have a higher realm than the other party?"

Chen Wangchuan sneered: "In my opinion, this Han Hao is the real rat! 35

He and Han Chen are good friends.

At first, Chen Wangchuan tried to save Han Chen from the Demon Emperor, so he almost took his own life.

If it wasn't for Su Shi to stop the Demon Emperor, I'm afraid both of them would have been burnt to ashes.

To some extent, Su Shi is also Han Chen's savior!

That's why he despised Han Hao's actions so much.

Chen Wangchuan's eyes were cold, and Hua Manlou shook his head secretly.

Han Hao didn't offend Su Shi alone this time...

Feng Chaoge's eyes passed through the beaded curtain and silently looked at the scene below.

Eunuch Wei asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, do you want a slave to take action~"?"

"No need."

Feng Chaoge shook his head and said, "He is not Su Shi's opponent.

Eunuch Wei frowned slightly, "But Han Hao is in the middle stage of distraction after all, and Eunuch Zhen has only Yuan Ying.

"If the winner can be determined only by the realm, what is the meaning of the existence of genius?"

"The realm is reserved for geniuses to cross.

Feng Chaoge said lightly: "I believe in Su Shi.

The military parade is a national event, and it stands to reason that such absurd things should not occur.

But she could see that Su Shi was upset.

"Forget it, let him vent."5


Su Shi stood with his hands behind his back.

Han Hao asked, "Zhenguo's common weapon?

"You don't need weapons against you.

"Hurry up if you want to fight, I'm still waiting to go back and touch the stockings. 99

Seeing Su Shi's impatient expression, Han Hao's eyes became colder.


A gong rang.

The test is just beginning.

"Prince Zhen Guo, be careful.

Han Hao said so, but his subordinates showed no mercy.

The figure instantly appeared behind Su Shi, and the palm of his hand was wrapped in thunder and snapped!

Han Hao smiled bitterly, "What if you are a genius? The gap between realms is too great!

Ridiculously quickly stiffened.

There is no real feeling to this shot.

I saw the "Su Shi" in front of me slowly dissipate as a phantom.

"What about people?"

Suddenly, the hair on the back stood up.

Han Hao suddenly turned his head to look, only to see a crescent moon hanging in the air, and the sword intent was withering like a flower petal.

Feihua Chasing the Moon Sword Immortal.

The silver sword energy is like layers of raging waves, surging continuously!

Han Hao's figure was instantly drowned by sword energy!


His whole body was rippling with golden light, and he caught Haoran Sword Qi abruptly.

A large golden hand floated in the void and grabbed the white figure.

Su Shi flickered and moved at an astonishingly fast speed, even Han Hao's divine sense couldn't capture it!


The air was quiet for a moment.

In the next second, the sword light seemed to tear the world apart!

The golden light of the protective body was directly cut off!

Han Hao's complexion changed, and his body turned into blood and energy escaped.

But it was still a step too late.

I saw Han Hao slowly appearing, the armor on his body cracked, and blood dripped down his arm onto the ground.

The battlefield was dead silent.

The guards stared blankly at this scene.

what's the situation?

Han Yingguan is a strong distraction, how could he be beaten by Su Shi all the way?

"Yes, there is some strength."

Han Hao's face was frosty, and it seemed that he was going to be more serious. 99

His body was filled with blood, and he quickly formed an incomparably tall blood-red giant!

The whole body seems to be composed of a surging sea of ​​blood, exuding an amazing killing energy!

"Do you know where the gap between you and me is?

"The realm of distraction has already involved the way of the soul, and the control over oneself and spiritual power is simply not comparable to that of the Nascent Soul."5

The blood-red giant looked down at Su Shi, his voice was like thunder, "You, you can't be my opponent. 35

Su Shi shook his head, "Noisy."

"Still stubborn?"

The blood-red giant smiled grimly and raised his hill-like palm, but just as he was about to slap it fiercely, a shadow covered him.

The sky suddenly darkened.


The blood-red giant looked up suspiciously, and his expression instantly solidified on his face.

I saw a dharma figure standing in the sky standing behind him, and his figure was more than several times bigger than him!

Wearing an ancient seal, backed by the Milky Way, with all the phenomena in his eyes, there is an endless majestic atmosphere!

"Fa, Fa Xiang?!""

Han Hao looked dull.


He is just a supernatural power that combines murderous aura and spiritual power.

But this golden giant is the real Dharma sign!

"Isn't the golden body of the dharma phase only able to perceive it?

"How could Su Shi..."

Before Han Hao came back to his senses, the golden giant stepped on it with a bang!


The earth dragon turned over, the earth collapsed and the sky collapsed!

The blood-red giant collapsed and dissipated in an instant!

The entire battlefield trembled violently, and the ministers on the high platform almost fell to the ground.

Everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

It turns out that Su Shi was telling the truth.

Han Hao, who was in the distracted state, didn't even have the strength to fight back in front of him!

Feng Chaoge's phoenix eyes widened, and her cherry lips opened slightly.

"Su Shi actually comprehends the Dharma Statue?!

She knew that the other party was a peerless genius, but she didn't expect her comprehension to be so exaggerated!

This can no longer be described as "genius".

It's simply a monster!

Chapter 194: Sneak attack? Death penalty! I want you to have a good time...

Yuan Ying's body comprehends the Dharma?

The civilians may have no idea, but all the military officers and generals are horrified!

The golden body of the law is a unique symbol of the Tong Xuan realm.

Nascent Soul Realm, first involved in soul power, nourishing spirit.

When you reach the state of distraction, you can use soul power, and the soul can be separated from the body for a short time, and the control of yourself is greatly improved.

Only when you step into the realm of Tongxuan, will your soul undergo a qualitative change.

The emptiness of nature grows into concentration, and the mind is enlightened from the profound.

A person with profound knowledge can comprehend the Dao with his soul and form a powerful golden body of the law!

The more mysterious the practice, the more magnificent the atmosphere in the chest, and the more powerful the dharma that one perceives.

As soon as Su Shi entered the Nascent Soul, could he understand the Great Way of Heaven and Earth?

This golden body stands in the sky and the atmosphere is endless.

Obviously still a top dharma image!

The ministers were discussing.

"Is this too exaggerated?!"

"Although I don't understand it, I was shocked!

"Is this the perfect talent of the saint?

"No matter how strong your talent is, you can't ignore the shackles of realm. It seems that Duke Zhen has a great chance! 35

Chen Wangchuan's chest slapped loudly, and said proudly: "The swordsmanship of Duke Zhenguo, but I taught it myself, and will be my son-in-law of the Chen family in the future!""

The surrounding ministers cast envious glances.

If it wasn't for the conditions, who wouldn't want to let their daughter and Duke Zhen Guo gnaw on their lips?

Chen Zongshi was originally an important minister of Linlang, and now he has joined forces with Duke Zhenguo.

The rise of the Chen family has been unstoppable!


For a time, Chen Wangchuan became the focus of the scene, surrounded by the stars and the moon.

Hua Jinguan pinched his chin and muttered to himself, "If I have a daughter now, I don't know if it will be too late? 35

no other meaning.

Mainly I want to improve the genes of the flower family...

Eunuch Wei couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

It seems that His Majesty is right, the so-called realm shackles are completely useless in front of a genius like Su Shi!

On the performance stage, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

The blood-colored giant has disappeared, Han Hao was stepped on by the golden body of the law, his face was pale, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The magical power was broken, causing him to be backlashed, and the meridians in his body seemed to be in a mess.

Basically lost the ability to continue fighting.

Su Shi said lightly: "Can you be convinced?"5

Han Hao was silent for a long time and whispered: "I admit defeat. 95

The faces of the imperial guards were not very natural.

Unexpectedly, Han Yingguan really lost and was defeated by a 20-year-old young man across the border!

Su Shi snapped his fingers, and the golden body of the law slowly dissipated.


I thought I could do a good job, but I didn't expect the other party to be so vulnerable.

When facing the bcec class, he and Jiang Yuan could only temporarily avoid the edge.

Now that Taihe Fu has broken through to the second rank, he can easily crush Han Hao, who is in the distraction realm.

The improvement of strength cannot be counted.

The tyranny of Taihe Fu is evident!

Just as Su Shi turned around and was about to leave, an exclamation came from a distance:

"Prince Zhen Guo, be careful! 35

Looking back, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw Han Hao's eyes were gloomy, with a translucent flying sword hanging above his head.


Flying sword roars!

Su Shi's mind moved, and the sword energy surged like a river.

But this flying sword was completely unaffected, it easily passed through the sword energy, and stabbed directly into the eyebrows!

"This is the way to attack the soul, no matter how strong your sword qi is, you can't resist it!"

"This is the true strength of the distraction realm!

"The soldiers are not tired of deceit, and I can only say that Duke Zhen Guo is too careless. 35

Han Hao smiled very proudly.

This soul power flying sword is his supernatural ability to press the bottom of the box, Su Shi definitely can't handle this trick!

He is the final winner!

But in the next second, Han Hao's smile froze.

I saw the flying sword hovering in the air, unable to pierce no matter what.


The ancient bell in Su Shi's dantian trembled slightly, sending out a clear and melodious bell!

The soul power flying sword collapsed in an instant!

"How, how is it possible?!""

Han Hao's face was full of disbelief.

Su Shi is still proficient in the art of soul attack?

Does he really only have Nascent Soul Realm?

Facing those cold eyes, Han Hao hurriedly said: "I admit defeat, this time I really admit defeat!

The guards bowed their heads in embarrassment.

First admit defeat, then sneak attack. If the sneak attack fails, then surrender.

Being so capricious and unscrupulous, he simply lost the face of the Praetorian Guards.

"You've run out of chances. 35

Su Shi's eyes flashed cold golden light.

If it were replaced by an ordinary Nascent Soul, he would have already died under that sword just now!

Originally, he deliberately kept his hand, not wanting to affect Feng Chaoge's military parade.

Completely outraged now.

Feeling that murderous aura, Han Hao's back shivered, "You, you can't kill me, this is just a test, I'm a guard officer, killing me is a death penalty!"

The generals of the forbidden army on the side also dissuaded:

"Prince Zhen Guo, Han Hao is indeed at fault, but the crime does not lead to death. 35

"The competition is over, and His Majesty is still watching."

"Yeah, don't ram the holy drive."

No matter what, Han Hao is a member of the forbidden army, so he can't just watch him get killed, right?

Han Hao was guarded by the guards behind him, so he was relieved and said with a smile, "Prince Zhen Guo, you won. 35

Su Shi's eyes became colder.

At this moment, Han Hao in the crowd suddenly rose into the air, as if being pinched by an invisible big hand.


Before Han Hao could react, his whole body exploded into blood, and the blood poured down like rain!

Even the soul was crushed and dissipated!

No bones left!

Feng Chaoge's indifferent voice sounded: "Intention to assassinate Duke Zhen Guo is a death penalty.

The air was instantly quiet.

Did the Holy Emperor personally take action?

The generals of the forbidden army who spoke to Han Hao just now had their heads lowered and their bodies were dripping with cold sweat!

Eunuch Wei said loudly: "The forbidden army leaves the field, and the great review continues!

The commanders hurriedly took people away, not daring to stay for a moment.

Su Shi returned to the high platform and sat back beside Feng Chaoge.

The eyes of the civil and military officials behind him flickered.

Although Han Hao was courting death, he had to wait until the military parade was over.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty took action in person, just to help Duke Zhen Guo out?

Chen Wangchuan sighed silently.

"Han Chen, Han Hao. 99

"These father and son, one really likes to court death more than the other..."

Review continues.

Feng Chaoge's attention was not on the battlefield.

Seeing Su Shi's silence, she asked cautiously, "Are you mad at me?

Su Shi shook his head, "It's nothing to do with Your Majesty, I'm just a little upset.

Almost being attacked by someone, it would be a little depressing to change anyone.


Feng Chaoge hesitated for a moment, then quietly took his big hand, lifted the gorgeous skirt, and placed it on the slender jade legs.

Su Shi was stunned, "You are..."

Her jade cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were erratic, "What about now? Are you cool?

Su Shi's throat was a little dry.

"His Majesty?"

Chapter 195 Your Majesty takes care of me? The palms and backs are full of meat, Feng Chaoge is not

Su Shi's heart skipped a beat when he felt the silky smooth feeling as smooth as jade.

Feng Chaoge suppressed his shyness and asked earnestly, "Are you happier now?"

Su Shi swallowed, "Your Majesty...


"You look so cute."


Feng Chaoge's ears were instantly blushing, and even with his cultivation, he couldn't restrain the flustered feeling.

Covering his hot cheeks, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Obviously I didn't drink, why does it seem a little ~ dizzy?

Feng Chaoge said angrily: "I said earlier that I am not feminine, and now I say I am cute... Who knows which of your sentences is true and which is false?

This person likes to gossip the most, so she won't be easily fooled.

"I was wrong before.

Su Shi smiled and said, "His Majesty is not only a good emperor, but also a good wife.

The strength is superior, the status is lofty, and she is also the richest woman in Kyushu.

If anyone could marry her, wouldn't they just struggle for five hundred years less?

Feng Chaoge rolled his eyes at him, "I'm talking nonsense again, I am the Supreme Being of Ninety-five, how can I be a wife?"

Su Shi pinched his chin, "Then you can take care of me. 35


Feng Chaoge was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Su Shi said solemnly: "In simple terms, you give me money, let me touch my legs, and help me fight. And I am responsible for coaxing you to sleep, drinking with you, and bathing you. 39

"Who, who wants you to take a bath!

Feng Chaoge was speechless for a while.

This man's words are getting more and more outrageous.

But coaxing sleep and drinking is quite exciting...

She hesitated for a moment, then said: "Let me think about it first. 55

Su Shi couldn't help laughing.

He was just joking, he didn't expect that the Empress would take it seriously.

At this time, Feng Chaoge frowned and said, "There's no way someone else will take care of you, right?"

Su Shi's expression stiffened, and he said embarrassedly: "How is that possible? I have professional ethics, so I will naturally guard my body like a jade for His Majesty.

"Bah, I don't believe it.

Feng Chaoge secretly spat.

Feeling the warmth and numbness from her legs, her cheeks started to heat up again.

"My relationship with him seems to be getting worse and worse?"

After the Imperial Army retreated, the real elite soldiers entered.

Tiger Ben, Xuanjia, Guiwei, Burning Wind!

These four armies, led by four generals of the Zhuguo, are the absolute elites who guard the imperial court and defend the royal lineage!

General Zhu Guo is the highest official position of a military general, and his real power is even above the prime minister.

The four pillar states of Linlang are: Wei Su, Zhu Zhao, Gao Lin and Yuwen Feiying.

Each of them is a great power in the late stage of the calamity!

Seeing the killing intent soaring into the sky, Su Shi was also excited for a while.

He had seen the strength of the Hu Ben army with his own eyes.

For the countries in the Western Regions, it is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

And with such a brave army, there are four branches in the country of Linlang, no wonder even the savage aliens dare not confront it!

Su Shi couldn't help but wonder, "Since the imperial court is so powerful, why do you still tolerate the ravages of demons?

Feng Chaoge was silent for a moment, then said, "Because of Yun Qiluo."

"Holy Lord? 35

Su Shi froze for a moment.

Feng Chaoge said: "As long as Yun Qiluo is there for one day, the devil's way will never be eradicated.

Even if the Four Pillars Kingdom join forces, they can only slaughter in front of the Demon Emperor.

Only the Supreme can deal with the Supreme, and the sea tactics alone are useless.

Su Shi asked curiously, "Then, Your Majesty or the Holy Master, who is stronger?

Feng Chaoge's expression paused, and said lightly, "She can't help me.

The implication is obvious.

The Demon Emperor can't help her, but she can't help the Demon Emperor either.

Su Shi frowned, "You two won't really fight, will you?

Feng Chaoge shook his head, "If Zhen and Yun Qiluo are desperate, I'm afraid this country will fall and collapse."

Both forces are exercising restraint.

Even cultivators above Nascent Soul seldom take action in Kyushu.

In the final analysis, this world is still the world of the common people, and no one wants to let the entire Linlang country be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine. 99

Feng Chaoge glanced at him, "What are you worried about?"

Su Shi shrugged, "I don't care about this country, but I don't want you to get hurt because of it."

"Hmph, you still have a little conscience... Wait, you said 'we'?"

Feng Chaoge frowned at him, "It's not just me, you are worried about Yun Qiluo?"

Su Shi nodded, "Yes, the palms and backs are full of meat.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Feng Chaoge twisted his head, the bead curtain swayed, and said coldly: "I and Yun Qiluo don't share the sky, let alone the back of the hand!"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"You just need to worry about your Holy Master, even if I die, you don't have to worry about it!

Su Shi's voice moved, and he said cautiously, "Your Majesty is angry?"

"I'm not angry!"

Feng Chaoge glared at him, "Take your hand away, I don't want to touch you!

Su Shi could not laugh or cry.

Still stubborn, clearly just angry.

However, he was caught between the magic way and the imperial court, and this problem could not be avoided forever.

"These two people are incompatible, the only way is to fight for ten times."

"Wait for me to prove Xeon too, and settle them in minutes, I'll spank whoever dares to be disobedient. 95

Su Shi secretly pondered.

The two were silent, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

At this time, Wei Su in silver armor stepped out of the air and knelt in front of Feng Chaoge, "Wei Chen sees your majesty.


Feng Chaoge nodded, "Get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."5

Wei Su stood up.

Seeing Su Shi on the side, he smiled and said, "King Jin, we meet again so soon.

Su Shi cupped his hands and said: "I will always remember the kindness of General Wei who rushed to help.

Wei Su shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me, it's all your Majesty's instructions, but His Majesty misses Duke Zhen Guo very much.


Feng Chaoge said displeasedly, "When did I miss him?"


Wei Su was a little confused.

If you don't care about it, how can you let Hu Ben run for thousands of miles?

Su Shi comforted: "It's okay, Your Majesty is just in a bad mood... By the way, the review should be over, right? 35

Wei Su nodded and said: "Almost, the next step is the space for Wenchen to play."5

At the end of each review, the officials and scholars would write poems to praise them.

On the one hand, it is to please His Majesty, but more importantly, it is to promote Linlang's national prestige.

No matter how powerful the army is, there will be a day when it will end. Only words can enter the annals of history, and it will last forever.

At this time, Wei Su remembered something, "By the way, Duke Zhen Guo is very talented, why don't you take this opportunity to write a poem? It will also open the eyes of me and other rough people?""

Hearing this, Feng Chaoge's ears perked up unconsciously.

Su Shi waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I won't be ugly, and besides, Your Majesty doesn't like to see me writing poems."

"Cough cough. 35

Feng Chao sang like a gnat, "It's fine to write a song..." Qian.

Chapter 196: The sword is the pen, and the poem is shocking! I hope you live well!

Hearing Wei Su's words, the ministers came together one after another.

"Prince Zhen Guo is going to write poetry again?"

"The last 'Rolling Yangtze River's East Passing Water' still makes this old man unforgettable! 35

"In this review, if Duke Zhen Guo can leave another excellent work, he will definitely be able to praise me!"

"Don't be humble, Duke Zhen.

"Who doesn't know that Duke Zhenguo has both civil and military skills and is a great writer?"

Listening to the praise from the people around him, Su Shi shook his head and said, "I have no interest in writing poetry. 35

Before everyone had time to be disappointed, they only heard him continue: "But if Your Majesty likes it, I will think about it.

All eyes focused on the bright yellow phoenix robe.

Feng Chaoge rolled his eyes at him, "I like it, okay?"

Su Shi smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, I also like Your Majesty."

Feng Chaoge blushed and turned her head away from him.

"Five zero zero" this person is making fun of himself again, he really hates it to death.

Although he thought so in his heart, the corners of his mouth turned up inexplicably.

"Since Your Majesty wants to see it, then I can only show my ugliness."

Su Shi stood up.

The civil servants were immediately excited when they saw this.


"Quick, go get the pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

They are not flattering.

But the song "Linjiang Immortal" is really amazing, not only in Weiyangdu, but now widely circulated throughout the Central Plains.

From ancient times to the present, how many people have left handed down works?

Not to mention a young man in his early twenties.

The name of Su Shi has a very high status in the hearts of civil servants and scholars.

Su Shi shook his head and said, "Don't bother, since the topic is a strong army, you should use the battlefield as the paper and the sharp sword as the pen. 35

Looking at the dark army below, he couldn't help but think of the scene in Shaxin Country, where 100,000 soldiers approached the city.

Already have a number in mind.

Step out.

The figure appeared in the air.

It happened that a cloud blocked the sunlight, and the sky and the earth were a little dark.

Hunting in white clothes, it looks like the moon is bright.

Su Shi wielded the Qingshuang sword, and his posture was as frightening as a giant.

The sand and dust covered their sight, and everyone was at a loss for a while.

Feng Chaoge's eyes were slightly startled.

The last sword was cut out, Su Shi retracted the sword and flew back.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a few lines of large characters were seen on the battlefield.

Wei Su read aloud, his voice echoing in the air:

"The black cloud is pressing down on the city and the city is about to be destroyed, and the light of the armor opens to the sun.

"The sound of horns fills the sky with autumn colors, stuffed with Yanzhi to condense the night purple.""

"The half-rolled red flag is approaching Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold is unbearable."5

"Report your favor on the golden platform, and bring Yulong to die for the king.

The place was silent.

Looking at the sharp font, there seems to be a picture in front of everyone:

The enemy soldiers rolled in like a black cloud, trying to destroy the city.

The sound of the horn resounded through the night sky, and the blood clotted in the cold night.

The flag is half-rolled, the night is cold and frosty, and the moment of life and death has come!

The soldiers are steadfast and resolute, unwilling to take a half step back, willing to fight bloody to the death for the monarch!

The font has a faint sword intent, rendering the atmosphere to the extreme, and everyone's hearts are full of tragic and heroic emotions.

As if this is a battlefield filled with gunpowder!

The eyes of the soldiers of the Fourth Army were blood red, their fists clenched tightly, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Blood stained the battlefield, and the horse leather wrapped the body.

No one can feel this feeling better than them.

"I am willing to die for the king!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly aroused thousands of waves.

All the soldiers fell to their knees with a bang, their right hands firmly inserted into their chests.

"I am willing to die for the king!"

"I am willing to die for the king!! 99

The cry resounded through the sky, and the clouds in the sky were washed away!

The sun shines again, shining on the vast armor, it really is the golden scale of the armor!

All the civil and military officials were stunned.

I thought that Su Shi would sing the praises of the monarch's wiseness and the strength of Linlang, but unexpectedly he wrote such a tragic and tragic poem!

But it is in this despair, but can feel a strong cohesion.

Even if it is really beleaguered, Linlang will fight to the last soldier!

"Nice poem!"

"What a poem!

Everyone came back to their senses, and the sky suddenly boiled!

It's still the same as "Linjiang Xian", there is no too gorgeous rhetoric, but the atmosphere and pattern are extremely magnificent!

"Prince Zhen Guo used the sword as his brush, which is really the finishing touch! 99

"Strange, when did the old man cry?"

"To help Yulong die for the king, this is the real graceful festival!

"It's a pity that there is no wine, or else it will be the three big whites!"

"It's another masterpiece that has been handed down from generation to generation. Could it be that Duke Zhenguo is the star of Wenqu?"

The ministers are not stingy with praise...

Wei Su sighed, "No wonder Duke Zhen Guo can comprehend the golden body of the law, he really has a big heart.

Feng Chaoge looked at Su Shi with sparkling eyes.

Although this person is cynical and always likes to make himself angry, once he gets serious, it makes his heart tremble.

"I like this poem very much."

Su Shi said with a smile, "It's good that your Majesty likes it.

Feng Chaoge shook his head and said, "But I don't want you to 'die for the king'99


"If one day, I and Yun Qiluo will fight for their lives, you must hide away, I... I hope you live well.

Su Shi was stunned.

Looking at the serious eyes behind the bead curtain, I couldn't help feeling a little touched.


The two looked at each other.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

After a while, Feng Chaoge said lightly, "Have you touched enough?"

I saw that Su Shi's right hand got into the phoenix robe at some point.

"Sorry, this hand cramps all the time, and sometimes it doesn't follow instructions."5

He smirked and pulled out his hand.

Feng Chaoge glared at him resentfully.

This person is always serious for less than three seconds, and the good atmosphere has been destroyed.

Proofreading is over.

The ministers admired the poems on the battlefield and were reluctant to leave for a long time.

Feng Chaoge got up and boarded the phoenix carriage, looked back at Su Shi, and said, "What are you waiting for?

Su Shi scratched his head, "Your Majesty is not angry with me?"

"If I were serious every time, I would have been pissed to death by you."

Feng Chaoge coldly hummed 4.2 and said, "Why don't you come up quickly?"


Su Shi followed up.

The two got into the golden sedan chair.

After a while, Feng Chaoge's angry and embarrassed voice came: "Don't touch it!"

"...cough, my hands kept calling again.

The luxury chariot rose steadily and headed towards the palace.


Sikong fell to the moon and sat cross-legged, and the needles could be heard falling in the quiet room.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and exhaled slowly.

"Feng Chaoge is right, Pindao's qi-raising skills are not at home. 55

"If you want to have a clear mind on the Tao, you should not rejoice with things or feel sorry for yourself. How can you get angry just because of her words?

"That's right, but the problem is..."

"Pindao is really unhappy!"

Chapter 197 Xiaoqing's big news! Zhan Qingchen is jealous!

Sikong Luyue was surrounded by clouds and mists.

It was just playing chess and chatting with Feng Chaoge. As a result, the heart of Dao has been difficult to calm down until now.

"Pindao and men are infatuated with each other?

"It's outrageous!"

Sikong Yueyue felt resentful in his heart.

It's also a little weird.

Feng Chaoge seems to be different from before.

A little less icy calculation, a little more firework, and even the tone of speech has become different.

It feels like...a lot softer?

dong dong dong.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

Sikong Yueyue sat upright, "Come in.

The door was pushed open, and Zhan Qingchen walked in, "This disciple has seen Master.

Sikong Zuiyue said, "Are you looking for a teacher?"

Zhan Qingchen asked, "I heard that Shizun went to Weiyang Capital, but for Su Shi's business?"

Sikong Yueyue nodded, "That's right."

Su Shi is now not only the son of the devil, but also the first-class duke of Linlang and an important official of the imperial court.

If you want the other party to come to Haoyunzhou, you must know Feng Chaoge.

Zhan Qingchen looked expectantly and said, "What did the Empress say?"

"she says..."

Sikong 12's face is unnatural, "Cough, it doesn't matter what she says.

Originally, she was moved by love.

But when she thought of what Feng Chaoge said, she felt uncomfortable all over, as if she had impure intentions towards Su Shi.

"Let's go with the flow, the words have already been brought, whether he wants to come or not is his own business, and the poor can't force it too much."

"All right."

Zhan Qingchen was a little lost.

Seeing this, Sikong Chuyue frowned slightly, "Qingchen, you don't really like Su Shi, do you?


Zhan Qingchen was stunned for a moment, and said in a hurry: "How, how is it possible?!

Sikong Yueyue shook his head and said, "You are paying more and more attention to Su Shi, as long as you mention this name, your heart will speed up, your breathing will become disordered, and even Dao's heart will be shaken.

"Wouldn't it really be like what Feng Chaoge said, you fell in love with that devil child?"

Zhan Qingchen forced a smile and said: "Master thinks too much, the disciple is just grateful for Su Shi's life-saving grace, and at the same time appreciates the other's talent.


Sikong Luyue looked suspicious.

Although it feels a little wrong, she doesn't understand what "like" means, and she doesn't know how people who are in love will behave.

Naturally, it is impossible to judge the relationship between the two.

The only certainty is that Zhan Qingchen doesn't hate Su Shi.

"Better so.""

Sikong Zhuoyue urged: "You must always remember that the love between men and women is poison that penetrates the intestines. The red dust will blind your Dao heart, destroy your beliefs, and even end your immortal path."5

Zhan Qingchen nodded and said, "Disciple understands.

Sikong Yueyue nodded and said, "Go on.""


Zhan Qingchen bowed and exited the room.

Closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sticking out his tongue, he secretly said, "It's so dangerous, I was almost discovered by Master!"

If Shizun finds out about the relationship between the two of them, I am afraid that Su Shi will never want to climb the Tianji Pavilion mountain gate in his life!

"I haven't seen that bad guy for a long time, and I don't know if he misses me?"

Zhan Qingchen sighed, turned and walked down the mountain.

Back at the chief's residence, just pushed open the door, I saw Xiaoqing running over excitedly, "Chief, there is big news!"

Zhan Qingchen asked curiously, "What news makes you so excited?"

Xiaoqing said: "There is a sand-hearted country in the oasis of the Western Regions, which announced its surrender to Linlang a few days ago, and has become a vassal state of Linlang.

"That's it?

Zhan Qingchen laughed and said, "When did you start caring about national affairs?"

Xiaoqing said mysteriously: "The main thing has a lot to do with Su Shi.

Zhan Qingchen was taken aback, "What do you mean by this? 99"

Xiaoqing didn't give up and said: "Su Shi and the princess of Shaxinguo are in love with each other, and they have become the emperor of Shaxinguo.

"What did you say?!"

Zhan Qingchen stood there like a sculpture as if struck by lightning.

Xiaoqing said to herself: "It is said that Su Shi did not hesitate to be surrounded by an army of 100,000 for the sake of the princess! 35

"If the Hu Ben army hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

"What a true and touching love.""

Xiaoqing shook her head and sighed.

Zhan Qingchen bit his lip, his eyes resentful.

True love?

I was thinking about Su Shi in my heart, but he went to the Western Regions to have sex with other women?

This made her heart sour for a while.

"However, this matter can't just be heard from one side."

"Maybe Su Shi has his own difficulties... or you have to ask him face to face."

Before things were clear, Zhan Qingchen didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Xiaoqing said proudly, "How about this, isn't this news exciting enough?

Zhan Qingchen nodded, "Thank you for telling me."

Xiaoqing smiled and said, "You are too polite.

Zhan Qingchen said lightly: "Then I will punish you for half a year's salary.


The air was quiet for a long time.

Xiaoqing reminded cautiously: "Chief, my salary this year has already been fined."

Zhan Qingchen said: "Then it will be punished next year.

"Next year's is gone."


Youzhou in southern Xinjiang.

In the Rakshasa Palace, Yun Qiluo looked at Jiang Yuan who was kneeling in front of him, and said coldly, "You said that the Holy Son was taken away by the court?"

Jiang Yuan took the lead and said, "It's the general of the Zhu Kingdom, Wei Su, who also brought 30,000 black armored tigers.

Yun Qiluo's eyes turned cold.

When Su Shi said he went to the Western Regions, he didn't care too much since 500.

After all, in his capacity, who in the oasis countries would dare to think a little bit?

But didn't expect so many things to happen?

"Where did another princess of the Sand Heart Kingdom appear?

Yun Qiluo frowned.

This guy is really merciful.

With a woman he doesn't know, he can't count with his fingers!

"Wei Su must have been ordered by Feng Chaoge to take Su Shi away.

"What the hell does that woman want to do?"

Yun Qiluo suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.


Word spread quickly about what happened at the military parade.

The name of Duke Zhenguo resounded in Kyoto once again.

The body of Nascent Soul, comprehends the golden body of the Dharma, and presses and rubs the strong person in the distraction realm on the ground.

The opponent even made a sneak attack, but Su Shi couldn't help it.

In the end, he was killed by the Holy Emperor himself.

You must know that the Holy Emperor has not taken action in person for many years!

In addition, Su Shi used swords as a substitute for writing poems.

A song "Dark Clouds Overwhelms the City and Wants to Destroy the City" once again swept the "literary and art circle" in Kyoto


It is regarded as a treasure by literati and writers and is vying to be passed down from generation to generation.

And Su Shi, who was in the center of the whirlpool, was soaking in the jade pool in the bedroom at this time, looking at Feng Chaoge seriously.

"Your Majesty, are you sure you don't need me to give you a bath?"

Chapter 198 The blind box is opened, the magical picture scroll! Goodbye Alia!

Su Shi lay on the edge of Yuchi, propped his chin and looked at Feng Chaoge.

"Is Your Majesty really not going to wash together?"

Feng Chaoge glanced at him, and snorted coldly, "Presumptuous, who wants to wash with you?"

This guy is really unpredictable.

Obviously only at the age of two decades, but he can understand the golden body of the law and write such magnificent poems.

It must be a majestic atmosphere and pattern.

But when he is not serious, he has become a prodigal son, full of nonsense, and his actions are extremely absurd.

Feng Chaoge's eyes were a little lost, and he couldn't help but whisper: "Su Shi, what kind of person are you?

Su Shi smiled and said, "It should be His Majesty's sweetheart, right?"

Feng Chaoge: (⊙_⊙)

"Heart, sweetheart?

She looked flustered and stammered: "You are talking nonsense again, Zhen, when did I put you at ease?"

Su Shi looked straight at her, "If Your Majesty doesn't put me at ease, why would General Wei lead his troops to help?"

Feng Chaoge's eyes flickered, "You are a minister of the imperial court, and I naturally want to protect you. If you replace it with other ministers, I will do the same..."

Su Shi: "Will you be jealous?"

Feng Chaoge stomped his feet and said angrily, "I don't want to talk to you!"

Looking at his strong and sturdy chest, his cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot.

She had just used the pool yesterday, and it felt like an indirect skin-to-skin kiss.

"Come out quickly after washing, don't dirty my pool."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Su Shi soaked in the warm spiritual spring, and the body and mind were relaxed and stretched.

There is a sound in the ear:

[Increased prestige in the Lin Lang army will affect the subsequent plot trend and gain plot value of 30 points. ]

[The prestige of Weiyang Capital increases, which affects the follow-up plot trend and obtains 20 plot points. ]

"I just copied a poem, and I actually gave 50 plot points?

Su Shi pinched his chin, "Then I'll just copy a few songs after that, and I won't make a fortune directly~"?"

He felt that he had mastered the code of wealth.

Open the system panel:

[Host: Destiny Killer Su Shi]

[Status: full of qi and blood, refreshed]

[Talent: Perfect Saint Product]

[Realm: Middle Nascent Soul]

[Gong method: Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Taihe Fu (Second Revolution), Heaven and Human Scripture (Consummation), Nether Breathing Method (Dacheng)...l

[Plot value: 135 points]

The plot value, which was only cleared not long ago, has now reached more than 100 points again.

As the status becomes higher and the influence becomes stronger, the scope of changing the plot also becomes larger and larger.

"Taihe Fu has just entered the second rank, and it has not yet stabilized, so I am not in a hurry to exchange fire.

"The incomplete little bell has not yet sensed, it seems that it should be the reason for the lack of realm.


"Open a blind box first?"

Su Shi thought secretly.

Although the first two blind boxes were outrageous, but thinking of the shy Demon Emperor wearing a bellyband, and the silky smooth feel of the Empress... It doesn't seem to be completely unacceptable?


The prize pool rotates, and the streamer flashes.

A gift box opens automatically.

[Fantastic Objects: Picturesque Rivers and Mountains]

Su Shi has an extra scroll in his hand.

After opening, a magnificent picture scroll unfolds in front of you.

I saw the ups and downs of mountains and rivers, and the rushing rivers, as if overlooking a miniature version of the real world!

However, only a small part can be seen, and most of the rest are shrouded in clouds.

"what is this?"

Look at the item introduction:

[A picturesque landscape: This picture scroll is endowed with mysterious power, which will change in real time according to the development of various forces. The host can only observe the faction he is in, and can cross the void between the factions, and can only be used once a day. ]

Su Shi looked carefully.

The parts that can be observed at present are limited to Linlang and Shaxin.